Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry
Manual of Freemasonry. Part I (Carlile, Richard)
Author:- Carlile, Richard
UGLE Classification:- A 795 CAR - Anti-Masonry & Vindications: So-called `Exposures'
WMLMT Classification:- Exposures
Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)
Containing the first three Degrees, with an introductory key stone to the Royal Arch. Part II. containing the Royal Arch and Knights Templar Druids, with an explanatory introduction to the science. Part III. containing the Degrees of Mark Man, Mark Masters, Architect, Grand Architect, Scotch Master or Superintendant, Secret Master, Perfect Master, Intimate Secretary, Intendant of the Buildings, Past Master, Excellent Masons, Super Excellent Masons, nine elected Knights, Elect of Nine, Priestly Order of Israel, &c., &c., with an explanatory introduction to the science, and free translation of some of the Sacred Scripture Names. By RICHARDCARLILE.
This man was never a Mason, and owed no little of his knowledge to Finch. Carlile says “a good Mason is another name for a good Christian,” and whenever that is in reality the case there need be no anxiety as to the influence of such trashy books as the foregoing, which actually owe their circulation to the insatiable curiosity of the heedless of the Fraternity, who foolishly drink from a polluted stream.
London: Reeves and Turner, 196 Strand, W.C.
pp. xv. 311. 6¾”x4”. Reeves & Turner, London, n.d.