Royal Arch

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
Abstract of Laws for the Society of Royal Arch Masons. 1782 1782 BE 320 SUP 1891/107
Laws and Regulations for the Order of Royal Arch Masons. Revised and Amended by the Supreme Grand Chapter, 5th February, 1823. 1823 BE 320 SUP 1891/108
General Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England, established by the Grand Chapter. 1843 1843 BE 320 SUP 1891/109
General Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England, established by the Grand Chapter. 1852 1852 BE 320 SUP 1891/110
General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England. 1864 1864 BE 320 SUP 1891/111
General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England. 1869 1869 BE 320 SUP 1891/112
General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England. 1875 1875 BE 320 SUP 1891/113
General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England. 1879 1879 BE 320 SUP 1891/114
General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England. 1886 1886 BE 320 SUP 1891/115
Laws and Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Scotland. Edinburgh, A.D. 1861. 1861 BS 320 SCO 1891/153
General Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Scotland. Edinburgh. A.D. 1845 1845 BS 320 SCO 1891/154
Laws and Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Scotland. 1869 1869 BS 320 SCO 1891/155
The Origin of the Royal Arch Order of Masonry, historically considered; (Oliver, Rev. G.), 1867. Oliver, Rev. G. 1867 BE 312 OLI 1891/186
History of the Royal Arch Chapter of Concord, No. 37, Bolton, (Newton, J.), 1885. 37 Newton, J. 1885 BE 366 (37 ) NEW 1891/209
Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada. 1869 1869 K 320 GRA 1891/233
0.1 Some Account of the Schism, &c. (Oliver, Rev. G.),1847. Oliver, Rev. G. 1847 BE 312 OLI 1891/522.2
0.2 Royal Arch Masonry in the Province of Northumberlandunder the superintendance of A. Potter 1885. 1885 BE 356 (NOR ) NOR 1891/531.17
General Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England, established by the Grand Chapter. 1886 1886 BE 320 SUP 1913/59
The Perfect Ceremonies of The Royal Arch Degree. To which are added, The Lecture And Ceremony of Consecrating a Chapter. Dated1880 1880 BE 395 PER 1913/66
By-Laws of the Hope & Charity Chapter No.377 approved 15/3/1900 377 1900 BE 367 (377 ) HOP 1913/70
Manuscript Ritual for the Ceremony of the Holy Royal Arch Various BE 395 RIT 1914/19
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire approved 26/5/1892 1892 BE 357 WAR 1914/33
Rules and Regulations of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire approved 27/11/1867 1867 BE 357 WAR 1914/34
By-Laws of “Semper Fidelis” Chapter No. 529 of Royal Arch Masons approved 9/3/1891. 529 1891 BE 367 (529 ) SEM 1915/48
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Staffordshire approved 20/11/1884 1884 BE 357 STA 1916/93.1
Bye-Laws of the Royal Arch Chapter of St. Wulstan attached to the Worcester Lodge No.280 approved 10/8/1858 280 1858 BE 367 (280 ) STW 1917/39.1
By-Laws of St. Wulstan's Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.280 approved 13/3/1879 280 1879 BE 367 (280 ) STW 1917/39.2
By-Laws of St. Wulstan's Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.280 approved 13/3/1879 280 1879 BE 367 (280 ) STW 1917/39.3
Scottish R A Regulations 1861 1861 BS 320 SCO 1917/47.2
Laws and Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Scotland 1869 1869 BS 320 GRA 1917/47.3
R A Regulations 1886 1886 BE 320 SUP 1917/78.1
Consecration of Fairfax Chapter, 3255. Ceremonial to be Observed, &c. 1910 3255 1910 BE 366 (3255 ) FAI 1917/85
History of the Elkington Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, No. 1016, 1870-1920. (Hammond, W.B.), 1921. 1016 Hammond, W.B. 1921 BE 366 (1016 ) HAM 1925/77
Regulations Royal Arch Masons of 1864 1864 BE 320 ROY 1929/45
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire approved 26/5/1892 Reprinted 1/5/1907. 1907 BE 357 WAR 1930/104
Bye-Laws of the Howe Royal Arch Chapter No.587 approved 18/7/1872. 587 1872 BE 367 (587 ) HOW 1930/105
By-Laws of the Arter Royal Arch Chapter No.2654 approved 19/4/1920. 2654 1920 BE 367 (2654 ) ART 1930/107
Bye-Laws with List of Founders & Officers of the Faithful Royal Arch Chapter No. 473 approved 1/7/1918 473 1918 BE 367 (473 ) FAI 1930/108
The Perfect Ceremonies of The Royal Arch Degree. To which are added, The Lecture and Ceremony of Consecrating a Chapter. 1894 1894 BE 395 PER 1930/63
Constitutions and Laws of the Grand Chapter of Scotland dated 1927 1927 BS 320 GRA 1930/85
History of the Howe Chapter, No. 587, formerly No. 857. (Penn, F. J.),1913. 587 Penn, F. J. 1913 BE 366 (587 ) PEN 1930/92
2.4 By-Laws Zetland Royal Arch Chapter No.1157 1889 1889 HTE 367 (1157 ) ZET 1931/54
Howe Chapter (Penn) 587 Penn BE 366 (587 ) PEN 1932/28
Royal Arch Masonry (Stokes, John), 1924. Stokes, John 1924 BE 312 STO 1933/41
Note book containing handwritten Ritual of the Royal Arch BE 395 RIT 1933/44
Laws and Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Scotland. Edinburgh, A.D. 1861. 1861 BS 320 SCO 1934/1305
General Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England, established by the Grand Chapter. 1843 1843 BE 320 SUP 1934/1306
Origins of the Royal Arch (Oliver) 1867 Oliver 1867 BE 312 OLI 1934/149
Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Shropshire. Installation of Rowland George Venables as Grand Superintendent, 1913. 1913 BE 358 SHR 1934/180
Royal Arch Regulations 1864 (Smith, John) Smith, John 1864 BE 320 SUP 1934/246
Royal Arch Regulations 1864 (Ind & Tilt) Ind; Tilt 1864 BE 320 SUP 1934/247
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1886 - pocket size 1886 BE 320 SUP 1934/248
General Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England, established by the Grand Chapter. 1900 1900 BE 320 SUP 1934/249
Provincial Grand Chapter of Shropshire, Installation of R G Venables 6/11/1913 1913 BE 356 (SHO ) SHR 1934/309
The By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of West Yorkshire, of Royal Arch Masons. 1860 1860 BE 357 YOW 1934/471
Bye-Laws or Regulations of the Edinburgh Royal Arch Chapter No.1 dated 1848 64 1848 BS 367 (1 ) EDI 1934/472.1
Rules and Regulations of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Cornwall approved 27/3/1877 1877 BE 357 COR 1934/475
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of the Western Division of Lancashire BE 357 LAW 1934/476
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of the Western Division of Lancashire approved 20/12/1887 1887 BE 357 LAW 1934/477
Rules and Regulations of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire approved 27/11/1867 dated 1868 1868 BE 357 WAR 1934/478
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire approved 26/5/1892 1892 BE 357 WAR 1934/479
By-Laws for the Government of the Provincial Grand Chapter of the Province of Worcestershire approved 15/2/1882 1882 BE 357 WOR 1934/480
By-Laws for the Government of the Provincial Grand Chapter of the Province of Worcestershire. 1911 1911 BE 357 WOR 1934/482
By-Laws of the St. Thomas’s Chapter No.142 of Royal Arch Masons approved 24/2/1879 142 1879 BE 367 (142 ) STT 1934/484
By-Laws of the Campbell Royal Arch Chapter No.3643 approved 22/11/1918 dated 1919 3643 1919 BE 367 (3643 ) CAM 1934/487
Bye-Laws of the Godson Chapter No.2385 approved 19/1/1901. 2385 1901 BE 367 (2385 ) GOD 1934/489
By-Laws of “Semper Fidelis” Chapter No.529 of Royal Arch Masons approved 23/2/1910. 529 1910 BE 367 (529 ) SEM 1934/490
By-Laws of St. Wulstan’s Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.280, Worcester approved 13/3/1879. 280 1879 BE 367 (280 ) STW 1934/492
By-Laws of St. Wulstan’s Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.280 approved 29/3/1894. 280 1894 BE 367 (280 ) STW 1934/493
Draft By-Laws of the United Chapter No.1629 dated 1903 1629 1903 BE 367 (1629 ) UNI 1934/494
Bye-Laws of the St. John’s Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.348 approved 13/12/1870. 348 1870 BE 367 (348 ) STJ 1934/495
Bye-Laws for the Management of the Chapter of Dudley of Royal Arch Masons attached to the Harmonic Lodge No. 313 approved January 1854 252 1854 BE 367 (252 ) DUD 1934/496
Bye-Laws of the Royal Standard Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.498 dated 1888 498 1888 BE 367 (498 ) ROY 1934/497
By-Laws of the St. George’s Chapter No.2099 of Royal Arch Masons approved 19/11/1889. 2099 1889 BE 367 (2099 ) STG 1934/498
By-Laws of the” Page “Chapter No.3378 Royal Arch Masons approved 2/11/1920 3378 1920 BE 367 (3378 ) PAG 1934/499
General Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England, established by the Grand Chapter. 1875 - pocket size 1875 BE 320 SUP 1934/5
By-Laws of the Henry Levander Chapter No. 2048 of Royal Arch Masons approved 21/8/1886 2048 1886 BE 367 (2048 ) HEN 1934/500
By-Laws of the Panmure Chapter No.720 approved 12/11/1866 dated 1867 720 1867 BE 367 (720 ) PAN 1934/501
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1908 - pocket size 1908 BE 320 SUP 1934/592
The Perfect Ceremonies of The Royal Arch Degree. To which are added, The Lecture And Ceremony of Consecrating a Chapter. Dated 1883 1883 BE 395 PER 1934/668
The Sections of the Holy Royal Arch Degree. From a Valuable Manuscript hitherto unpublished. BE 395 SEC 1934/676
The Ceremonies, etc. of The Holy Royal Arch. Also of Passing the Vails. (Claret, G.) dated1845 Claret, G. 1845 BE 395 CLA 1934/686
The Perfect Ceremonies of The Royal Arch Degree dated 1905 1905 BE 395 PER 1934/693
0.1 By Laws and Rules of the Royal Arch Chapter of the Leinster Lodge No.141 1846 141 1846 BR 367 (141 ) LEI 1934/70.30
Manuscript Ritual for Ceremony of Exaltation in the Ho;y Royal Arch (Bristow, William. Of Tipton). Bristow, William. of Tipton BE 395 BRI 1934/724
One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Jerusalem Chapter, No. 3, Royal Arch Masons, as celebrated, &c., Philadelphia, &c., 1883. 3 1883 UTX 366 (3 ) JER 1934/760
The Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch (Shepley, W. S.), 1892. Shepley, W. S. 1892 BE 335 SHE 1934/775
The History of Royal Arch Masonry in Sheffield (Stokes, John & Flather, David) 1922 Stokes, John; Flather, David 1922 BE 314 STO 1934/799
Royal Arch Regulations 1886 1886 BE 320 SUP 1934/816
Laws and Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Scotland. 1861 1861 BS 320 SCO 1934/936
General Regulations for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Scotland. 1845 1845 BS 320 GRA 1934/937
The Origin of the Royal Arch (Oliver, Rev. G.), 1867. Oliver, Rev. G. 1867 BE 312 OLI 1934/957
Fifty Years' Masonic Reminiscences (Kelly, William) 1888 Kelly, William 1888 BE 407 KEL 1934/99
By-Laws of Semper Fidelis Chapter No.529 of Royal Arch Masons dated 17/9/1928 529 1928 BE 367 (529 ) SEM 1935/21
Manuscript Ritual of Installation of the Principals in Royal Arch Installation Ritual BE 395 RIT 1936/132
By-Laws of the Calpean Chapter Royal Arch No.278 approved 14/7/1922 278 1922 RG 367 (278 ) CAL 1936/154
By-Laws of the Calpean Chapter Royal Arch No.278 approved 12/4/1917 revised to 8/3/1922 278 1922 RG 367 (278 ) CAL 1936/155
Bye-Laws St Thomas RA SC No.168 confirmed 21/2/1921 dated 1922 168 1922 RG 367 (168 ) STT 1936/156
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire approved 8/10/1914 reprinted 1924 1924 BE 357 WAR 1936/21
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1917 - pocket size 1918 BE 320 SUP 1936/22
By-Laws of the St Laurence Chapter No.2724 approved 24/6/1930 2724 1930 BE 367 (2724 ) STL 1936/23
By-Laws of Stechford Chapter No.3185 approved 24/1/1930 3185 1930 BE 367 (3185 ) STE 1936/28
Bye-Laws of the Lechmere-Hughes Volunteer Chapter No.1874 approved 15/11/1919 with handwritten amendments approved 14/3/1923 1874 1923 BE 367 (1874 ) LEC 1936/29
Bye-Laws of the Dudley Chapter No.252 of Royal Arch Masons approved 24/7/1929 252 1929 BE 367 (252 ) DUD 1936/30
By-Laws of the Abbot Lichfield Chapter No.3308 approved 6/4/1921 3308 1921 BE 367 (3308 ) ABB 1936/34
Manuscript Royal for the Holy Arch Ritual (Bristow, W.) Bristow, W. BE 395 BRI 1936/40
The Midland workings of the Royal Arch ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, etc. dated 1909 1909 BE 395 MID 1936/54
Revised By-Laws of the Masefield Chapter No.2034 approved 7/1/1931 2034 1931 BE 367 (2034 ) MAS 1936/6
Manuscript Royal Arch Ritual BE 395 RIT 1936/66
Manuscript Ritual for Royal Arch Cover missing BE 395 ROY 1936/68
By-Laws of the Perseverance Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.573 approved 11/11/1914 amended 24/10/1929 573 1929 BE 367 (573 ) PER 1936/84
By-Laws of Semper Fidelis Chapter No.529 of Royal Arch Masons approved 13/11/1929 529 1929 BE 367 (529 ) SEM 1936/87
Manuscript Ritual for Royal Arch BE 395 RIT 1937/73
By-Laws of the Dudley Chapter No.252 of Royal Arch Masons 252 BE 367 (252 ) DUD 1937/85
Guide to the Chapter (Sheville & Gould) Sheville; Gould UA 407 SHE 1938/178
Laws and Regulations of the Grand Chapter of Ireland, Including those for the Government of Mark Master Mason's Lodges 1918 1918 BR 320 IRE 1938/198
St. Peter's Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No. 419, 1842-1942 (Steward, F.L.) 1942 419 Steward, F.L. 1942 BE 366 (419 ) STE 1942/23
History of the Howe Chapter R.A. No. 587 Warwickshire 1855-1913 587 1913 BE 366 (587 ) PEN 1942/47
R.A. Regulations 1886 1886 BE 320 SUP 1942/6
A Short History of the Chapter of Dudley Chapter No.252 (Cherrington, Harry & Thomas A.E.) 1944 252 Cherrington, Harry; Thomas A.E. 1944 BE 366 (252 ) CHE 1944/26
History of the Royal York Chapter No.81 (Bentham, R.) 81 Bentham, R. BE 366 (81 ) BEN 1944/30
Royal Arch Regulations 1st Edition 1778 1778 BE 320 SUP 1945/20
York Grand Chapter (Johnson, G.Y.) Johnson, G.Y. BE 314 JOH 1949/11
The Wakefield Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No 495 1848-1949 (Rylands, John Richard) 495 Rylands, John Richard 1949 BE 366 (495 ) RYL 1950/6
Perfect Ceremonies of the Royal Arch Degree to which are added The Lecture and Ceremony of Consecrating a Chapter dated 1885 1888 BE 395 PER 1951/10
The Orders of Malta (Johnson, Hall) 1949 Johnson, Hall 1949 BE 351 JOH 1955/5.1
The Craft & The Royal Arch (Topley, W.H.) Topley, W.H. BE 397 TOP 1957/3
Holy Royal Arch Chapter Ensigns & Standards BE 402 BAR 1959/25
Book of the Chapter or Monitorial Instructions in the Degrees of Mark, Past and Most Excellent Master, and the Holy Royal arch (Mackey, Albert G.) 1858 Mackey, Albert G. 1858 UA 407 MAC 1959/4
An Explanation of the Royal Arch Degree (Ward, J.S.M.) Ward, J.S.M. BE 397 WAR 1959/81
A History of the Salisbury Chapter No. 435 (Watson, J.H.) 1932 435 Watson, J.H. 1932 BE 366 (435 ) WAT 1960/27
The History of the Edinburgh RA Chapter No.1 1778-1910 (Davis, William A.) 1911 1 Davis, William A. 1911 BS 366 (1 ) DAV 1960/28
By-Laws of the United Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.1341 dated 1921 1341 1921 NHE 367 (1341 ) UNI 1960/47.2
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1917 - pocket size 1921 BE 320 SUP 1960/47.6
The ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught in the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement No.1657 : lectures and installation ceremonies complete dated 1921 1921 BE 395 ALD 1960/47.7
Holy Royal Arch Chapter Ensigns and Standards (Barlow, C.T.) Barlow, C.T. BE 402 BAR 1961/23.5
The Origin of the Royal Arch Degree (Oliver,George) 1867 Oliver,George 1867 BE 312 OLI 1961/26.37
Antiquity of the Holy Royal Arch (Castells, F de P) 1927 Castells, F de P 1927 BE 310 CAS 1961/26.38
Explanation of the Royal Arch Degree (Ward, J.S.M.) 1925 Ward, J.S.M. 1925 BE 397 WAR 1961/26.41
The Royal Arch Work: a handbook of practical directions (Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H.) 1912 Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H. 1912 BE 407 MAC 1961/26.50
Royal Arch Masonry Working Explained (Inman, Herbert F.) 1933 Inman, Herbert F. 1933 BE 397 INM 1961/26.57
The Holy Royal Arch The Principal (Holmes-Dallimore, A.) 1929 Holmes-Dallimore, A. 1929 BE 400 HOL 1961/26.58
Royal Arch Masonry (Stokes, John) 1924 Stokes, John 1924 BE 312 STO 1961/44
By-Laws of the Garden City Chapter No.3112 approved 31/5/1948 3112 1948 BE 367 (3112 ) GAR 1962/1.6
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1949 - pocket size 1951 BE 320 SUP 1962/1.9
Grand Orient of Spain Ritual del Real Arco VBR 308 RUI 1962/5.5
Antiquity of the Holy Royal Arch (Castells) 1927 Castells 1927 BE 310 CAS 1963/51.11
Royal Arch Working Explained (Inman) Inman 1963 BE 397 INM 1963/51.9
The Royal Standard Chapter No.498 Centenary 1854 -1954 (Kent, Arthur) 1954 498 Kent, Arthur 1954 BE 366 (498 ) KEN 1963/52.3
The Royal Standard Chapter No.498 1854 - 1954 (Kent, Arthur) 1954 498 Kent, Arthur 1954 BE 366 (498 ) KEN 1963/52.4
Royal Arch Working Explained (Inman) Inman BE 397 INM 1963/93
Proceedings of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England. Freemasons' Hall, London 1868-1885 1895 BE 340 SUP 1964/113
Proceedings of the District Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Natal held on 22/3/1924 1924 GNE 362 NAT 1964/16.2
Royal Arch Chapter of St. James, 1788-1888 (Rylands, W.H.) 1891 2 Rylands, W.H. 1891 BE 366 (2 ) RYL 1964/375
St. Peter's Chapter of Royal arch Masons No. 419, 1842-1942 (Steward, F.L.) 1942 419 Steward, F.L. 1942 BE 366 (419 ) STE 1964/376
History of Royal Arch Masonry in Sheffield (Stokes, J. & Flather, D.) 1922 Stokes, J.; Flather, D. 1922 BE 314 STO 1964/379
History of the Edinburgh Royal Arch Chapter No.1 (Davis, W.A.) 1911 1 Davis, W.A. 1911 BS 366 (1 ) DAV 1964/380
Royal Arch Masonry in Whitby from 1782-1898 (Fox-Thomas, Rev. E.) 1898 Fox-Thomas, Rev. E. 1898 BE 314 FOX 1964/381
Proceedings of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England. Freemasons' Hall, London 1886-1895 1895 BE 340 SUP 1964/499
List of R.A. Chapters 1789 1789 BE 335 LIS 1965/71
HRA Chapter Ensigns and Standards (Barlow, C.T.) Barlow, C.T. BE 402 BAR 1966/60.2
RA Masons Regulations 1852 1852 BE 320 ROY 1967/113
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1956 - pocket size 1956 BE 320 SUP 1967/20.6
The Four Principal Banners of the Royal Arch. Read at Godson Chapter No.2385 10/4/1942 (Grosvenor-Smyth, Rev. F.A.) Grosvenor-Smyth, Rev. F.A. 1942 BE 402 GRO 1967/69
Bi-Centenary 1766-1966 Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons Special Convocation 1/7/1966 1966 BE 340 SUP 1969/10.36
The Story of the Royal Arch (Harvey, William) 1919 Harvey, William 1919 BE 407 HAR 1969/53
Short History of the Chapter of Dudley No.252 (Cherrington, Harry, Thomas, A.E.) 1944 252 Cherrington, Harry, Thomas, A.E. 1944 BE 366 (252 ) CHE 1969/76
Historical Analysis of the Holy Royal Arch Ritual (Castells) 1929 Castells 1929 BE 397 CAS 1970/112
A Short History of the Chapter of Dudley Chapter No.252 (Cherrington, Harry & Thomas A.E.) 1944 252 Cherrington, Harry; Thomas, A.E. 1944 BE 366 (252 ) CHE 1970/18
Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch (Jones, Bernard E.) Revised Edition Jones, Bernard E. BE 308 JON 1970/27
Consitution & Laws of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons of Scotland 1927 Amended and reprinted 1965 1965 BS 320 SUP 1970/31
Supreme Grand Chapters of Scotland Constitutions 1915 1915 BS 320 GRA 1970/33
Elkington Chapter No.1016 Centenary 1870-1970 (Hughes, E.) 1970 1016 Hughes, E. 1970 BE 366 (1016 ) HUG 1971/21
HRA Chapter Ensigns & Standards (Barlow, C.T.) 1949 Barlow, C.T. 1949 BE 402 BAR 1971/54
Royal Arch Masonry (Stokes, J.) 1924 Stokes, J. 1924 BE 312 STO 1972/13.9
Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch (Jones, Bernard E.) 1971 Jones, Bernard E. 1971 BE 308 JON 1972/56.1
Holy Royal Arch Chapter: Ensigns & Standards (Barlow, CT) Barlow, CT BE 402 BAR 1972/56.4
A Short History of the Chapter of Dudley Chapter No.252 (Cherrington, Harry & Thomas A.E.) 1944 252 Cherrington, Harry; Thomas A.E. 1944 BE 366 (252 ) CHE 1972/56.5
Supreme Grand Chapter RA Masons of England Bi-Centenary 1766-1966 Especial Convocation 1/7/1966 1966 BE 335 SUP 1978/102
Royal Arch Working Explained (Inman, Herbert F.) 1933 Inman, Herbert F. 1933 BE 397 INM 1978/99
Some Royal Arch Terms Examined (Wells, Roy A.) 1978 Wells, Roy A. 1978 BE 308 WEL 1979/101.1
Freemason's Royal Arch Guide (Ogilvie, E.E.) 1978 Ogilvie, E.E. 1978 BE 407 OGI 1980/49
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1961 - pocket size 1960 BE 320 SUP 1984/45
Royal Arch Matters (Wells, Roy A.) 1984 Wells, Roy A. 1984 BE 308 WEL 1985/21
Introduction to Royal Arch Masonry (Essex Master) 1931 1931 BE 370 ROE 1985/41
By Laws Royal Standard Chapter attached to the Royal Standard Lodge No.730 dated 1855 498 1855 BE 367 (498 ) ROY 1987/56
A Short History of the Chapter of Dudley No.252 (Cherrington, Harry; Thomas, A.E.) 1944 252 Cherrington, Harry; Thomas, A.E. 1944 BE 366 (252 ) CHE 1993/126
The Craft & the Royal Arch (Topley, W.H.) 1945 Topley, W.H. 1945 BE 397 TOP 1993/141.1
The Craft & the Royal Arch (Topley, W.H.) 1945 Topley, W. Henry 1945 BE 397 TOP 1993/141.2
Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch (Jones, Bernard E.) 1986 Jones, Bernard E. 1986 BE 308 JON 1993/151
Historical Analysis of the Holy Royal Arch (Castells, F. de P.) Castells, F. de P. BE 397 CAS 1993/34
Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch (Jones, Bernard E.) Jones, Bernard E. BE 308 JON 1993/52
Antiquity of the Holy Royal Arch (Castells) Castells BE 310 CAS 1993/79
An Explanation of the Royal Arch Degree (Ward, J.S.) Ward, J.S. BE 397 WAR 1994/10
Antiquity of the Holy Royal Arch (Castells F de P) 1927 Castells F de P 1927 BE 310 CAS 1994/11
Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch (Jones, Bernard E.) Jones, Bernard E. BE 308 JON 1994/9
History of Howe Chapter No.587 1855-1913 (Penn, F.J.) 587 Penn, F.J. 1913 BE 366 (587 ) PEN 1996/9
History of Godson Chapter No.2385, The First Hundred Years (Wolverson, T) 2385 Wolverson, T BE 366 (2385 ) GOD 1999/46
A History of Royal Arch Freemasonry in Shropshire 1797-1982 (Temperton, Harold) 1984 Temperton, Harold 1982 BE 356 (SHO ) TEM 1999/51
The Story of the Royal Arch (Harvey, William) second edition 1946 Harvey, William 1946 BE 312 HAR 2000/60
History of the Howe Chapter No.587 (Penn, F.J) 587 Penn, Fredrick J. BE 366 (587 ) PEN 2000/75
Provincial Grand Chapter Worcestershire Appointments etc. 1915-1949 1949 BE 352 (WOR ) WOR 2000/86
What Do You Know About the Royal Arch? (Cryer) 2004 Cryer 2004 BE 312 CRY 2002/38
History of the Chapter of Fortitude No.43 1783-1962 (Russell, R.G.) 1968 43 Russell, R.G. 1968 BE 366 (43 ) RUS 2002/49
Chapter of Hope & Charity No.377: A History 1871-1999 (Hackett, John C.) 1999 377 Hackett, John C. 1999 BE 366 (377 ) HAC 2003/31.1
Chapter of Hope & Charity No.377: A History 1871-1999 (Hackett, John C.) 1999 377 Hackett, John C. 1999 BE 366 (377 ) HAC 2003/31.2
Understanding the Royal Arch (Sandbach, Richard) Sandbach, Richard BE 304 SAN 2005/77
The Chapter and the City 200yrs of Freemasonry in Winchester (Sermon, David) 2003 76 Sermon, David 2003 BE 366 (76 ) SER 2005/81
Bi-Centenary 1766-1966 Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons 1/7/1966 1966 BE 340 SUP 2006/1143
History Chapter of Fortitude No.43 1783-1962 (Russell, R.G.) 43 Russell, R.G. 1962 BE 366 (43 ) RUS 2006/1240
Royal Standard Chapter No.498 Centenary 1954 (Kent, Arthur) 498 Kent, Arthur 1954 BE 366 (498 ) KEN 2006/1293
Warwickshire First Principals Chapter No.4538 The First Twenty Five Years 1960-1985 4538 1985 BE 366 (4538 ) WAR 2006/1353
Grand Chapitre de L'Arche Royale pour la France; Reglemeny Général 1930 1930 YFR 320 GRA 2006/1408
"…`the sacred word to keep'… Some Comments on Royal Arch Ritual (Mendoza, Harry) reprint from Masonic Square Decenber 1986 Mendoza, Harry 1986 BE 397 MEN 2006/172
Ritual - The Complete Ceremony of Passing the Veils BE 395/2 RIT 2006/1754
Supreme Grand R.A. Chapter of State of Israel Silver Jubilee Issue 1969-1994 1994 WE 335 SUP 2006/410
Supreme Grand Chapter RA of England Bi-Centenary 1766-1966 Especial Convocation 1/7/1966 1966 BE 340 SUP 2006/488
H.R.A. Ensigns and Standards (Barlow, C.T.) 1949 Barlow, C.T. 1949 BE 402 BAR 2006/500
Bi-Centenary 1766-1966 Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England 1/7/1966 1966 BE 340 SUP 2006/734
Bye Laws of RA Chapter of St Andrew and St. John, No.4, Toronto 1871 1871 KON 366 (4 ) SAI 2006/833
The Sesquicentenial History of the Chapter of Dudley No.252 (Edwards, D.M. & Jenkins, G.V.) 1944 252 Edwards, D.M.; Jenkins, G.V. 1944 BE 366 (252 ) EDW 2006/963
History of Chapter of Fortitude No. 43 1783-1962 (Russell R.G.) 1968 43 Russell R.G. 1968 BE 366 (43 ) RUS 2006/964
Some Royal Arch Terms Examined (Wells, Roy A.) 1978 Wells, Roy A. 1978 BE 306 WEL 2007/104
Holy Royal Arch Chapter Ensigns and Standards (Barlow, C.T.) 1949 Barlow, C.T. 1949 BE 402 BAR 2007/150.10
Revised By-Laws of the Perseverance Chapter No.573 with handwritten amendments as approved 27/11/1953 573 1953 BE 367 (573 ) PER 2007/150.156
Provincial Grand Chapter of Essex. Suggestions to RA Chapters 5 edition 1974 1974 BE 407 ESS 2007/150.162
Elkington Chapter No.1016 1870-1970 1016 1970 BE 366 (1016 ) ELK 2007/150.202
Companions All - A Centenary History of the United Royal Arch Chapter No.1341 (Cox, Kenneth T.O.) 1982 1341 Cox, Kenneth 1982 NHE 366 (1341 ) COX 2007/150.211
The Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch - MS. History (Shepley, W. S.), 1892. Shepley, W S 1892 BE 335 SHE 2007/150.213
The Craft and the Royal Arch (Topley, W.H.) 1945 Topley, W.H. 1945 BE 397 TOP 2007/150.6
The Wakefield Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No 495 1848-1949 (Rylands, John Richard) 495 Rylands, John Richard 1949 BE 366 (495 ) RYL 2007/150.63
History of the Edinburgh Royal Arch Chapter No.1 (Davis, W.A.) 1911 1 Davis, W.A. 1911 BS 366 (1 ) DAV 2007/150.77
Regulations for the Order of Royal Arch Masons (Hervey, John) 1869 Hervey, John 1869 BE 320 HER 2007/28
Royal Arch Matters (Wells, Roy A.) Wells, Roy A. BE 308 WEL 2007/54
What do you Know about the Royal Arch? (Cryer, Rev. Neville Barker) 2002 Cryer, Rev. Neville Barker 2002 BE 312 CRY 2007/55
The Royal Arch. Its Hidden Meaning (Steinmetz, George H.) Steinmetz, George H. UA 370 STE 2007/70
Holy Royal Arch. The Principal (Holmes-Dallimore, A.) Holmes-Dallimore, A. BE 400 HOL 2007/72
The History of the Royal Arch Province of Buckinghamshire 1891-1991 (Dunbabin, R.W.G.) 1991 Dunbabin, R.W.G. 1991 BE 356 (BUC ) DUN 2008/25.143
The Royal Arch Its Hidden Meaning (Steinmetz, George H.) 1979 Steinmetz, George H. 1979 UA 370 STE 2008/25.148
Freemasons' Royal Arch Guide (Ogilvie, E.E.) 1978 Ogilvie, E.E. 1978 BE 407 OGI 2008/25.41
A Short History of The Chapter of Dudley No.252 (Cherrington, Harry & Thomas, A.E.) 252 Cherrington, Harry; Thomas, A.E. BE 366 (252 ) CHE 2008/25.49
Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch (Jones, Bernard E.) Revised Impression 1970 Jones, Bernard E. 1970 BE 308 JON 2008/25.64
Some Royal Arch Terms Examined (Wells, Roy A.) 1978 Wells, Roy A. 1978 BE 306 WEL 2008/25.67
Grand Chapter of England Royal Arch Regulations 1956 1956 BE 320 SUP 2008/54.6
Montague Chapter No. 665 Ritual of Opening and closing the Chapter 665 BE 385 (665 ) MON 2008/54.7
Montagu Chapter No. 665 By-Laws 1966 665 1966 BE 367 (665 ) MON 2008/54.8
Annals of the Chapter of Fortitude No.279 Leicester 1796-1896 (Thorp, John T.) 1897 279 Thorp, John T. 1897 BE 366 (279 ) THO 2008/61.110
The Supreme Order of The Holy Royal Arch (Beach, George) 1910 Beach, George 1910 BE 407 BOO 2008/61.111
Historical Sketch of the Chapter of Friendship No.257, Portsmouth (Hughan, William J.) 1890 257 Hughan, William J. 1890 BE 366 (257 ) HUG 2008/61.112
List of Members of Grand Master's Chapter No.1 1889 1 1889 BE 366 (1 ) GRA 2008/61.147
Historical Sketch of the Edinburgh Defensive Band Royal Arch Chapter No.278 and the Edinburgh Defensive Band Chair Master Lodge (Murray, Alfred A. Arbuthnot) 1898 278 Murray, Alfred A. Arbuthnot 1898 BS 366 (278 ) MUR 2008/61.150
History of the Abbey Chapter No.47 (Sheldon, H.C.) 1925 47 Sheldon, H.C. 1925 BE 366 (47 ) SHE 2008/61.157
A Short History of Hayle Chapter Royal Arch Masons (Osborn, Joseph G.) 1895 450 Osborn, Joseph G 1895 BE 366 (450 ) OSB 2008/61.158
The Tau. Its Origin and use in Royal Arch Masonry (Malcolm, J. Cooper) A paper read before Alfred Chapter No.306 on 11/10/1901 306 Malcolm, J. Cooper 1901 BE 371 MAL 2008/61.76
History of Chapter of Fortitude No.XLIII Part Two 1783-1983 43 BE 366 (43 ) FOR 2008/71.25
The Sesquential History of the Chapter of Dudley No.252 - originally 313; 1844 - 1994 (Edwards, D.M. & Jenkins, G.V.) 1994 252 Edwards, D.M.; Jenkins, G.V. BE 366 (252 ) EDW 2008/82
© A History of Royds Chapter 1204 (Jeff, W.J.F.) 2009 1204 Jeff, W.J.F. 2009 BE 366 (1204 ) JEF 2009/18
Booklet: The Royal Arch Jewel (Powell, Christopher) Powell, Christopher BE 430 POW 2009/47.4
RA Ritual of Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria OAV 395 VIC 2009/55.2
Proceedings Grand Chapter Nebraska 1882 1882 UN 340 NEB 2010/4.21
Proceedings Grand Chapter Nebraska 1883 1883 UN 340 NEB 2010/4.22
Transactions of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas at its 24th Annual Convention held on 4/6/1873 1873 UTX 340 TEX 2010/4.28
Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Louisiana held on 10/2/1885 1885 UL 340 LOU 2010/4.31
Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Quebec held on 27/9/1887 1887 KQ 340 QUE 2010/4.35
Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania for the year 1871 1871 UP 340 PEN 2010/4.37
Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania 1868 1868 UP 340 PEN 2010/4.38
Transactions of the Grand Chapter of Texas held on 4/6/1873 1873 UTX 340 TEX 2010/4.53
Proceedings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts for 1877 1877 UMAS 340 MAS 2010/4.55
Proceedings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts for 1878 1878 UMAS 340 MAS 2010/4.56
Proceedings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts for 1879 1879 UMAS 340 MAS 2010/4.57
Proceedings of Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania for 1876 1876 UP 340 PEN 2010/4.70
Proceedings of Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania for 1874 1874 UP 340 PEN 2010/4.71
Proceedings of Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania for 1873 1873 UP 340 PEN 2010/4.72
Proceedings of Grand Chapter Royal Arch of Pennsylvania for 1883 1883 UP 340 PEN 2010/4.76
Proceedings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Illinois held on 14/10/1912 1912 UIL 340 ILL 2010/4.81
Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Quebec held on 21/9/1880 1880 KQ 340 QUE 2010/4.85
Freemason's RA Guide Revised Second Edition (Ogilvie, E.E. & Thompson, H.A.) 1988 Ogilvie, E.E.; Thompson, H.A. 1988 BE 407 OGI 2011/12.1
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch Degree. A New and Revised Edition 1921 1921 BE 395 COM 2011/12.16
Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire By-Lawsapproved 4/3/1935with amendments dated 15/5/1964 reprinted 1966 1966 BE 357 WOR 2011/12.35
Some Royal Arch Terms Examined (Well, Roy A.) Enlarged second edition 1988 Wells, Roy A. 1988 BE 306 WEL 2011/12.5
Freemasons Royal Arch Guide (Ogilvie, E.E.) 1978 Ogilvie, E.E. 1978 BE 407 OGI 2011/40.4
The Freemason's Book of the Royal Arch (Jones, Bernard E.) 1980 Jones, Bernard E. 1980 BE 308 JON 2011/40.7
Bi-centenary 1766-1966, Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons Especial Convocation 01/07/1966 (Hewitt, A.R) Hewitt, A.R 1966 BE 340 SUP 2011/45.10
Ezra the Scribe - The Batham Royal Arch Lecture 1985 (Bell, Brian J.) 1984 Bell, Brian J. 1984 BE 397 BEL 2011/45.11
The Anomalies of the Royal Arch-Craft Connection - The Batham Royal Arch Lecture (Burford, D.W.) 1993 Burford, D.W. BE 335 BUR 2011/45.13
50th Anniversary of Wigan Chapter No.2326 1945 - 1995 (Talbot, James) 1994 2326 Talbot, James 1995 BE 366 (2326 ) TAL 2011/45.2
Freemasonry Symbols, Secrets, Significance (MacNulty, W. Kirk) 2006 MacNulty, W. Kirk 2006 BE 312 MAC 2013/24.6
The Bicentenary History of the Lodge of Unity No. 321 in the Province of Cheshire 321 BE 321 CHE 2013/28
Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland Roll Book and Annual Recorder 2006 2006 BS 342 SCO 2013/32.113
200 Years of Royal Arch Freemasonry in England 1813-2013 (Beresiner, Yasha) 2013 Beresiner, Yasha 2013 BE 335 BER 2013/40
Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch (Jones, Bernard E ) 1980 Jones, Bernard E 1980 BE 308 JON 2014/12.37
Grand Chapter of England RA Regulations 1970 1970 BE 320 SUP 2014/12.79
An Explanation of the Royal Arch Degree (Ward, J.S.M.) Ward, J.S.M. BE 397 WAR 2014/12.89
Understanding the Royal Arch (Sandbach, Richard) 2003 Sandbach, Richard 2003 BE 304 SAN 2014/27.12
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1926 - pocket size 1927 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.39
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1933 - pocket size 1940 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.40
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1933 - pocket size 1934 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.41
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1942 - pocket size 1943 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.42
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1947 - pocket size 1947 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.43
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1947 - pocket size 1947 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.44
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1949 - pocket size 1951 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.45
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1961 - pocket size 1963 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.46
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England.1917 - pocket size 1921 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.47
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England. 1886 - pocket size 1886 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.48
General regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England. 1956 - pocket size 1956 BE 320 SUP 2014/40.49
Consitution & Laws of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons of Scotland 1927 Amended and reprinted 1951 1951 BS 320 SUP 2014/40.67
Constitutions of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of New South Wales 1959 1959 OAN 320 NEW 2014/40.70
By-Laws of the Apollo University Chapter No.357 approved 12/1/1956 357 1956 BE 367 (357 ) APO 2014/46.5
Alfred Chapter No 340, Oxford. A Celebration. A History of the Chapter to mark its official 175th Anniversary, 15/11/2005 (Purves, P.J.) 2005 340 Purves, P. J 2005 BE 366 (340 ) PUR 2015/19.7
Cherwell Chapter No 599, Meeting at Freemasons Hall Banbury, Oxfordshire - Quasquincenennial Anniversary, 1887 - 2012 (Carter, Chris & Williams, John) 2012 599 Carter, Chris; Williams, John 2012 BE 366 (599 ) CAR 2015/19.8
By-Laws of the Chapter ot the Holy Wells No.6975 dated1951 with amendments 7/12/2005 6975 2005 BE 367 (6975 ) HOL 2015/23.10
By-Laws of the Bromsgrove Royal Arch Chapter No.5414 approved 4/2/1980 5414 1980 BE 367 (5414 ) BRO 2015/23.12
By-Laws of the Bromsgrove Royal Arch Chapter No.5414 approved 4/2/1980 5414 1980 BE 367 (5414 ) BRO 2015/23.13
By Laws of St Wulstan's Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.280 approved 2/1/1953 280 1953 BE 367 STA 2015/6.23
The Royal Arch Work. By Kenneth R H Mackenzie revised (Lawrence, Rev. J.T.) 1927 Lawrence, Rev. J.T. 1927 BE 407 MAC 2015/6.87
0.4 By-Laws of the Chapter of St. Thomas No.7940 approved 27/1/1967 with amendments approved 2/10/1969 7940 1969 BE 367 (7940 ) STT 2016/31.10
0.8 By-Laws of the Royal Standard Royal Arch Chapter No.498 approved 20/10/1961 498 1961 BE 367 (498 ) ROY 2016/31.14
0.5 By-Laws of the Chapter of St. Thomas No.7940 approved 29/1/1980 7940 1980 BE 367 (7940 ) THO 2016/31.7
0.8 Bye Laws of the Mutual Royal Arch Chapter of Cape Town No. 5 NC amended 13/2/1958 5 1958 TS 367 (5 ) MUT 2016/31.8
0.8 By-Laws of the Chapter of the Holy Wells No.6975 dated 1951 with amendments dated 7/12/2005 6975 2005 BE 367 (6975 ) HOL 2016/31.9
By-Laws of the Peace and Harmony Chapter No.3929 approved 14/8/1959 3929 1959 BE 367 (3929 ) PEA 2017/1.20
By-Laws of the Worcestershire Installed First Principals Chapter No.6889 approved 28/6/1984 6889 1984 BE 367 (6889 ) WOR 2017/1.31
Domatic Working of Holy Royal Arch an Alternative Ceremony of Installation of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Principals dated 1962 1962 BE 395/1 DOM 2017/10.12
An Introduction to Royal Arch Masonry by an Essex Master (Roebuck, George E.) 1931 Roebuck, George 1931 BE 370 ROE 2017/10.2
By-Laws of the Meridian Chapter No.4106 4106 BE 367 (4106 ) MER 2017/10.6
The Presentation of the Royal Arch Certificate as taken from the Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 1972 BE 395/3 ALD 2017/10.7
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire, 1920 1920 BE 357 WOR 2017/16.17
By-Laws of the Elkington Chapter No.1016 approved 18/2/1958 1016 1958 BE 367 (1016 ) ELK 2017/16.44
General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England 1978 1978 BE 320 SUP 2017/16.45
The Master Mason and Royal Arch Masonry. Issued by the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire BE 352 WAR 2017/16.47
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire 1956 1956 BE 357 WAR 2017/16.48
Worcestershire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual issued by the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire in 2005 2005 BE 395 WOR 2017/16.51
The Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught by The Domatic Chapter of Instruction No.177 including Installation Ceremonies, Induction Ceremony 2005 Edition 177 2005 BE 395 DOM 2017/16.61
The Complete Ceremony of Passing the Veils or E.M. BE 395/2 COM 2017/16.64
The Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as Taught by The Domatic Chapter of Instruction No.177 including Installation Ceremonies; Induction Ceremony 4th reprint revised version 1998 177 1998 BE 395 DOM 2017/16.65
Grand Superintendents in and over the Province of Staffordshire (Stevens, Ronald A) 1989 Stevens, Ronald 1989 BE 356 STE 2017/2.153
St. Peter's Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.419 1842-1942 (Steward F L ) 1942 419 1942 BE 366 (419 ) STE 2017/2.160
Royal Arch Matters (Wells, Roy A) 1984 Wells, Roy A. 1984 BE 308 WEL 2017/2.20
The Ensigns of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (Mendoza, Harry) 1989 Mendoza, Harry 1989 BE 402 MEN 2017/2.22
Bye-Laws of the Fawcett Chapter No.764 approved 18/1/1873 764 1873 BE 367 (764 ) FAW 2017/3.110
Revised Bye-Laws of Royal Arch Chapter No.325 IC Gibraltar dated 1908 325 1908 RG 367 (325 ) GIB 2017/3.111
Revised Bye-Laws of Royal Arch Chapter No.325 IC Gibraltar dated 1916 325 1916 RG 367 (325 ) GIB 2017/3.112
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire approved 4/3/1935 reprinted with amendments approved 2/9/1959 1959 BE 357 WOR 2017/3.115
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire approved 4/3/1935 reprinted with amendments approved 2/9/1959 1959 BE 357 WOR 2017/3.116
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire approved 4/3/1935 1935 BE 357 WOR 2017/3.117
Principal's Lectures, as proposed by Supreme Grand Chapter of England BE 395/5 PRI 2017/3.140
The Presentation of the Royal Arch Certificate, as taken from the Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 1657 dated 1972 1972 BE 395/3 ALD 2017/3.143
Ritual of The Midlands Workings of the Royal Ark Mariners1934 1934 BE 448/1 (MID ) 2017/3.147
The Perfect Ceremonies of The Royal Arch Degree. To which are added, The Lecture And Ceremony of Consecrating a Chapter dated 1894 1894 BE 395 PER 2017/3.440
The Perfect Ceremonies of The Royal Arch Degree. To which are added, The Lecture And Ceremony of Consecrating a Chapter dated 1891 1891 BE 395 PER 2017/3.441
The Perfect Ceremonies of The Royal Arch Degree. To which are added, The Lecture And Ceremony of Consecrating a Chapter dated 1883 1883 BE 395 PER 2017/3.442
The Perfect Ceremonies of The Royal Arch Degree. To which are added, The Lecture And Ceremony of Consecrating a Chapter dated 1880 1880 BE 395 PER 2017/3.443
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc., etuorm with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1884 1884 BE 395 MET 2017/3.444
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc.uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1897 1897 BE 395 MET 2017/3.445
Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc.uniform with the Emulation craft working dated 1897 1897 BE 395 MET 2017/3.446
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch degree comprising ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of exaltation,with the lectures from the chairs, installing the principals, investiture of officers, with addresses, dated 1892 1892 BE 395 COM 2017/3.447
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch degree comprising ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of exaltation with the lectures from the chairs, installing the principals, investiture of officers, with addresses, dated 1892 1892 BE 395 MID 2017/3.448
The Oxford Ritual of Royal Arch Masonry with the lectures, installation ceremonies, investiture of officers consecration ceremony, etc. complete with a frontispiece, and the scripture readings in full dated 1925 1925 BE 395 OXF 2017/3.449
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc. uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1928 1928 BE 395 MET 2017/3.450
The Perfect Ceremonies of the Sup. Deg. Of the H.R.A of J accordhing to the Ritual of Chapter Rock, Madras 1915 1915 NJE 395 IND 2017/3.451
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1929 1929 BE 395 MID 2017/3.452
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1929 1929 BE 395 MID 2017/3.453
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1918 1918 BE 395 MID 2017/3.454
The Perfect Ceremonies of the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch comprising ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of exaltation lectures from the chairs, charge and explanation of the jewel, passing the veils dated 1943 1943 BE 395 PER 2017/3.455
The Metropolitan working of Royal Arch Masonry, embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc.uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1938 1938 BE 395 MET 2017/3.456
The Metropolitan working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc.uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1945 1945 BE 395 MET 2017/3.457
The Metropolitan working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc. uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1945 1945 BE 395 MET 2017/3.458
The Metropolitan working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc. uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1945 1945 BE 395 MET 2017/3.459
The Metropolitan working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc. uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1938 1938 BE 395 MET 2017/3.460
The Metropolitan working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc. uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1938 1938 BE 395 MET 2017/3.461
The Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught in the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement No.1657, lectures and installation ceremonies dated 1938 1938 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.462
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch degree comprising ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of exaltation with the lectures from the chairs, installing the principals, investiture of officers, with addresses, dated 1941 1941 BE 395 COM 2017/3.463
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1938 1938 BE 395 MID 2017/3.464
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1936 1936 BE 395 MID 2017/3.465
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch degree comprising ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of exaltation with the lectures from the chairs, installing the principals, investiture of officers, with addresses, dated 1935 1935 BE 395 COM 2017/3.466
The ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught in the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement No.1657 : lectures and installation ceremonies complete dated 1938 1938 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.467
The Perfect Ceremonies of the Supreme Order of the Royal Arch Ritual dated 1931 1931 BE 395 PER 2017/3.468
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1947 1947 BE 395 MID 2017/3.469
The ceremonies of the Holy Royal Arch degree, comprising opening, general opening & closing a Holy Royal Arch Chapter, ceremony of exaltation, together with the lectures from the chairs dated 1930 1930 BE 395 DEV 2017/3.470
The Holy Royal Arch Ceremonies of Opening and Closing a Chapter and the Ceremony of Exaltation dated 1930 1930 BE 395 CER 2017/3.471
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc.uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1931 1931 BE 395 MET 2017/3.472
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc.uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1947 1945 BE 395 MET 2017/3.473
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1943 1943 BE 395 MID 2017/3.474
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1918 1918 BE 395 ID 2017/3.475
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1947 1947 BE 395 MID 2017/3.476
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch degree comprising ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of exaltation with the lectures from the chairs, installing the principals, investiture of officers, with addresses, dated 1941 1941 BE 395 COM 2017/3.477
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch degree comprising ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of exaltation with the lectures from the chairs, installing the principals, investiture of officers, with addresses, dated 1968 1968 BE 395 COM 2017/3.478
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1929 1929 BE 395 MID 2017/3.479
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch Masonic Province of Worcestershire Worcestershire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual 1991 1991 BE 395 WOR 2017/3.480
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch Masonic Province of Worcestershire Worcestershire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual 1991 1991 BE 395 WOR 2017/3.481
The Staffordshire Royal Arch Ritual first edition 1974 1974 BE 395 STA 2017/3.482
The Staffordshire Royal Arch Ritual first edition 1974 1974 BE 395 STA 2017/3.483
The Staffordshire Royal Arch Ritual 1991 1991 BE 395 STA 2017/3.484
Gloucestershire & Herefordshire and Worcestershire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual dated 1965 1965 BE 395 GLO 2017/3.485
The Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as Worked in the Province of Sussex 1958 1958 BE 395 SUS 2017/3.486
The perfect ceremonies Royal Arch Ritual 1990 1990 BE 395 PER 2017/3.487
Ritual of the Supreme Degree of the Holy Royal Arch : including the opening and closing ceremonial The Excellent Master's Degree and passing the veils. Sydney dated 1961 1961 OAN 395 NEW 2017/3.488
The Perfect Ceremonies of The Royal Arch Degree. To which are added, The Lecture And Ceremony of Consecrating a Chapter dated 1956 1956 BE 395 PER 2017/3.489
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch Masonic Province of Worcestershire Worcestershire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual 2005 2005 BE 395 WOR 2017/3.490
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1956 1956 BE 395 MID 2017/3.491
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1958 1958 BE 395 MID 2017/3.492
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1958 1958 BE 395 MID 2017/3.493
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1950 1950 BE 395 MID 2017/3.494
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a chapter, exaltation, with lectures, installations of Principals, investiture of officers, charges to Principals, officers and companions, dated 1950 1950 BE 395 MID 2017/3.495
The Complete Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch Installation of Three Principals 1965 1965 BE 395/1 COM 2017/3.496
The ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught in the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement No. 1657 extended and annontated for the use of the companions in the District of Nigeria by E. Comp. G.M. Gray 5th edition dated 1957 1957 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.497
The Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught in the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement No.1657 extended and annontated for the use of the companions in the District of Nigeria by E. Comp. G.M. Gray 5th edition dated 1957 1957 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.498
The Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught in the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement No.1657 extended and annontated for the use of the companions in the District of Nigeria by E. Comp. G.M. Gray 3rd edition dated 1953 1953 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.499
The ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught in the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement No. 1657 7th edition dated 1972 1972 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.500
The Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 1999 1999 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.501
The Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 1993 1993 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.502
The Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 1978 1978 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.503
The Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 1978 1978 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.504
Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 1989 1989 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.505
The Warwickshire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a Chapter, exaltation with lectures, installation of principals, investiture of officers,charges to principals dated 1970 1970 BE 395 WAR 2017/3.506
The Warwickshire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a Chapter, exaltation with lectures, installation of principals, investiture of officers,charges to principals dated 1989 1989 BE 395 WAR 2017/3.507
The Warwickshire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a Chapter, exaltation with lectures, installation of principals, investiture of officers,charges to principals dated 1996 1996 BE 395 WAR 2017/3.508
The Warwickshire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a Chapter, exaltation with lectures, installation of principals, investiture of officers,charges to principals dated 1970 1970 BE 395 WAR 2017/3.509
The Warwickshire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a Chapter, exaltation with lectures, installation of principals, investiture of officers,charges to principals dated 1970 1970 BE 395 WAR 2017/3.510
The Warwickshire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a Chapter, exaltation with lectures, installation of principals, investiture of officers,charges to principals dated 1964 1964 BE 395 WAR 2017/3.511
The Warwickshire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual including ceremonies of opening and closing a Chapter, exaltation with lectures, installation of principals, investiture of officers,charges to principals dated 1964 1964 BE 395 WAR 2017/3.512
The Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught by The Domatic Chapter of Instruction No.177 including Installation Ceremonies; Induction Ceremony 2005 edition 177 2005 BE 395 DOM 2017/3.513
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Ritual 1980 1980 BE 395 MET 2017/3.514
The Royds Chapter No.1204 Royal Arch Ritual 1993 revised 1997 1204 1997 BE 395 ROY 2017/3.515
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry embracing opening and closing a chapter, ceremony of Exaltation, historical, symbolical, and mystical lectures, explanation of the jewel, etc.uniform with the 'Emulation' craft working dated 1958 1958 BE 395 MET 2017/3.516
The ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught in the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement No. 1657 7th edition dated 1972 1972 BE 395 ALD 2017/3.517
The Complete Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch Installation of Three Principals 1965 1965 BE 395/1 COM 2017/3.518
Gloucestershire & Herefordshire and Worcestershire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual dated 1965 1965 BE 395 GLO 2017/3.519
Worcestershire Working of The Royal Arch Ritual as recommended by F H Griffiths BE 395 WOR 2017/3.520
Worcestershire Working of The Royal Arch Ritual as recommended by F H Griffiths BE 395 WOR 2017/3.521
The Domatic Working of The Ceremonies of The Holy Royal Arch including The Installations of the Three Principals 177 BE 395 DOM 2017/3.522
The Domatic Working of The Ceremonies of The Holy Royal Arch including The Installations of the Three Principals BE 395 DOM 2017/3.523
The Domatic Working of The Ceremonies of The Holy Royal Arch including The Installations of the Three Principals 177 BE 395 DOM 2017/3.524
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch Principals Lectures BE 395/5 SUP 2017/3.525
Royal Arch Ceremony of Exaltation as worked in St. Audrey Chapter No.3849 3849 BE 395 STA 2017/3.526
The Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem Ritual in use in the Hornsey Chapter of Improvement No.890 Second Edition BE 395 HOR 2017/3.527
The Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem Ritual in use in the Hornsey Chapter of Improvement No.890 Second Edition BE 395 HOR 2017/3.528
The Universal Book of Royal Arch Masonry BE 395 UNI 2017/3.529
Authorized Chapter Guide to all Capitular Degrees. For the use of Royal Arch Masons. Grand Chapter of the State of New York R.A.M. 1955 1955 UNY 395 NEW 2017/3.575
General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England 1970 reprinted 1972 1972 BE 320 SUP 2017/3.606
By-Laws of the Godson Royal Arch Chapter No.2385 approved 22/5/1922 2385 1922 BE 367 (2385 ) GOD 2017/3.67
By-Laws of the Bromsgrove Royal Arch Chapter No.5414 approved 13/4/1944 5414 1944 BE 367 (5414 ) BRO 2017/3.68
By-Laws of the Lechmere-Hughes Volunteer Chapter No.1874 approved 14/3/1923 1874 1923 BE 367 (1874 ) LEC 2017/3.69
Revised By-Laws of the Perseverance Chapter No.573 approved 16/10/1934 573 1934 BE 367 (573 ) PER 2017/3.70
By-Laws of the Lapal Chapter No.6031 approved 17/5/1954 6031 1954 BE 367 (6031 ) LAP 2017/3.71
By-Laws of the St Laurence Chapter No.2724 approved 8/1/1957 2724 1957 BE 367 (2724 ) STL 2017/3.72
By-Laws of the Chapter of Stability No.564 approved 6/12/1961 564 1961 BE 367 (564 ) STA 2017/3.73
By-Laws of the Chapter of Stability No.564 approved 22/1/1975 564 1975 BE 367 (564 ) STA 2017/3.74
By-Laws of the Stechford Chapter No.3185 approved 15/7/1965 with amendments to 21/10/1982 3185 1982 BE 367 (3185 ) STE 2017/3.75
By-Laws of the Stechford Chapter No.3185 approved 15/7/1965 3185 1965 BE 367 (3185 ) STE 2017/3.76
By-Laws of the Stechford Chapter No.3185 approved 15/7/1965 with amendments to 21/10/1982 3185 1982 BE 367 (3185 ) STE 2017/3.77
By-Laws of the Kings Heath Royal Arch Chapter No.3863 approved 28/6/1920 3863 1920 BE 367 (3863 ) KIN 2017/3.78
By-Laws of St Wulstan's Chapter No.280 approved 11/6/1921 280 1921 BE 367 (280 ) STW 2017/3.79
By-Laws of St Wulstan's Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.280 approved 2/1/1953 280 1953 BE 367 (280 ) STW 2017/3.80
By-Laws of St Wulstan's Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.280 approved 2/1/1953 280 1953 BE 367 (280 ) STW 2017/3.81
By-Laws of the Howe Royal Arch Chapter No.587 approved 18/7/1872 587 1872 BE 367 (587 ) HOW 2017/3.89
By-Laws of the Vassar-Smith Chapter No.2994 approved 27/10/1950 2994 1950 BE 367 (2994 ) VAS 2017/3.91
The Batham Lecture for 1991. The origin and development of Royal Arch Masonry: a short history of the evolution of the organisation, government and the ritual of the Holy Royal Arch (Ough, Anthony R.) 1991 Ough, Anthony 1991 BE 312 OUG 2017/45.6
The Batham Royal Arch Lecture 1993. The Anomolies of the Royal Arch-Craft Connection (Burford, D W) 1993 Burford, D W 1993 BE 335 BUR 2017/45.7
By-Laws of the London Welsh Chapter No.2867 approved 3/3/1923 2867 1923 BE 367 (2867 ) LON 2017/47.208
Perfect Ceremonies of the Holy Royal Arch as adapted and practised by The King Arthur Chapter No.7134 dated 1995 7134 1995 BE 395 KIN 2017/47.210
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch Degree Revised Second Edition 1990 1990 BE 395 COM 2017/47.213
By-Laws of the Chapter of the Holy Wells No.6975 dated 1951 6975 1951 BE 367 (6975 ) HOL 2017/47.245
General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England dated 1978 1978 BE 320 SUP 2017/48.72
General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chapter for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of England dated 1978 1978 BE 320 SUP 2017/48.73
Bye Laws of Royal Arch Chapter Iona No.667, Dar es Salaam approved 15/9/1933 667 1933 bs 367 (667 ) ION 2018/11.14
By Laws of the Haven of Peace Chapter No.4385 EC approved 28/3/1929 4385 1929 EAE 367 (4385 ) HAV 2018/11.18
Consecration of the Grosvenor Chapter No.1257 held on 16/10/1935 1257 1935 BE 367 (1257 ) GRO 2018/11.19
Grand Chapter of England Royal Arch Regulations 1949 BE 342 SUP 2018/19.41
Severn Chapter No.5583, The first Twenty Five Years, 1978-2003 (Hackett, John C.) 2003 5583 Hackett, John C 2003 BE 366 (5583 ) HAC 2018/2.11
By-Laws of Provincial Grand Chapter of Province of Worcestershire with amendment approved 16/7/1943 1943 BE 357 WOR 2018/2.27
Short History of the first 25 years of Mosaic Chapter No. 5028 (Turner, W.H.) 1970 5028 Turner, W. H 1970 BE 366 (5028 ) TUR 2018/2.3
By-Laws of Royal Standard Royal Arch Chapter No.498 approved 20/10/1961 498 1961 BE 367 (498 ) ROY 2018/2.31
By-Laws of Chapter of St George No.5691 adopted on 14/12/1971 5691 1971 BE 367 (5691 ) STA 2018/2.32
Notes for a Newly Exalted Companion Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire 1990 1990 BE 407 NOR 2018/2.52
Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Duties & Ritual at Installation meetings (France-Sargeant, H.)2001 France-Sargeant, H. 2001 BE 350 FRA 2018/2.7
Rememberance Chapter No.8323 History of the first Twenty Five years 8323 BE 366 (8323 ) REM 2018/2.9
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch, The Sesquicentennial History of the Chapter of Dudley No.252, 1944 252 1944 BE 366 (252 ) DUD 2018/25.19
Some Royal Arch Terms Examined (Wells, Roy A) 1998 Wells, Roy A. 1998 BE 306 WEL 2018/25.30
The Rungs of the Ladder (Stayt, Michael J) Third impression 2000 Stayt, Michael 2000 BE 397 STA 2018/25.35
Bye-Laws and Regulations of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Rhodesias, S.C. approved 15/12/1961 reprinted with amendments 1962 DRS 364 RHO 2018/42.22
The Constitution and Laws of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons of Scotland, 1927 amended and reprinted 1961 1961 BS 320 GRA 2018/42.36
By-Laws of Warwickshire First Principals Chapter No.4538 approved 9/4/1979 4538 1979 BE 367 (4538 ) WAR 2018/6.109
By-Laws of Fidelity Chapter No.3708 approved 20/2/1964 3708 1964 BE 367 (3708 ) FID 2018/6.111
By-Laws of the Chapter of Hope and Charity No.377 approved 4/3/1938 377 1938 BE 367 (377 ) HOP 2018/6.129
By-Laws for the government of the Provincial Grand Chapter of the Province of Worcestershire revised 1998 1998 BE 357 WOR 2018/6.25
By-Laws of the Chapter of Fortitude No.43 confirmed on 18/2/1885 43 1885 BE 367 (43 ) FOR 2018/6.80
Severn Chapter No.5583 The First Twenty-Five Years, 1978-2003 A History (Hackett, John C.) 2003 5583 Hackett, John C 2003 BE 366 (5583 ) HAC 2018/7.116
The Royds Chapter No.1204 Royal Arch Ritual 1997 1204 1997 BE 386 ROY 2018/7.385
Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch (Jones, Bernard E) 1986 Jones, Bernard E 1986 BE 308 JON 2018/7.65
Bye-Laws of the Moray Royal Arch Chapter No.263 263 BS 367 MOR 2019/1.10
Why Join the Royal Arch? BE 407 NOT 2019/1.11
Why Join the Royal Arch? BE 407 NOT 2019/1.12
The Ensigns of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (Mendoza, Harry) 1989 Mendoza, Harry 1989 BE 402 MEN 2019/1.33
A Commentary in Celebration of Vernon Chapter No.560 on the occaison of its Golden Jubilee Conclave 1964-2014 on 21/11/2014 (Munro, G.W.) 560 Munro, G. 2014 BE 366 (560 ) VER 2019/1.8
Proposed Bye-Laws of Cecil John Rhodes Chapter No.6980 EC Rhodesia dated 2/2/1954 6980 1954 DRE 367 (6980 ) CEC 2019/12.6
The Jewel of the Royal Arch (MacLean, Duncan M) MacLean, Duncan BE 430 MAC 2019/13.202
Fifty Royal Arch Questions Answered (Mendoza, Harry) 1994 Mendoza, Harry 1994 BE 407 MEN 2019/13.234
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch Masonic Province of Worcestershire Ritual Amendments 1989 BE 395 WOR 2019/13.236
Province of Worcestershire Ritual for Consecration of a Royal Arch Chapter Revised 1991 1991 BE 399 WOR 2019/13.262
Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual Sixteenth edition 2006 2006 BE 395 ALD 2019/13.289
Provincial Grand Chapter of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire, M.E. Grand Superintendants 1882-1982 (Bradbury, H) January 1982 Bradbury, H. 1982 BE 356 BRA 2019/13.43
A Brief History compiled for the Centenary of Dartmouth Royal Arch Chapter No.6621895-1995 held on 28/6/1995 662 1995 BE 366 (662 ) DAR 2019/13.44
Sesquicentennial History of the Chapter of Dudley, No.252 (Edwards, D.M.; Jenkins, G.V.) 1994 252 Edwards, D M; Jenkins, G V 1994 BE 366 (252 ) EDW 2019/13.45
Centenary History of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of North Wales 1889 to 1989 (Leighton-Jones, Ken) 1989 Leigton-Jones, Ken 1989 BEW 356 NOR 2019/13.465.2
The First Hundred Years. The History of Godson Chapter No.2385 (Wolverson, T.) 2385 Wolverson, T BE 366 (2385 ) GOD 2019/13.487.6
By-Laws of Kings Norton Chapter No.4001 approved 3/3/1969 4001 1969 BE 367 (4001 ) KIN 2019/13.504.12
Province of Sussex By-Laws of Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons approved 31/5/1969 1969 BE 357 SUS 2019/14.45
Bye-Laws of the St Alphage Chapter No.1431 approved 6/9/1951 1431 1951 BE 367 STA 2019/2.7
Page Chapter No.3378 By-Laws approved 2/11/1920 3378 1920 BE 367 (3378 ) PAG 2019/21.5
By-Laws of Page Chapter No.3378 approved 2/11/1920 reprinted with amendments approved 10/4/1964 3378 1964 BE 367 (3378 ) PAG 2019/6.10
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire approved with amendments on 27/5/1974 1974 BE 357 WOR 2019/6.15
Ritual: Installation of the Principals of a Royal Arch Chapter BS 395/1 GRA 2020/5.160
The Perfect Ceremonies of The Royal Arch Degree to which are added The Lecture And Ceremony of Consecrating a Chapter 1911 1911 BE 395 PER 2020/5.193
Installation Degree Z H and J. Installation of the Principals of a Royal Arch Chapter BS 395/2 SCO 2020/5.207
The Royds Chapter No.1204 Royal Arch Ritual 2015 1204 2015 BE 395 ROY 2020/5.231
By-Laws: Bordesley Abbey Chapter No.4495 dated 14/2/2003 4495 2003 BE 367 (4495 ) BOR 2020/5.79
Discovering The Royal Arch (Moore, Clive) Revised 2020 Moore, Clive M. 2020 BE 312 MOO 2021/15.6
Regulations for the Order of Royal Arch Masons 1879 1879 BE 320 SUP 2021/19.10
Proposed Revision of the Royal Arch Regulations 5/11/1885 1885 BE 320 SUP 2021/19.115
The Perfect Ceremonies of the Holy Royal Arch 1956 1956 BE 395 PER 2021/19.132
General Regulations of Royal Arch Masons 1942 1942 BE 320 SUP 2021/19.133
Regulations for the Order of Royal Arch Masons 1864 1864 BE 320 SUP 2021/19.20
Report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence to the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio 1908 1908 UOH 330 OHI 2021/19.89
The Royal Arch and the Astrological Symbols (Mead, Jonathan C) Mead, Jonathan C. BE 370 MEA 2021/20.2
Mathematics in Freemasonry Progression to The Holy Royal Arch (Mead, Jonathan C) Mead, Jonathan C. BE 308 MEA 2021/20.4
By-Laws of Noah's Ark Chapter No.347 approved 17/1/1990 347 1990 BE 367 (347 ) NOA 2021/27.10
By-Laws of Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Staffordshire, approved 11/6/1985 1985 BE 357 (STA ) STA 2021/27.11
Grand Superintendents in and over the Province of Staffordshire (Stevens, Ronald A) 1989 1989 BE 356 (STA ) STE 2021/27.13
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch Degree revised second edition 1990 1990 BE 395 COM 2021/5.11
By-Laws of Wigornia Chapter No 4935 approved on 2/2/1976 4935 1976 BE 367 (4935 ) WIG 2021/8.4
Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland Roll Book and Annual Recorder 2007 2007 BS 342 SUP 2022/2.25
Royal Arch Ritual Warwickshire Working 2000 2000 BE 394 WAR 2022/33.6
Irish Constitution, Royal Arch & Mark Master Mason Ceremonial and Degrees, October 2000 BR 395 IRE 2022/35.23
Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland Ceremonial 1973 1973 BS 395 SUP 2022/42.188
Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons of Scotland Constitution and Laws 1927 Reprinted 1971 1971 BS 320 SUP 2022/42.189
Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons of Scotland Constitution and Laws 1972 reprinted 1965 1965 BS 320 SUP 2022/42.190
Royal Arch & Mark Master Mason, Ceremonial and Degrees, October 2000 2000 BS 395 ROY 2022/42.200
Installation of the Most Excellent Chief of a council of The Knights of the East and West BS 395/1 SUP 2022/42.37
Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland Ritual as used in the Kings Chapter No.314 BS 395 KIN 2022/46.23
The Order of Royal Arch Masons of England. By-Laws for the Government of the Provincial Grand Chapter of the Province of Worcestershire approved 4/3/1935 reprinted with amendments 27/5/1969 1969 BE 357 WOR 2022/46.34
Origin of the Ceremony known as Passing the Veils as practised in the Bristol. Personal Recollections (Cook, Sir Ernest Henry) 1931 1931 BE 394 COO 2022/46.44
The Origins and Traditions of the Royal Arch Banners (Headley, Ivor L.) 1982 Headley, Ivor L. 1982 BE 380 HEA 2022/46.62
Province of London 2000 Year Book 2000 BE 349 LON 2022/6.148
The London Masonic Yearbook 2003 2003 BE 349 LON 2022/6.149
The Royal Arch. Its Hidden Meaning (Steinmetz, George H.) 1946 Steinmetz, George H. 1946 UA 370 STE 2022/6.191
What Do You Know About the Royal Arch? (Barker Cryer, Neville) signed copy 2002 Rev. Barker-Cryer, Neville 2002 BE 312 CRY 2022/6.192
the sacred word to keep….. Some comments on Royal Arch Ritual (Mendoza, Harry) 1986 Mendoza, Harry 1986 BE 397 MEN 2022/6.193
The Centenary of the Dove Chapter No.456 1887-1987 (Burston, A.J.) 1987 456 Burston, A 1987 BE 366 (456 ) BUR 2022/6.194
History; Chapter of Fortitude No.43 Part Two 1783-1983 43 1983 BE 366 (43 ) FOR 2022/6.196
Some Account ot The Schism which took place during the last century amongst the Free and Accepted Masons in England (Oliver, George) 1847 Rev. Oliver, George 1847 BE 312 OLI 2022/6.201
The Victoria Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.2848 1923-1048 (Hodgetts, S.E.) 1949 2848 Hodgetts, S. 1949 BE 366 (2848 ) HOD 2022/6.312
Royal Chartley Chapter of Fortitude No.726 1881 to 1981 (Arnold, Dr. A.G.) 726 Arnold, A. 1981 BE 366 (726 ) ARN 2022/6.313
St. Peter's Chapter No.419 1842 to 1992 419 1992 BE 366 (419 ) STA 2022/6.314
Fitz Alan Chapter No.1432. One Hundred Years 1904-2004 (Dommett, R.E.C.) 2004 1432 Dommett, R. 2004 BE 366 (1432 ) DOM 2022/6.339
The Centennial History of the Venables Chapter No.611 1911-2011 (Smith, Ian C.M.; Hill, Dennis J.)) 611 Smith, Ian C.M.; Dennis, John 2011 BE 366 (611 ) SMI 2022/6.353
The Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught in the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement No.1657 sixth edition dated 1969 1657 1969 BE 395 ALD 2022/6.649
History of The Vernon Royal Arch Chapter No.539 1852-2002 (Pickstone, Arthur) 539 Pickstone, A 2002 BE 366 (539 ) PIC 2022/6.65
The Complete Workings of the Holy Royal Arch dated 1947 1947 BE 395 COM 2022/6.650
The Complete Workings of the Holy Royal Arch revised edition dated 1968 1968 BE 395 COM 2022/6.651
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch Vernon Chapter No.539 Ritual revised and reprinted 1991 539 1991 BE 395 VER 2022/6.652
The Staffordshire Royal Arch Ritual first edition dated 1967 1967 BE 395 STA 2022/6.653
The Staffordshire Royal Arch Ritual dated 1991 1991 BE 395 STA 2022/6.654
The Staffordshire Royal Arch Ritual dated 2006 2006 BE 395 STA 2022/6.655
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual dated 1936 1936 BE 395 MID 2022/6.656
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual dated 1940 1940 BE 395 MID 2022/6.657
The Warwickshire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual dated 1991 1991 BE 395 WAR 2022/6.658
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry dated 1903 1903 BE 395 MET 2022/6.659
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry dated 1997 1997 BE 395 MET 2022/6.660
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch Degree new and revised edition dated 1920 1920 BE 395 COM 2022/6.661
The Complete Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch dated 1965 1965 BE 395 COM 2022/6.662
The Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch as taught in the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement dated 1938 1657 1938 BE 395 ALD 2022/6.663
The Perfect Ceremonies of the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch dated 1952 1952 BE 395 PER 2022/6.664
The Staffordshire Royal Arch Ritual dated 2013 2013 BE 395 STA 2022/6.665
The Oxford Ritual of Royal Arch Masonry dated 1956 1956 BE 395 OXF 2022/6.666
The Supreme Order of the Royal Arch Vernon Chapter No.539 Ritual dated 1973 539 1973 BE 395 VER 2022/6.667
The Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem Ritual in use in the Hornsey Chapter of Improvement No.890 Third edition undated BE 395 HOR 2022/6.668
Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland Ancient Rosehearty Chapter No.360 Ritual 360 BS 395 ANC 2022/6.670
Holy Royal Arch Ritual Sydney Working International Co-Freemasonry 1963 edition 1963 BE 395 CO- 2022/6.671
Royal Arch Practical Monitor dated 1891 1891 UA 407 ROY 2022/6.672
The Perfect Ceremonies of the Royal Arch Degree dated 1894 1894 BE 395 PER 2022/6.688
The Perfect Ceremonies of the Royal Arch Degree dated 1885 1885 BE 395 PER 2022/6.689
The Book of Chapter 'The Holy and Mystic Arch (Stayt, Michael J.) 2001 - signed copy Stayt, Michael J. 2001 BE 397 STA 2022/6.726
Chapters in Conclave 'A seat in the Senate' (Stayt, Michael J.) 2001 - signed copy Stayt, Michael J. 2001 BE 397 STA 2022/6.727
Provincial Grand Chapter of Staffordshire Sesquicentenary 1850-2000 2000 BE 356 STA 2022/6.78
Historical Record of The First Fifty Years 1911-1961 of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapters of Antrim and Down (Hamilton, James; Walker, R.J.) 1961 Hamilton, James ; Walker, R. 1961 BR 356 HAM 2022/6.87
History of the Richard Eve Chapter No.2772 1918-1968 (Allen, P.A.) 1968 2772 Allen, P. 1968 BE 366 (2772 ) ALL 2023/18.172
Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire. Record of Annual Meetings since its formation and appointment of officers BE 356 WOR 2023/18.42
St Wulstans's Chapter No.349 - Scriptural Extracts 280 BE 365 STA 2023/18.50
Semper Fidelis Chapter No.529 - Scriptural Extracts 529 BE 365 SEM 2023/18.52
The Supreme Order of The Holy Royal Arch (Beech, George) Second Edition 1911 Beech, George 1911 BE 312 BEE 2023/18.698
By-Laws of the Abbot Lichfield Chapter No.3308 approved 6/12/1961 3308 1961 BE 367 (3308 ) ABB 2023/18.709
St. Wulstan's Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No.280 By-Laws approved 12/3/1997 280 1997 BE 367 (280 ) SAI 2023/18.710
Mombasa R.A. Chapter No.620 Bye-Laws ammended 18/12/1931 620 1933 EAS 367 (620 ) MOM 2023/18.712
Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria, Holy Royal Arch Ritual, 1946 1946 OAV 395 VIC 2023/3.20
Constitution, Laws and Regulations of Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria, 1960 1960 OAV 320 VIC 2023/3.21
Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria, ceremony of Passing the Veils 1948 1948 OAV 395/2 VIC 2023/3.22
Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria, ceremony of Passing the Veils 1936 1936 OAV 395/1 VIC 2023/3.23
1st PGC Worcestershire Minute Book BE 358 WOR 2023/4.51
By-Laws of the Calpe Preceptory and Priory No.60 approved 23/3/1920 60 1920 RG 367 (60 ) CAL 2024/11.115
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry 1931 1931 BE 395 MET 2024/11.129
The Perfect Ceremonies of the Royal Arch Degree 1907 1907 BE 395 PER 2024/11.135
St Wulstan's Chapter No.280. Working of the Royal Arch Ritual (Page, W.T.; Greenwood, L.W.) revised 1966 (Bate, S.H.) and 1989/90 (Burton, J.) 280 Greenwood, Leonard ; Page, William T.; Burton, J 1989 BE 385 BUR 2024/11.182
Supreme Grand Chapter of England Royal Arch Regulations 1949 1949 BE 320 SUP 2024/19.43
By-Laws Godson Chapter No.2385 approved 21/3/1958 2385 1958 BE 367 (2385 ) GOD 2024/19.6
Arcadian Chapter No.2696 By-Laws approved 18/4/1979 2696 1979 BE 367 (2696 ) ARC 2024/2.103
The Royal Arch Work (Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H.) revised (Lawrence, Rev J.T.) Mackenzie, Kenneth. R.H.; Rev. Lawrence, John T. BE 397 MAC 2024/2.111
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch Principal's Lectures BE 395 PRI 2024/2.129
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch Principal's Lectures BE 395 PRI 2024/2.130
Ritual The Complete Workings of Royal Arch Degree 1957 1957 BE 395 COM 2024/2.77
The Domatic Working of The Ceremonies of the Holy Royal Arch 1961 1961 BE 395 DOM 2024/2.79
The Metropolitan Working of Royal Arch Masonry 1958 1958 BE 395 MET 2024/2.80
The Midland Workings of the Royal Arch Ritual 1944 1944 BE 395 MID 2024/2.81
The Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem Ritual in use in the Hornsey Chapter of Improvement No.890 Third Edition 890 BE 395 HOR 2024/2.82
Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 15th edition published 1999 reprinted 2004 2004 BE 395 ALD 2024/2.83
Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 15th edition published 1999 Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement Centenary 1900-2000 1657 1999 BE 395 ALD 2024/2.84
Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 17th edition 2012 2012 BE 395 ALD 2024/2.85
Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual 14th edition revised 1996 1996 BE 395 ALD 2024/2.86
The Perfect Ceremonies Royal Arch Ritual 1993 1993 BE 395 PER 2024/2.87
The Constitution and Laws of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons of Scotland 1995 1995 BS 320 SCO 2024/2.91
By-Laws of Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Staffordshire approved 7/6/1973 1973 BE 357 STA 2024/26.3
By-Laws of St. Augustine's Chapter No.1941 approved 9/6/1969 1941 1969 BE 367 (1941 ) STA 2024/26.5
Ritual Book of the Holy Royal Arch Province of Sussex 2006 2006 BE 395 SUS 2024/3.6
Bye Laws of the Kent Chapter No.15 approved 2011 15 2011 BE 367 (15 ) KEN 2024/3.7
Ritual of the Holy Royal Arch, Province of Sussex 1990 1990 BE 395 SUS 2024/3.8
The Complete Workings of the Royal Arch Degree 6th edition 1997 1997 BE 395 COM 2024/3.9
By-Laws of Royal Arch Chapter Chenab,No.1307, Punjab approved 17/3/1924 1924 BE 367 CHE 2024/34.1
By-Laws Rose of England Chapter No.6456 approved 18/9/1959 6456 1959 BE 367 ROS 2024/34.10
Grand Chapter of England Royal Arch Regulations 1917 1917 BE 320 SUP 2024/34.9
Exploring the Royal Arch, A Talk by Clive Moore (Moore, Clive) 2021 Moore, Clive M. 2021 BE 308 MOO 2024/45.5
A History of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire (Robertson, Dr. A T) 2024 Robertson, A. T. 2024 BE 356 ROB 2024/54
The Chapter and the City 200yrs of Freemasonry in Winchester (Sermon, David) 2003: 76 Sermon, David 2003 BE 366 (76 ) SER 2024/62.31
By-Laws of Chapter of the Sawbwas No.5013 E.C. approved 28/3/1956 5013 1956 NBE 367 (5013 ) SAW 2024/62.4

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