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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry
Bye-Laws or Regulations of the Edinburgh Royal Arch Chapter No.1 dated 1848
Number of Main Pages:- 17
Date First Published:- 1848
UGLE Library Classification:- BS 367 (1 ) EDI - Royal Arch General, Chapters, By-laws
WMLMT Classification:- Bye Laws
Country of Origin:- India
Province/Region/District:- District Grand Chapter of India and Ceylon - Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland
Associated Unit (Lodge/Chapter Etc.):- Kilwinning In The East Chapter No.64
Order:- Royal Arch
"Inscription Presented to Chapter Kilwinning in the East, Bengal Hall in Calcutta No.64 of Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland by E.C. John Cameron, Companion of Royal Arch Chapter No.1 of Edinburgh and Principal H of No.64 Edinburg 10 September 1848"
"pp. 77. 8½”x5½”. Edinburgh, 1848."