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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

Entdeckung der Bruderschafft dess löblichen Ordens dess Rosen Creutzes, 1615

Date:- 1615 -

UGLE Classification:- 1390 FAM - Philosophy & Religion( Non-masonic): Rosicrucianism

WMLMT Classification:- Higher Degrees

Order:- Non-Masonic


Beneben der confession oder Bekanteuss derselben Fraternitet, an alle Gelehrte und Hanpter in Europa geschrieben. Aiich etlichen Responsionen nnd Autwortungen, vonn Herrn HASELMENE RN und andern gelerten Lenten auff die Famam gestellet, Campteinem Discours von allgemeiner Reformation der gantzen Welt. Iro von vielen Erraten entlediget, verbessert und allen Trewhertzigen zu gut in offentlichen Druck mit Gott allem gefertiget. Gedruckt zu Frankfnrt-am-Mayn, dnrch Johann Beingern; in Verlegung, Johann Berners. M.D.C.XV.

One of the most valuable and rarest works in the Library. Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry had and have so much in common that it is no wonder that in the former many see the prototype of the latter, and some consider Freemasonry is pure and simple Rosicrucianism under another name. As to this, Bro. Gould’s History should be duly noted.


pp. 216. 6”x3¾”. 1615.
