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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

The Origin of the Royal Arch Order of Masonry, historically considered; (Oliver, Rev. G.), 1867.

Author:- Rev. G. Oliver

Date First Published:- 1867

UGLE Library Classification:- BE 312 OLI - Royal Arch General, History, General

WMLMT Classification:- History

Country of Origin:- England

Order:- Royal Arch


"Including an explanatory view of its primitive rituals, doctrines, and symbols, and of their progressive improvements to the present time. By the Rev. GEO. OLIVER, D.D. Past Grand Commander of the 33° for England and Wales; Past D.G.M. of the Grand Lodgeof Massachusetts; Past D.P.G.M. for Lincolnshire; and Honorary Member of numerous Lodges and Literary Societies. “Difficile est proprie communia dicere.”—Hor. de Art. Fort. 128. A New Edition with a Memoir of the Author. London: Richard Spencer, 26 GreatQueen Street (opposite Freemasons’ Hall). 1867.

One of the most entertaining and reliable of the numerous works by the Rev. Dr. Oliver. Since his day, however, this Degree has been traced as far back as 1744, by typographical references of that year, of undoubted authority, though even now the exact yoar of origin of this Degree has not yet been discovered. 1738 (circe.) is a fair date for any separate working."


"pp. lv. 186. 7½”x4¼”. Richard Spencer, London 1867."
