Anti-Masonry and Vindications

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Les Plus Secrets Mysteres Des Hauts Grades de la Maçonnerie Dévoilés, ou Le Vrai Rose-Croix, traduit de l’Anglois; Suivi Du Noachite, Traduit De l’Allemand. A Jerusalem. 1767 1767 A 795 KOP 1891/256
The Anti-Masonic Review and Magazine. Vols. I. & II. 1828-30 1828 A 791 ANT 1891/339
An Inquiry into the Nature and Tendency of Speculative Freemasonry (Stearns, J. C.), 1869. Stearns, J. C. 1869 A 795 STE 1891/422
A Defence of Freemasonry (Woodford, A. F. A.),1874. Woodford, A. F. A. 1874 A 798 WOO 1891/430
Apologie pour l’Ordre des Francs-Maçons. 1745 1745 A 798 N 1891/437
Apologie pour l’Ordre des Francs-Maçons. 1785 1785 A 798 N 1891/438
Les Francs-Maçons Ecrasés. Suite du livre intituled L’Ordre des Francs-Maçons Trahi. Traduit du latin. 1762 1762 A 795 LAR 1891/441
Freemasonry, a Word to the Wise. 1796 1796 A 798 FRE 1891/450
Solomon in all his Glory: or, The Master-Mason. 1768 1768 A 795 WIL 1891/453
Solomon in all his Glory: or, The Master-Mason. Being a true guide To the inmost Recesses of Free-Masonry, Both Ancient and Modern. 1777 1777 A 795 WIL 1891/454.1
The Three Distinct Knocks; or, The Door of the Most Ancient Free-Masonry; opening to all Men, Neither Naked nor Clothed, Bare-footed nor Shod, &c.The Fifth Edition. A 795 THR 1891/457
Jachin and Boaz, or an Authentic Key to the Door of Freemasonry, both Ancient and Modern. 1765 1765 A 795 JAC 1891/459
Jachin and Boaz, or an Authentic Key to the Door of Freemasonry, both Ancient and Modern. 1800 1800 A 795 JAC 1891/460
The Entertaining Mystery of Freemasonry; to which are added the Mason-word and Catechism. (Prichard, Samuel), 1803 Prichard, Samuel 1803 A 795 PRI 1891/461
The Free Mason examin’d, or, the World brought out of Darkness Into Light. (Slade, Alexander) 1754 Slade, Alexander 1754 A 795 SLA 1891/463
L’Ordre des Francs-Maçons Trahi et le Secret des Mopses Révélé. A Amsterdam et se débite a Geneve. Chez Henri Albert Gosse and Comp. 1752 1752 A 795 ORD 1891/467
L’Ordre des Francs-Maçons Trahi, et leur Secret Révélé. A l’Orient. Chez G. de l’Etoile, entre l’Equerre & le Compas, vis-à-vis le Soleil couchant. 1778 1778 A 795 ORD 1891/468
La Reception Mysterieuse des Membres de la celebre Societe des Francs-Maçons, (Prichard, Samuel),1738. Prichard, Samuel 1738 A 795 PRI 1891/470
Manual of Freemasonry. Part I (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1891/486
Mahhabone: or, The Grand Lodge Door Open’d. Wherein is discovered The Whole Secrets of Free-Masonry, Both Ancient and Modern. 1766 1766 A 795 MAH 1891/491
Jachin and Boaz, or an Authentic Key to the Door of Freemasonry, both Ancient and Modern. 1821 1821 A 795 JAC 1891/522.1
Masonry Dissected: being an universal and genuine description of all its branches, from the original to the present time (Prichard, Samuel), Prichard, Samuel A 795 PRI 1891/522.3
0.3 Roll of Members of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. 1853 1853 A 795 MAS 1891/522.4
0.2 A New Year’s Gift to the Pope or The Freemasons Vindicated (Lukis, Rev. W. C.),1882. Lukis, Rev. W. C. 1882 A 798 LUK 1891/529.2
Hiram: or, the Grand Master - Key To the Door of both Antient and Modern Free-Masonry:1766 1766 A 795 HIR 1914/59
Jachin and Boaz; or, an Authentic Key to the Door of Free-masonry, both Antient and Modern. 1799 1799 A 795 JAC 1916/54
The Realities of Freemasonry (Blake, Mrs.), 1879. Blake, Mrs. 1879 A 795 BLA 1917/48
Weltfreimaurerei Weltrevolution Weltrepublik (Wichtl, Dr. Friedrich), 1919. Wichtl, Dr. Friedrich 1919 A 791 WIC 1919/72
The Secret Warfare of Freemasonry against Church and State. Translated from the German. 1875 1875 A 791 SEC 1920/24
Les Francs-Maçons Ecrasés. Suite du livre intituled L’Ordre des Francs-Maçons Trahi. Traduit du latin. 1766 1766 A 795 LAR 1920/27
Les Francs-Maçons Ecrasés. Suite du livre intituled L’Ordre des Francs-Maçons Trahi. Traduit du latin. 1778 1778 A 795 LAR 1921/45
Irish and English Freemasons and their Foreign Brothers: Their System, Oaths, &c. (Gargano, M. di), 1878. Gargano, M. di 1878 A 795 GAR 1927/310
Manual of Freemasonry. (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1931/21
A Letter on the Antichristian Character of Freemasonry (Trevilian, M. C.), 1849. Trevilian, M. C. 1849 A 791 TRE 1933/184
Manual of Freemasonry. Part I (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1933/35
The Free Mason examin’d, or, the World brought out of Darkness Into Light. (Slade, Alexander) 1754 Slade, Alexander 1754 A 795 SLA 1933/49
Solomon in all his Glory: or, The Master-Mason. Being a True Guide To the inmost Recesses of Free-Masonry, Both Ancient and Modern. 1766 1766 A 795 WIL 1933/50
A Letter on the Antichristian Character of Freemasonry (Trevilian, M. C.), 1849. Trevilian, M. C. 1849 A 791 TRE 1933/65
Les Francs-Maçons Ecrasés. Suite du livre intituled L’Ordre des Francs-Maçons Trahi. Traduit du latin. 1747 1747 A 795 LAR 1934/1134
Masonry Dissected: being an universal and genuine description of all its branches, from the original to the present time (Prichard, Samuel),14th Edition Prichard, Samuel A 795 PRI 1934/1146
The Three Distinct Knocks; or, The Door of the Most Ancient Free-Masonry; opening to all Men, Neither Naked nor Clothed, Bare-footed nor Shod, &c.The Eighth Edition. A 795 THR 1934/1148
JACHIN AND BOAZ; or, an Authentic Key to the Door of Free-masonry, both Antient and Modern. 1877 1877 A 795 JAC 1934/1198
A Manual of the First Three Degrees; with an Introductory Key-stone to the Royal Arch. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. (Carlile, Richard) 1845 Carlile, Richard 1845 A 795 CAR 1934/21
L’Ordre des Francs-Maçons Trahi et le Secret des Mopses Révélé. A Amsterdam et se débite a Geneve. Chez Henri Albert Gosse and Comp. 1778 1778 A 795 ORD 1934/49.1
Light on Masonry (Bernard, Elder David ), 1829. Bernard, Elder David 1829 A 795 BER 1934/53
Every Young Man’s Companion (Gordon, W.), 1777. Gordon, W. 1777 A 795 GOR 1934/54
A Ritual, and Illustrations of Free-Masonry, &c. By a Traveller in the United States. 1848 1848 A 795 ALL 1934/59
L’Ordre des Francs-Maçons Trahi, et leur Secret Révélé. A 795 ORD 1934/610
Allerneueste Entdeckung der verborgensten Geheimnisse der hohen Stuffen der Freimaurerei, 1768 1768 A 795 LAR 1934/616
Allerneuste Geheimnisse der Freymaurer 1780. 1780 A 795 LAR 1934/618
Apologie pour l’Ordre des Francs-Maçons, Par Mr. N...., 1742. 1742 A 798 N 1934/652
Mahhabone: or, The Grand Lodge Door Open’d. Wherein is Discovered The Whole Secrets of Free-Masonry, Both Ancient and Modern. 1766 1766 A 795 MAH 1934/703
Hiram: or, the Grand Master - Key To the Door of both Antient and Modern Free-Masonry:1766 1766 A 795 HIR 1934/704
A Ritual, and Illustrations of Free-Masonry, &c. By a Traveller in the United States. Tenth Thousand. 1851 A 795 ALL 1934/706
Freemasonry Part 1 A manual of the First Three Degrees with an introductory Keystone to the Royal arch (Carlile, Richard) 1858 Carlile, Richard 1858 A 795 CAR 1935/101
Jachin and Boaz London 1818 1818 A 795 JAC 1935/96
Freemasonry Part 1. A manual of the First Three Degrees (Carlile, Richard) 1843 Carlile, Richard 1843 A 795 CAR 1935/97
Exposure of Freemasonry (Carlile, Richard) 1831 Carlile, Richard 1831 A 795 CAR 1935/98
Menace of Freemasonry to the Christian Faith (Hunt, Rev. Penney) N.D. Hunt, Rev. Penney A 791 HUN 1937/100
Manual of Freemasonry. (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1939/1332
Solomon in all his Glory or The Master Mason - An Officer in the Army. 1766 1766 A 795 WIL 1941/35
Freemasonry. A Candid Examination by A Past Master A 791 PAS 1941/38
Les Mysteres de la Franc-Maçonnerie dévoilés l (Taxil, Léo) Taxil, Léo A 795 TAX 1941/53
Manual of Freemasonry Parts 1,2 & 3 (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1941/80
The Menace of Freemasonry to the Christian Faith (Hunt, Rev. C. Penny) Rev. Hunt, C. Penny 1942 A 791 HUN 1942/14
Irish & English Freemasons & their Foreign Brothers 1878 1942 A 795 GAR 1942/40
Six Letters from John Quincy Adams to Edward Livingston on masonry. Philadelphia 1833 1833 A 798 STO 1942/43
Masonic Reprints. Reception d'un Franc-Macon (Thorp) 1737 Thorp 1737 A 795 HER 1944/21
A Defence of the Freemasons &c. in Answer to Professor John Robinson's Proof of A Conspiracy 1797 1797 A 798 FRI 1945/13
Tubal-Kain, Being the Second Part of Solomon in all His Glory A 795 PRI 1945/17
A Modest Apology for the Ancient and Honourable Family of the Wrongheads. 1744 1744 A 795 MOD 1945/19
Le Parfait Maçon Élu m/s A 795 PAR 1945/37
Mac-Benac, er lebet im sohn 1818 1818 A 791 LIN 1945/42
De Allerverborgenste Geheimen van de Hoofdgraden der Metzelary 1786 1786 A 795 LAR 1945/45
The Freemason's Accusation and Defence 1726 1726 A 791 FRE 1945/5
L'ordre des Francs-Macons Trahi et Le Secret des Mopses revelé (Peran Abbe. G.L) 1745 Peran Abbe. G.L 1745 A 795 ORD 1947/7
Irish & English Freemasons & their Foreign Brethren 1879 1879 A 795 GAR 1957/42.3
A Ritual & Illustrations of Freemasonry with a key to Phi Beta Kappa A 795 ALL 1959/56
Manual of Freemasonry (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1960/10
Freemasonry, Its Origin, Aims & Methods - Roman Catholic Publication in Pamphlet Form (Clune, George) Clune, George A 791 CLU 1960/49
Freemasonry - Roman Catholic Publication in Pamphlet Form (Thurston, S.J.) Thurston, S.J. A 791 THU 1960/50
A Ritual and Illustrations of Freemasonry by a Traveller in the USA dated 1851 1851 A 795 ALL 1960/54
Manual of Freemasonry 1845 1845 A 795 CAR 1961/26.33
The Freemasons' Own Ritual (Went, K.P.) Went, K.P. A 795 WEN 1963/61
Freemasonry Its Character and Purpose - A Pamphlet (Cahill, Rev. S.J.) Cahill, Rev. S.J. A 791 CAH 1963/80
The Mysteries of Free Masonry (Morgan, Capt. William) 1831 Morgan, Capt. William 1831 A 795 MOR 1964/141
A Ritual & Illustrations of Freemasonry & the Orange & Odd Fellows Soc. (Avery, Allyn)1848 Avery, Allyn 1848 A 795 ALL 1964/344
Les Plus Secrets Mysteres des Hauts Grades de la Maconerie Devoiles 1764 1764 A 795 KOP 1964/355
Les Plus Secrets Mysteres des Haut Grades de la Maçonnerie dévoilés ou Le Vrai Rose-Croix 1768 1768 A 795 KOP 1964/365
Darkness Visible (Hannah, Walton) Hannah, Walton A 795 HAN 1964/57
The Freemason Examined (Slade, Alex) 1740 Slade, Alex 1740 A 795 SLA 1965/99
Jachin & Boaz 1795 1795 A 795 JAC 1967/107
The Unlocked Secret. Masonry Examined (Dewar, J.) Dewar, J. A 795 DEW 1967/145
The Unlocked Secret (Dewar) 1966 Dewar 1966 A 795 DEW 1967/28
Manual of Freemasonry (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1968/28
Irish and English Freemasons and their Foreign Brothers 1877 A 795 GAR 1968/75.55
Monitor of Freemasonry 1914 (Richardson) Richardson, Jabez 1914 A 795 RIC 1969/10.13
Ritual and Illustrations of Freemasonry: Accompanied by Numerous Engravings and a Key to the Phi Beta Kappa (Avery, Allyn) Allyn, Avery A 795 ALL 1969/10.16
Manual of Freemasonry (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1969/56
Monitor of Freemasonry 1914 (Richardson) Richardson 1914 A 795 RIC 1969/79
Manual of Freemasonry (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1970/47
Freemasonry A Candid Examination (A Past Master) 1934 1934 A 791 PAS 1971/69
The Menace of Freemasonry to the Christian Faith (Hunt, Rev. C. Penny) 1930 Hunt, Rev. C. Penny 1930 A 791 HUN 1971/73
The Manual of Freemasonry A 795 CAR 1971/76
The Early French Exposures 1737-1751 Ed-(Carr, H.)1971 Carr, H. 1971 A 795 CAR 1971/85
Manual of Freemasonry (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1972/13.10
Manual of Freemasonry (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 1974/35
Ritual and Illustrations of Freemasonry: Accompanied by Numerous Engravings and a Key to the Phi Beta Kappa (Avery, Allyn) Avery, Allyn A 795 ALL 1979/47
Ritual and Illustrations of Freemasonry: Accompanied by Numerous Engravings and a Key to the Phi Beta Kappa 1826 1826 A 795 ALL 1982/98
Light Invisible (Vindex) Vindex A 798 VIN 1983/69
Secret Warfare of Freemasonry 1875 1875 A 791 SEC 1983/70
The English Masonic Exposures 1766-1769 (Jackson, A.C.F.) Jackson, A.C.F. A 795 JAC 1986/10
Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor (Duncan, Malcolm C.) Duncan, Malcolm C A 795 DUN 1987/48
Christian Degrees (Hannah, W.) Hannah, W. A 795 HAN 1989/22
Early French Exposures Ed (Carr, H.) Carr, H. A 795 CAR 1993/118
Darkness Visible (Hannah, Walton) Ninth edition1957 Hannah, Walton 1957 A 795 HAN 1993/38
Light Invisible (Vindex) Vindex A 798 VIN 1993/39
The Unlocked Secret - Freemasonry Examined (Dewar, James) Dewar, James A 795 DEW 1993/50
The Brotherhood. The Secret Wold of the Freemasons (Knight, Stephen) 1984 Knight, Stephen 1984 A 791 KNI 1998/42
Inside the Brotherhood (Short, Martin) Short, Martin A 791 SHO 1998/43
The Brotherhood. The Secret Wold of the Freemasons (Knight, Stephen) 1984 Knight, Stephen 1984 A 791 KNI 1999/41
Catholics and Freemasonry (Rumble, Dr. L.) 1952 Rumble, Dr. L. 1952 A 791 RUM 2006/1210
Freemasonry (Thurston, Rev. Herbert) Revised Edition; Catholic Truth Society Thurston, Rev. Herbert A 791 THU 2006/433
The Brotherhood Of Light Ancient Masonry Introduction (Benjamine, Elbert) 1938 Benjamine, Elbert 1938 A 795 BEN 2007/150.50
No, We're not a funny Bunch of People (Lancaster, Johnny) Lancaster, Johnny A 798 LAN 2007/53
Darkness Visible (Hannah, Walton) Hannah, Walton A 795 HAN 2007/97
Darkness Visible (Hannah, Walton) Hannah, Walton 1966 A 795 HAN 2008/20
Revised Freemasonry Illustrated. The complete ritual of the first seven masonic degrees (Doesburg, Jacob O.) 1925 Doesburg, Jacob O. 1925 A 795 DOE 2008/25.121
Light on Masonry (Bernard, Elder David) 1829 Bernard, Elder David 1829 A 795 BER 2008/25.122
Inside the Brotherhood (Short, Martin) 1989 Short, Martin 1989 A 791 SHO 2008/25.13
Christian by Degrees 4th edition (Hannah, Walton) 1964 Hannah, Walton 1964 A 795 HAN 2008/25.135
Christianity and American Freemasonry (Whalen, William J.) 1961 Whalen, William J. 1961 A 791 WHA 2008/25.137
Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated. Volume 2. 19th to 33rd degree inclusive (Blanchard, J.) 1979 Blanchard, J. 1979 A 795 SOV 2008/25.155
Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated. Volume 1. 4th to 18th degree inclusive (Blanchard, J.) 1979 Blanchard, J. 1979 A 795 SOV 2008/25.158
Christianity and American Freemasonry (Whalen, William J.) 1961 Whalen, William J. 1961 A 791 WHA 2008/25.193
Christianity and American Freemasonry (Whalen, William J.) 4th printing 1961 Whalen, William J. 1961 A 791 WHA 2008/25.194
English Masonic Exposures 1760-1769 (Jackson, A.C.F.) 1986 Jackson, A.C.F. 1986 A 795 JAC 2008/25.195
The Brotherhood. The Secret Wold of the Freemasons (Knight, Stephen) 1984 Knight, Stephen 1984 A 791 KNI 2008/25.51
Darkness Visible (Hannah, Walton) Hannah, Walton A 795 HAN 2008/25.6
The Early French Exposures 1737-1751 (Carr, Harry) Carr, Harry A 795 CAR 2008/25.7
Ritual and Illustrations of Freemasonry: Accompanied by Numerous Engravings and a Key to the Phi Beta Kappa (Avery, Allyn) Avery, Allyn A 795 ALL 2008/25.75
The Early French Exposures 1737-1751 (Carr, Harry) Carr, Harry A 795 CAR 2008/25.8
Manual of Freemasonry (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 2008/25.81
Manual of Freemasonry (Carlile, Richard) Carlile, Richard A 795 CAR 2008/25.82
A Ritual and Illustrations of Freemasonry and a key to Phi Beta Kappa A 795 ALL 2008/25.85
A Defence of Freemasonry 2nd Edition (Woodford, A.F.A.) 1896 Woodford, A.F.A. 1896 A 798 WOO 2008/61.92
The Red Triangle - A History of Anti-Masonry (Cooper, Robert L.D.) 2011 Cooper, Robert L.D. 2011 BE 790 COO 2011/12.3
Masons - What they believe (Berry, Harold) Berry, Harold 1993 A 791 BER 2011/40.25
The Freemasons' Own Ritual (Went, K.P.) Went, K.P. A 795 WEN 2011/40.29
Revised Duncan's Ritual and Monitor of Freemasonry or Guide to the Three Symbolic Degrees EA, FC, MM and Revised Duncan's Royal Arch Ritual (Duncan, Malcolm C.)1922 Duncan, Malcolm C. A 795 DUN 2011/40.31
Inside the Brotherhood (Short, Martin) 1989. Short, Martin 1989 A 791 SHO 2013/24.4
Turning the Solomon Key (Lomas, Robert) 2009 Lomas, Robert 2009 A 795 LOM 2014/12.15
The Brotherhood (Knight, Stephen) 1985 Knight, Stephen 1985 A 791 KNI 2014/12.16
Genesis of the Grail Kings (Gardner, Laurence) 2000 Gardner, Laurence 2000 795 GAR 2014/12.19
Freemasonry and the Christian Faith (Box, Hubert S.) 1951 Box, Hubert S. 1951 A 791 BOX 2014/34.11
Revised Knight Templarism illustrated (Blanchard, Charles, A.) 1944 Blanchard, Charles, A. 1911 A 795 KNI 2014/53.25
Christian by Degrees - Masonic religion revealed in the light of faith (Hannah, Walton) 1964 Hannah, Walton 1964 A 795 HAN 2014/53.9
Illustrations of Masonry; Capt Wm Morgan's Exposition of Freemasonry 1926 Capt. Morgan, William 1926 UA 795 MOR 2014/58.538
Turning the Hiram Key, making Darkness Visible - softback (Lomas, Robert) 2005 Lomas, Robert 2005 A 795 LOM 2016/10.10
Turning the Hiram Key, Making Darkness Visible (Lomas, Robert) 2005 Lomas, Robert 2005 A 795 LOM 2016/10.9
Masons - What they Believe (Berry, Harold J.) 1990 Berry, Harold J 1990 A 791 BER 2017/3.134
The Freemason Examined (Slade, Alexander) Slade, Alexander A 795 SLA 2018/25.37
Freemasonry as a Cult: a summary of the text of a tape recording by the Revd David Paswon with the comments of Christopher Haffner (Haffner, Christopher) 1991 Haffner, Christopher 1991 A 792 HAF 2018/7.192
Freeasonry, a religion? (Lawrence, John) 1989 Rev. Lawrence, John T. 1989 A 795 LAW 2018/7.259
The Red Triangle, A History of Anti-Masonry (Cooper, Robert L.D.) 2011 Cooper, Robert L.D. 2011 BE 790 COO 2018/7.332
Manual of Freemasonry in Three Parts (Carlile, Richard) 1858 Carlile, Richard 1858 BE 795 CAR 2018/7.371
Turning the Hiram Key, making darkness visible, signed copy (Lomas, Robert) 2005 Lomas, Robert 2005 A 795 LOM 2018/7.92

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