Philosophy and Religion (Non-masonic)

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
Entdeckung der Bruderschafft dess löblichen Ordens dess Rosen Creutzes, 1615 1615 1390 FAM 1891/252
The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity of R: C: Commonly, of the Rosie Cross. (Eugenius Philalethes) 1652 Eugenius Philalethes 1652 1390 VAU 1891/257
Instructions for Parish Priests. Edited from Cotton MS. Claudius A. II. by Edward Peacock. (Myer, John), 1868 Myer, John 1868 1295 MYE 1891/416
The Philosophical Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion unfolded in a Geometrical Order. (Ramsay, The Chevalier), 1749. Ramsay, The Chevalier 1748 1290 RAM 1891/433.1
The Philosophical Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion. Part Second. 1749 1749 1290 RAM 1891/433.2
The Invaluable Blessings of our Religious and Civil Government (Hawker, R.), 1792. Hawker, R. 1792 1293 HAW 1891/495
Life’s Painter of Variegated Characters in Public and Private Life. (Parker, George) 1789 Parker, George 1789 1395 PAR 1891/71
The Lost Language of Symbolism (Bayley, H.), Vol I. 1912. Bayley, H. 1912 1420 BAY 1916/69
An Essay upon the Constitution of Man: Spirit, Soul, Body. (Westcott, W.W.) Westcott, W.W. 1390 WES 1918/21
The Rosicrucians. Golden Rule Lodge No.21 Transaction II (H.C. & K.M.B.) H.C. & K.M.B. 1390 C.,H 1919/45
The Secret Doctrine in Israel. A Study of the Zohar and its Connections. (Waite, A. E.), 1913. Waite, A. E. 1913 1280 WAI 1919/57
The Hidden Church of the Holy Grail. Its Legends and Symbolism. (Waite, A. E.), 1909. Waite, A. E. 1909 1295 WAI 1919/61
A Mithraic Ritual. Echoes from the Gnosis, Vol. VI. (Mead, G. R. S.), 1907. Mead, G. R. S. 1907 1350 MEA 1920/14
The Mysteries of Mithra. Echoes from the Gnosis, Vol. V. (Mead, G. R. S.),1907. Mead, G. R. S. 1907 1350 MEA 1920/15
The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity of R: C: Commonly, of the Rosie Cross. (Philalethes, Eugenius ) 1923 Philalethes, Eugenius 1923 1390 VAU 1923/67
Holy Bible. Oxford, 1768. Richly bound in red and black, tooled with Masonic emblems, &c., and stamped with the name of” Lodge No. 246, held at the Feathers Tavern Strand A.L. 5769.” 1769 1298 HOL 1932/2
The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries (Jennings, H.), 1870. Jennings, H. 1870 1390 JEN 1933/113
Eight Sermons preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Defence of the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit. (Knight, James), 1721. Knight, James 1721 1293 KNI 1933/137
Ebrietatis Encomium; or, the Praise of Drunkenness; (Oinophilus, Boniface de Monte Fiascone),1723 Oinophilus, Boniface de Monte Fiascone 1723 1270 SAL 1933/57
A Recent Spiritual Development (Westcott, W. W.),1917. Westcott, W. W. 1917 1390 WES 1934/138
The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah, (Waite, A. E.), 1902. Waite, A. E. 1902 1280 WAI 1934/30
The Rosecrucians Golden Rule Lodge, No. 21. Transaction II. (H.C. & K.M.B.) H.C.; K.M.B. 1390 C., H. 1935/72
The Myth of the Jewish Menace in World Affairs (Wolf, Lucien) 1921 Wolf, Lucien 1921 1310 WOL 1938/219
The Jewish Perill. Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. 3rd Edition 1920 1920 1310 JEW 1938/220
The Jewish People and Palestine Second Edition (Weizmann, Dr. Chaim) 1939 Weizmann, Dr. Chaim 1939 1310 WEI 1941/44
The Fame & Confession of the Fraternity of RC commonly of the Rosie Cross with short Declaration of Physical Work (Philalethes, Eugenius ) 1652 Philalethes, Eugenius 1652 1390 VAU 1948/14.3
A concordance to the Holy Scriptures 1896 1896 1295 CON 1951/15.1
Catholicism Against Itself Volume 1 (Lambert, Q.C.) 1954 Lambert, O. C. 1954 1295 LAM 1955/27
The Sign Language of the Mysteries Vol 1 (Ward) Ward 1370 WAR 1959/71
The Sign Language of the Mysteries Vol 2 (Ward) Ward 1370 WAR 1959/72
Our Ancient Brethren, The Originators of Freemasonry (Castells, Rev. P.) 1932 Castells, Rev. P. 1932 1390 CAS 1959/77
The Rosicrutions Rites and Mysteries 1390 ROS 1961/26.36
Collection of Sermons AD 1500-1609 (Perkins, M.William) Perkins, M.William 1293 PER 1963/81
A Class Book of Old Testament History (Maclear, Rev. G.F.) 1902 Maclear, Rev. G.F. 1902 1295 MAC 1964/129
Phillips' Series of Scripture Manuals. Notes on I Kings (Davies, James) 1882 Davies, James 1882 1295 1964/309
Christian Rosenkreutz: The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz Its character and purpose; Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation (Steiner, Rudolf) 1950 Steiner, Rudolf 1950 1390 STE 1964/443
My Rosicrucian Adventure (Regardie, Israel) 1936 Regardie, Israel 1936 1390 REG 1964/445
True & False Paths in Spiritual Investigation (Steiner, Rudolf) 1927 Steiner, Rudolf 1927 1370 STE 1964/446
The Sun Mystery in the Course of Human History (Steiner, Rudolf) 1955 Steiner, Rudolf 1955 1370 STE 1964/447
Esoteric Studies: Occult Research into Life between Death and a New Birth (Steiner, Rudolf) 1949 Steiner, Rudolf 1949 1370 STE 1964/448
Gospel of St. Matthew (Steiner, Rudolf) 1946 Steiner, Rudolf 1946 1295 STE 1964/449
Gospel of St. Mark (Steiner, Rudolf) 1947 Steiner, Rudolf 1947 1295 STE 1964/450
Gospel of St. Luke (Steiner, Rudolf) 1946 Steiner, Rudolf 1946 1295 STE 1964/451
Gospel of St. John (Steiner, Rudolf) 1940 Steiner, Rudolf 1940 1295 STE 1964/452
The Fifth Gospel. Investigation of the Akasha Chronicle (Steiner, Rudolf) 1951 Steiner, Rudolf 1951 1290 STE 1964/453
The Deeper Secrets of Human History in the Light of the Gospel of St. Matthew (Steiner, Rudolf) 1957 Steiner, Rudolf 1957 1350 STE 1964/454
The Deed of Christ (Steiner, Rudolf) 1954 Steiner, Rudolf 1954 1370 STE 1964/455
The Birth of Christianity. Christianity & The Mysteries of Antiquity (Steiner, Rudolf) 1951 Steiner, Rudolf 1951 1295 STE 1964/456
The Pre-Earthly Deeds of Christ. Occult Development & Christ in the 20th Cenury (Steiner, Rudolf) 1947 Steiner, Rudolf 1947 1370 STE 1964/457
Star Wisdom, Moon Religion, Sun Religion. The Easter Festival and its Background, Characteristics of Judaism (Steiner, Rudolf) 1950 Steiner, Rudolf 1950 1350 STE 1964/458
The Festivals and their Meaning. Christmas (Steiner, Rudolf) 1955 Steiner, Rudolf 1955 1350 STE 1964/459
The Lord's Prayer (Steiner, Rudolf) 1958 Steiner, Rudolf 1958 1370 STE 1964/460
The Hymn of Jesus (Mead, G.R.S.) 1963 Mead, G.R.S. 1963 1295 MEA 1964/461
The Three Years. The Life of Christ between Baptism and Ascension (Bock, Emil) 1955 Bock, Emil 1955 1295 BOC 1964/462
The Etherisation of the Blood (Steiner, Rudolf) 1955 Steiner, Rudolf 1955 1350 STE 1964/463
Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael. Karma in the Life of Individuals and in the Evolution of the World (Steiner, Rudolf) 1953 Steiner, Rudolf 1953 1250 STE 1964/464
Seelen Kalendar, Calendar of the Soul (Steiner, Rudolf) 1948 Steiner, Rudolf 1948 1250 STE 1964/465
On the Reality of Higher Worlds (Steiner, Rudolf) 1947 Steiner, Rudolf 1947 1250 STE 1964/466
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment (Steiner, Rudolf) 1947 Steiner, Rudolf 1947 1370 STE 1964/467
Occult History Historical Persaonalities and Events in the light of Spiritual Science (Steiner, Rudolf) 1957 Steiner, Rudolf 1957 1370 STE 1964/468
The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (Steiner, Rudolf) 1949 Steiner, Rudolf 1949 1250 STE 1964/469
An Outline of Occult Science (Steiner, Rudolf) 1949 Steiner, Rudolf 1949 1372 STE 1964/470
An Occult Physiology (Steiner, Rudolf) 1951 Steiner, Rudolf 1951 1370 STE 1964/471
The Michael Mystery (Steiner, Rudolf) 1956 Steiner, Rudolf 1956 1350 STE 1964/472
A Scientist of the Invisible (Shepherd, A.P.) Shepherd, A.P. 1350 SHE 1964/473
The Effect of Occult Development upon the Self & the Sheaths of Man (Steiner, Rudolf) 1945 Steiner, Rudolf 1945 1370 STE 1964/474
Earthly & Cosmic Man (Steiner, Rudolf) 1948 Steiner, Rudolf 1948 1350 STE 1964/475
Theosophy (Steiner, Rudolf) Steiner, Rudolf 1350 STE 1964/476
A Road to Self-Knowledge (Steiner, Rudolf) 1956 Steiner, Rudolf 1956 1370 STE 1964/477
The Threefold Commonwealth (Steiner, Rudolf) 1943 Steiner, Rudolf 1943 1350 STE 1964/478
Pistis Sophia. A Gnostic Miscellany (Mead, G.R.S.) 1963 Mead, G.R.S. 1963 1295 MEA 1964/479
The Most Holy Trinosophia - The Three-fold Wisdom - of the Comte de St. Germain (Hall, Manly P.) 1949 Hall, Manly P. 1949 1370 HAL 1964/480
Die Schwelle der Geistigen Welt - The Threshhold of the Spiritual World - (Steiner, Rudolf)1935 Steiner, Rudolf 1935 1370 STE 1964/482
Goethe's Geistesart - Goethe's Standard of the Soul - (Steiner, Rudolf) 1956 Steiner, Rudolf 1956 1372 STE 1964/483
Die Grundsteinlegung der Allgemeinen Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft (Steiner, Rudolf) 1955 Steiner, Rudolf 1955 1350 STE 1964/484
Meditationsvorgänge Die Stuffen der Hoheren Erkenntnis (Steiner, Rudolf) 1931 Steiner, Rudolf 1931 1350 STE 1964/485
Die Pforte der Einweinung - The Portal of Initiation - (Steiner, Rudolf) 1948 Steiner, Rudolf 1948 1350 STE 1964/486
Die Prüfung der Seele - The Soul's Probation - (Steiner, Rudolf) 1948 Steiner, Rudolf 1948 1370 STE 1964/487
Der Seelen Erwachen - The Soul's Awakening - (Steiner, Rudolf) 1948 Steiner, Rudolf 1948 1370 STE 1964/488
Der Hüter der Schwelle (Steiner, Rudolf) 1948 Steiner, Rudolf 1948 1250 STE 1964/489
Das Christentum (Steiner, Rudolf) 1952 Steiner, Rudolf 1952 1295 STE 1964/490
Anthropsophie als Empfindungs, Erkenntnis und Lebensgehalt (Steiner, Rudolf) 1952 Steiner, Rudolf 1952 1280 STE 1964/491
Blut ist ein ganz besonderer Saft (Steiner, Rudolf) 1940 Steiner, Rudolf 1940 1250 STE 1964/492
Das Hereinwirken Geistiger Wesenheiten in Menschen (Steiner, Rudolf) 1955 Steiner, Rudolf 1955 1350 STE 1964/493
Die Chymische Hochzeit des Christian Rosenkreuz (Andreac, J.V.) 1942 Andreac, J.V. 1942 1390 AND 1964/494
Der Übersinnliche Mensch, Anthroposophisch erfaht (Steiner, Rudolf) 1937 Steiner, Rudolf 1937 1350 STE 1964/495
Adam Kadmon Der Aufban der Menschenform aus den Konstellationen und Bewegungen der Sterne (Steiner, Rudolf) 1922 Steiner, Rudolf 1922 1370 STE 1964/496
Die Okkulte Bewegung im 19 Jahrhundert und ihre Bezeihung zur Weltkultur (Steiner, Rudolf) 1939 Steiner, Rudolf 1939 1370 STE 1964/497
Individuelle Geistwesen und einheitlicher Weltengrund (Steiner, Rudolf) 1946 Steiner, Rudolf 1946 1370 STE 1964/498
8.2 A Short History of Rosicrucianism 1390 HIS 1964/5
The Great Law (Williamson, W.) Williamson, W. 1290 WIL 1964/533
Egyptian Myth & Legend (MacKenzie, D.A.) MacKenzie, D.A. 1400 MAC 1964/538
Chaldæan Oracles of Zoroaster (Aude, Sapere) Aude, Sapere 1370 AUD 1964/540
Mysteries of Mithra (Cumont, Franz) 1956 Cumont, Franz 1956 1325 CUM 1964/541
Mysteries of Eleusis (Méautis, George) 1932 Méautis, George 1932 1325 MÉA 1964/542
Druids & the Mistletoe Sacrament (Crow, W.B.) 1944 Crow, W.B. 1944 1330 CRO 1964/543
Celt, Druid and Culdee (Elder, Isabel Hill) 1947 Elder, Isabel Hill 1947 1330 ELD 1964/544
The Ramayana & the Mahabharata 1950 1950 1325 RAM 1964/545
Hindu Scriptures (Macnicol, Nicol) 1948 Macnicol, Nicol 1948 1325 MAC 1964/546
The Life of Buddha (Beck, L. Adams) Beck, L. Adams 1325 BEC 1964/548
What is Buddhism? (Thera, Narada Maha) Thera, Narada Maha 1952 1325 THE 1964/549
Buddhist Scriptures (Conze, Edward) 1959 Conze, Edward 1959 1325 CON 1964/550
The Dhammapada 1955 1955 1325 DHA 1964/551
Bhagavad-Gita, the Song of God (Prabhavananda, Swami & Isherwood, Christopher) 1944 Prabhavananda, Swami; Isherwood, Christopher 1944 1325 PRA 1964/552
The Song Celestial, or Bhagavad-Gita from the Mahabharata (Arnold, Sir Edwin) 1952 Arnold, Sir Edwin 1952 1325 ARN 1964/553
The Song of Praise to the Dancing Shiva (Wood, Ernest) 1931 Wood, Ernest 1931 1325 WOO 1964/554
The Diamond Sutra or the Jewel of Transcendental Wisdom (Price, A.F.) 1955 Price, A.F. 1955 1325 PRI 1964/555
The Upanishads, Breath of the Eternal (Prabhavananda, Swami & Manchester, Frederick) 1957 Manchester, Frederick ; Prabhavananda, Swami 1957 1325 PRA 1964/556
The Loves of Krishna (Archer, W.S.) 1957 Archer, W.S. 1957 1325 ARC 1964/557
The Science of Peace (Das, Bhagavan) 1921 Das, Bhagavan 1921 1350 DAS 1964/562
The Sutra of Wei Lang or Hui Neng (Humphreys, Christmas) 1953 Humphreys, Christmas 1953 1325 HUM 1964/563
The Dream of Ravan 1895 1895 1350 DRE 1964/564
Initiations and Initiates in Tibet (David-Neel, Alexandra) 1958 David-Neel, Alexandra 1958 1372 DAV 1964/565
The Initiation of Christ (Kempis. à Thos.) Kempis. à Thos. 1290 KEM 1964/567
In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom; Rosicrucian (Hartmann, Franz) 1945 Hartmann, Franz 1945 1390 HAR 1964/572
La Pendule à Salomen (Vergez, Raoul) Vergez, Raoul 1420 PEN 1964/574
La Science Spirituelle dans ses Rapports avec L'Apocalypse (Steiner, Rudolf) 1945 Steiner, Rudolf 1945 1250 STE 1964/575
Balkis: Histoire de Reine du Matin et de Soliman (Nerval, Gérard de) 1953 Nerval, Gérard de 1953 1340 NER 1964/576
Ramakrishna et la vitalité de l'hindouisme (Lemaitre, Solange) Lemaitre, Solange 1325 LEM 1964/577
Buddlias-Göttes und Damonen (Markert, Günter) 1956 Markert, Günter 1956 1325 MAR 1964/579
Akaca der Mystische Raum (Huber,Guido) 1955 Huber,Guido 1955 1372 HUB 1964/582
L'Évolution Divine du Sphinx au Christ (Schuré, Édouard) 1950 Schuré, Edouard 1950 1290 SCH 1964/583
Das Rosenkreutz (Schrödter, Willy) 1955 Schrödter, Willy 1955 1390 SCH 1964/586
Mystische Theologie (Areopagita, Dionysios) 1956 Areopagita, Dionysios 1956 1372 ARE 1964/587
Mysteries of the Qabalah 1922 1922 1280 YOG 1964/589
The Mystical Qabalah (Fortune, Dion) 1941 Fortune, Dion 1941 1280 FOR 1964/590
The Kabbalah Unveiled (Mathers, S.L. Mac Gregor) 1951 Mathers, S.L. Mac Gregor 1951 1280 MAT 1964/591
The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Evans-Wentz, W.Y.) 1957 Evans-Wentz, W.Y. 1957 1374 EVA 1964/592
Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism (Govinda, Lama Anagarika) 1959 Govinda, Lama Anagarika 1959 1372 GOV 1964/593
Mysticism East and West. A comparative Analysis of the Nature of Mysticism (Otto, Rudolf) 1957 Otto, Rudolf 1957 1372 OTT 1964/594
Master Eckhart and the Rhineland Mystics (Ancelet-Hustache, Jeanne) 1957 Ancelet-Hustache, Jeanne 1957 1372 ANC 1964/595
The Delphic Oracle. Oracles through the Ages (Manas, John H.) 1940 Manas, John H. 1940 1250 MAN 1964/596
The Teachings of the Magi (Zaehner, R.C.) 1956 Zaehner, R.C. 1956 1325 ZAE 1964/597
Numbers their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues (Westcott, W. Wynn) 1911 Westcott, W. Wynn 1911 1420 WES 1964/598
The Key to Theosophy (Blavatsky, H.P.) Blavatsky, H.P. 1350 BLA 1964/599
Sepher Yetzviah The Thirty Two Paths of Wisdom (Westcott, William Wynn) Westcott, William Wynn 1280 WES 1964/600
Æsch Mezareph or Purifying Fire (Westcott, W.Wynn) Westcott, W.Wynn 1280 WES 1964/601
Self-Observation (Freeman,A.) 1956 Freeman,A. 1956 1250 FRE 1964/603
A Road to the Spirit (Coroze, Paul) 1950 Coroze, Paul 1950 1250 COR 1964/604
An Experiment with Time (Dunne, J.W.) 1950 Dunne, J.W. 1950 1250 DUN 1964/606
St. Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury (Lewis, Rev. Lionel Smithett) 1955 Lewis, Rev. Lionel Smithett 1955 1295 LEW 1964/609
The Little Flowers of St. Francis; The Mirror of Perfection; The Life of St. Francis 1295 LIT 1964/610
Essays and New Atlantis (Bacon, Francis) 1942 Bacon, Francis 1942 1250 BAC 1964/615
The Praise of Folly (Erasmus, Desiderius) 1942 Erasmus, Desiderius 1942 1250 ERA 1964/616
The Story of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland and of The New Gospel of Interpretation (Maitland, Edward) 1905 Maitland, Edward 1905 1370 MAI 1964/617
Book of Signs (Koch) Koch 1420 KOC 1964/623
The Twelve Olympians (Seltman, Charles) 1952 Seltman, Charles 1952 1400 SEL 1964/626
The Greek Myths Vol. I (Graves, R.) 1957 Graves, R. 1957 1400 GRA 1964/627.1
The Greek Myths Vol. II (Graves, R.) 1955 Graves, R. 1955 1400 GRA 1964/627.2
Mythology (Hamilton, Edith) 1955 Hamilton, Edith 1955 1400 HAM 1964/628
Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race (Rolleston, T.W.) 1949 Rolleston, T.W. 1949 1400 ROL 1964/629
Myths of the Norsemen (Guerber, H.A.) 1948 Guerber, H.A. 1948 1400 GUE 1964/630
The Living Talmud. The Wisdom of the Fathers (Goldin, Judah) 1957 Goldin, Judah 1957 1325 GOL 1964/632
The Book of Enoch (Charles, R.H.) 1952 Charles, R.H. 1952 1295 CHA 1964/633
The Dead Sea Scrolls (Dupont-Sommer, A.) 1956 Dupont-Sommer, A. 1956 1295 DUP 1964/634
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Powell Davies, A.) 1956 Powell Davies, A. 1956 1295 POW 1964/635
How to Understand the Tarot (Lind, F.) Lind, F. 1370 LIN 1964/636
The Tarot (Case, P.F.) 1947 Case, P.F. 1947 1370 CAS 1964/637
The Painted Caravan; a penetration into the secrets of the Tarot Cards (Rákóczi, Basil Ivan) 1954 Rákóczi, Basil Ivan 1954 1370 RÁK 1964/638
Le Tarot (Chabosean, Jean) 1946 Chabosean, Jean 1946 1370 CHA 1964/639
Le Tarot (Rijuberk, Gerard van) 1947 Rijuberk, Gerard van 1947 1370 RIJ 1964/640
Tarot der Eingeweihten (Winckelmann, J.) 1954 Winckelmann, J. 1954 1370 WIN 1964/641
Le Tarot des Bohemiens (Papus) Papus 1370 ENC 1964/642
Die moderne naturwissenschafliche Vorstellungart und die Weltanschauung Goethes, wie sie Rudolf Steiner vertritt (Stein, Dr. Walter Johannes) Stein, Dr. Walter Johannes 1250 STE 1964/643
Magic Black and White (Hartman, F.) 1924 Hartman, F. 1924 1380 HAR 1964/644
Freemasonry & Catholicism (Heindel) Heindel 1947 1390 HEI 1964/646
Diagnosis of Man (Walker, Kenneth) 1948 Walker, Kenneth 1948 1325 WAL 1964/647
The Personality of Man (Tyrrell, G.N.M.) 1954 Tyrrell, G.N.M. 1954 1350 TYR 1964/648
The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary (Tenney, Merrill C.) 1963 Tenney, Merrill C. 1963 1295 TEN 1965/18
© A Short account of the Church of St Michael, Garway. Knight Templar (Whittaker, Kathleen A.) Whittaker, Kathleen A. 1290 WHI 1965/66
The Four Gospels (Lonsdale, Rev. J. Hale) 1849 Lonsdale, Rev. J. Hale 1849 1295 LON 1967/147
The Wisdom of Buddhism (Humphreys, C.) 1970 Humphreys, C. 1970 1325 HUM 1971/113
Holy Bible presented to T.F.W. Higgs a Lewis on the occasion of laying the Foundation Stone of St.Lukes Church 1875 1875 1298 HOL 1971/116
Bromsgrove Parish Church (Shepard, F.G.) 1958 Shepard, F.G. 1958 1292 SHE 1972/56.18
The Fame and Confessions of the Fraternity of R:C: Commonly of the Rosy Cross (Pryce, F.N.)1923 Pryce, F.N. 1923 1390 VAU 1978/96
Holy Bible with Concordance for Masonic Use 1298 HOL 1979/113
The Book of Splendours (Levi, Eliphas) Levi, Eliphas 1973 1372 LEV 1983/72
Rosicucian Principles AMORC 1390 AMO 1984/51
Mansions of the Soul. The Cosmic Conception (Lewis, H.Spencer) 1930 Lewis, H.Spencer 1930 1390 LEW 1984/52
Rosicrucian Manual 4th Edition (Lewis, H.Spencer) 1930 Lewis, H.Spencer 1930 1390 LEW 1984/53
The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross (Waite, A.E.)1924 Waite, A.E. 1924 1390 WAI 1986/19
Masonic Presentation Bible to Joseph Aldren of Pheonix Lodge No. 3602 1298 HOL 1987/25
The Sign Language of the Mysteries Vol 1 (Ward, J.S.M.) Ward, J.S.M. 1370 WAR 1993/56
The Sign Language of the Mysteries Vol 2 (Ward, J.S.M.) Ward, J.S.M. 1370 WAR 1993/57
Our Ancient Brethren, The Originators of Freemasonry (Castells, Rev. P.) Castells, Rev. P. 1390 CAS 1993/74
The Fame & Confession of the Fraternity of Rosie Cross 1390 VAU 1994/16
Holy Bible - Masonic Edition 1298 HOL 2000/57
Signs & Symbols of Primordial Man (Churchward, Dr. Albert) Churchward, Dr. Albert 1420 CHU 2000/63
Like a Mighty Tortoise. History of the Diocese of Manchester (Dobb, Rev. Arthur J.) Dobb, Rev. Arthur J. 1295 DOB 2005/102
The Holy Place. Decoding of the Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau (Lincoln, Henry) 1991 Lincoln, Henry 1991 1370 LIN 2006/33
The Secret Scroll (Sinclair, Andrew) Sinclair, Andrew 1295 SIN 2006/34
Funeral Service for the use of The New Church 1951 1951 1294 FUN 2006/782
Joshua's Prayer Sun Stand thou Still. A paper read to the Men's League of Wretham Road New Church by Rev S.J.S. Goldsack 1/11/1935 1935 1293 GOL 2006/786
Joshua's Prayer Sun Stand Thou Still A Paper read to The Men's League of Wretham Road New Church (Goldsack, Rev.S.J.C.) 1/11/1935 Goldsack, Rev.S.J.C. 1935 1293 GOL 2006/985
The Kabala of Numbers (Sepharial) Sepharial 1280 SEP 2007/114
The Flame and the Light. Meanings in Vedanta and Buddhism (Fausset, Hugh l'Anson) 1958 Fausset, Hugh l'Anson 1958 1350 FAU 2007/150.100
The Secret Doctrine Volume 1 (Blavatsky, H.P.) Blavatsky, H.P. 1928 1350 BLA 2007/150.113
The Secret Doctrine Volume 2 (Blavatsky, H.P.) Blavatsky, H.P. 1928 1350 BLA 2007/150.114
The Hidden Way across the Threshold (Street, J.C.) 1887 Street, J.C. 1887 1290 STR 2007/150.124
Edouard Schuré's world famous Study of the Immortal Eight. The Great Initiates Volume 1 (Schuré, Edouard) Schuré, Edouard 1292 SCH 2007/150.130
Edouard Schuré's world famous Study of the Immortal Eight. The Great Initiates Volume 2 (Schuré, Edouard) Schuré, Edouard 1292 SCH 2007/150.131
A Meditation on Toleration (Haffner, Christopher) Haffner, Christopher 1293 HAF 2007/150.175
Runenkunde (Weber, Edmund) 1941 Weber, Edmund 1941 1400 WEB 2007/150.39
The Wisdom of Balahvar (Lang, David Marshall) 1957 Lang, David Marshall 1957 1400 LAN 2007/150.42
The Mysteries of the Rose-Cross (Adams, George) 1955 Adams, George 1955 1390 ADA 2007/150.44
Das Mysterium des Grals (Evola, Julius) 1955 Evola, Julius 1955 1400 EVO 2007/150.73
Presentation Masonic Bible to Kenneth Leggott of Old Hymerian Lodge No. 6885 1298 HOL 2007/150.83
La Science Occulte. Principes philosophiques de L'Ésotérisme 1930 1930 1250 FRA 2007/150.87
The Gnostic Jung (Segal, Robert A.) 1992 Segal, Robert A. 1992 1290 SEG 2007/150.92
On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism (Scholem, Gershom G.) Translated by Ralph Manheim 1965 Scholem, Gershom G. 1965 1280 SCH 2007/150.99
Ronald Eyre on the Long Search. His own account of a three-year journey 1979 1290 EYR 2007/40
Uriel's Machine (Knight, Christopher & Lomas, Robert) Knight, Christopher; Lomas, Robert 1999 1370 KNI 2007/51
The Curse of The Pharaohs (Vandenberg, Philipp) 1975 Vandenberg, Philipp 1975 1400 VAN 2007/74
Man and His Superstitions (Read, Carveath) Read, Carveath 1340 REA 2007/99
These are the Garments. A study of the High Priest's Garments. (Slemming, C.W.) 1974 Slemming, C.W. 1974 1295 SLE 2008/25.107
Prophets and Rulers being Book Two of Background to the Bible (Youngman, Bernard R.) 1963 Youngman, Bernard R. 1963 1292 YOU 2008/25.164
David (Cooper, Duff) 1962 Cooper, Duff 1962 1292 COO 2008/25.173
The Bible as History (Keller, Werner) 1961 Keller, Werner 1961 1292 KEL 2008/25.37
The Secret of Ancient Egypt (Palmer, Ernest G 1924.) Palmer, Ernest G 1924. 1924 1250 PAL 2008/31
The Secret Doctrine Vol. 3 and Index (Blavatsky, H.P.) 1928 Blavatsky, H.P. 1928 1350 BLA 2008/32
Isis Unveiled Vol. 1 (Blavatsky, H.P.) 1923 Blavatsky, H.P. 1923 1350 BLA 2008/33
Isis Unveiled Vol. 2 (Blavatsky, H.P.) 1923 Blavatsky, H.P. 1923 1350 BLA 2008/34
The Thorn-Tree being a History if Thorn Worship of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (Theta) 1863 Theta 1863 1292 THE 2008/61.10
Masonic Bible presented to Barney Kennedy Guthrie Lodge No.35 1947 1298 HOL 2011/19.2
The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (Baigent,Michael; Leigh, Richard) 1991 Baigent,Michael; Leigh, Richard 1991 1290 BAI 2011/39.13
The Works of Flavius Josephus (Whiston, William trans.) 1867 Whiston, William trans. 1867 1310 JOS 2011/40.16
A Handbook of Heresies (Cozens, M.L.) 1945 Cozens, M.L. 1945 1290 COZ 2011/40.30
Holy Bible embossed UGL of Victoria OAV 1298 (GL ) VIC 2012/5.172
Uriel's Machine (Knight, Christopher; Lomas, Robert) 2000 Knight, Christopher; Lomas, Robert 2000 1370 KNI 2014/12.13
Secret Chamber - The Quest for the Hall of Records (Bauval, Robert) 2000 Bauval, Robert 2000 1420 BAU 2014/12.17
Rosslyn (Sinclair, Andrew) 2006 Sinclair, Andrew 2006 1292 SIN 2014/12.23
The Sacred Bones (Byrnes, Michael) 2008 Byrnes, Michael 2008 1420 BYR 2014/12.24
The Tomb of God (Andrews, Richard; Schellenberger, Paul) 1997 Andrews, Richard; Schellenberger, Paul 1997 1340 AND 2014/12.25
The Sacred Blood (Byrnes, Michael) 2009 Byrnes, Michael 2009 1400 BYR 2014/12.26
The Tutankhamun Prophecies. The Sacred Secret of the Mayas, Egyptians and Freemasons (Cotterell, Maurice) 2000 Cotterell, Maurice 2000 1400 COT 2014/12.27
Holy Bible presented to Lodge Gateway No 189 by WQ Bro Alice Durrant 1965 1298 HOL 2014/18.4
A Guide to The Divine Liturgy in the East (Riley, Athelstan) 1922 Riley, Athelstan 1922 1295 RIL 2014/58.52
The Four Gospels 1298 FOU 2014/58.53
Masonic Bible presented to Raymond Wright by Alfred Wright, PM 573 on 11/05/1954 573 1954 1298 BIB 2014/63.27
The Song of Solomon - authorised by King James Version 1998 1998 1298 SON 2017/16.4
Desert Pilgrimage. A Journey into Christian Egypt (Wellard, James) 1970 Wellard, James 1970 1295 WEL 2017/2.35
The Gospel according to Saint John 1295 GOS 2017/3.137
The Gnostic Philosophy (Churton, Tobias) 2003 Churton, Tobias 2003 1250 CHU 2018/7.162
The Secret Scroll (Sinclair, Andrew) 2001 Sinclair, Andrew 2001 1295 SIN 2018/7.334
Secret Chamber, The Quest for the Hall of Records (Bauval, Robert) 1999 Bauval, Robert 1999 1420 BAU 2018/7.341
Uriel's Machine. The Prehistoric Technology that Survived the Flood (Knight, Christopher & Lomas, Robert) 1999 Knight, Christopher ; Lomas, Robert 1999 1370 KNI 2018/7.44
The Shroud and the Grail. A Modern Quest for the True Grail (Currer-Briggs, Noel) 1987 Currer-Briggs, Noel 1987 1400 CUR 2018/7.48
The Evidence of the Shroud (Wilson, Ian) 1986 Wilson, Ian 1986 1295 WIL 2018/7.58
The Temple of Jerusalem. With the History of the Temple Mount (Comay, Joan) 1975 Comay, Joan 1975 1310 COM 2018/7.66
Geneva Bible dated 1599 or 1616-1625 1599 1298 GEN 2018/8
Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici Letter to a Friend &c. and Christian Morals (Browne, Thomas) 1881 Browne, Thomas 1881 1290 BRO 2020/5.205
Holy Bible Grand Lodge of Antient and Accepted Masons of New Zealand 1298 NEW 2021/19.138

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