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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

Solomon in all his Glory: or, The Master-Mason. Being a True Guide To the inmost Recesses of Free-Masonry, Both Ancient and Modern. 1766

Date:- 1766 -

UGLE Classification:- A 795 WIL - Anti-Masonry & Vindications: So-called `Exposures'

Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)


Containing, A minute Account of the Proceedings from an Entered Apprentice to a Past Master, with the different Signs, Words, and Gripes. Illustrated with Several elegant Copper-Plates, exhibiting the different Lodges, Free-Masons Cyphers, &c. To which is - added, A Complete List of all the English Regular Lodges in the World, according to their Seniority, with the Dates of each Constitution, and Days of Meeting. By T. W. an Officer in the Army, and late Master of the Swan Tavern Lodge in the Strand. Translated from the French Original published at Berlin; and burnt by Order of the King of Prussia, at the Intercession of the Free-Masons. Sit mibifas audita loqui, sit numini vestro Pandere res altâ terra & caligine mersas. Verg.Aen.vi,

London: Printed for G. Robinson and J. Roberts, in Pater-noster-row. MDCCLXVI. Price 2s.


pp. viii. 66. 7¾”x4¾”. 1766.
