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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry
A Manual of the First Three Degrees; with an Introductory Key-stone to the Royal Arch. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. (Carlile, Richard) 1845
Author:- Carlile, Richard
Date:- 1845 -
UGLE Classification:- A 795 CAR - Anti-Masonry & Vindications: So-called `Exposures'
WMLMT Classification:- Exposures
Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)
Manual of Masonry; containing the Royal Arch and Knights Templar Degrees, &c.
Part II. Manual of Masonry;
Part III. Containing the Degrees of Mark Man, &c.
pp. xvi. 79; XXXi. 56; xxxix. 123. 6¾”x4”. W. Dugdale, London, 1845.