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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

The Anti-Masonic Review and Magazine. Vols. I. & II. 1828-30

Date:- 1828 -

UGLE Classification:- A 791 ANT - Anti-Masonry & Vindications: General

WMLMT Classification:- Magazines/Periodicals

Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)


Published Monthly in the City of New York. Intended to take note of the Origin and History, of the Pretensions and Characters, and of the Standard Works and Productions of Freemasonry. By HENRY DANA WARD, A.M., a renouncing Mason. “Mene mene tekel upharsin.”—The Prophet Daniel. New York: Vanderpool and Cole, Printers, 104 Beekman Street. 1828.

The Anti.Masonic excitement that prevailed for a time in the United States led to an immense quantity of literature, chiefly noted for its virulence and absurdity, and now collected only by the curious. It possibly served the aims of a political party, although even that is doubtful, for the collapse of the movement was a complete fiasco.


8¼”x5¼” New York.
