Jurisprudence (including trials)

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
A Text Book of Masonic Jurisprudence, illustrating the written and unwritten laws of Freemasonry, (Mackey, A.G.), 1865. Mackey, A.G. 1865 UA 90 MAC 1891/150
Institutes of Masonic Jurisprudence (Oliver, Rev. G.), 1859. Oliver, Rev. G. 1859 BE 90 OLI 1916/145
Masonic Jurisprudence (Lawrence, Rev. J. T.), 1923. Lawrence, Rev. J. T. 1923 BE 90 LAW 1931/78
The Three Constitutions, England, Scotland and Ireland (Holmes-Dallimore, A.), 1927. Holmes-Dallimore, A. 1927 B 90 HOL 1933/42
Law and Custom of Freemasonry (Edwards, L.) Edwards, Lewis BE 90 EDW 1938/188
The Three Constitutions (Holmes-Dallimore, A.) 1941 Holmes-Dallimore, A. 1941 B 90 HOL 1941/23
Masonic Jurisprudence and Symbolism as Interpreted by Grand Lodge Decisions (Lawrence, Rev. John T.) 1908 Rev. Lawrence, John T. 1908 BE 90 LAW 1954/31
Institutes of Masonic Jurisprudence being an exemplification of the English Book of Constitutions (Oliver, G.) 1859 Oliver, G. 1859 BE 90 OLI 1955/2.1
The Three Constitutions (Holmes-Dalimore, A.) Holmes-Dalimore, A. B 90 HOL 1961/26.46
Le Nouveau Livre du Rose Croix (Triaca, Ubaldo) 1958 Triaca, Ubaldo 1958 YFR 90 TRI 1964/573
Digest of Scottish Masonic Jurisprudence BS 90 SCO 1965/103
Digest of Masonic Law (Chase, George Wingate) Chase, George Wingate UA 90 CHA 1967/72
Masonic Jurisprudence (Lawrence) Lawrence BE 90 LAW 1969/27
Rule and Teach A Practical Handbook of Masonic Law and Custom (Edwards, Lewis) 1956 Edwards, Lewis 1956 BE 90 EDW 1971/72
Masonic Jurisprudence (Lawrence, Rev. John T.) 3rd Edition 1923 Rev. Lawrence, John T. 1923 BE 90 LAW 1984/42
Aims and Relationships; Basic Principles; Points of Procedure. Reprinted from Masonic Year Book 1958 1958 BE 90 UNI 2006/1106
Aims and Relationships, Basic Principles, Points of Procedure - reprinted from the Masonic Year Book 1958 1958 BE 90 UNI 2006/147
Rule and Teach. Masonic Law and Custom. (Edwards, Lewis) 1956 Edwards, Lewis 1956 BE 90 EDW 2008/54.5
Freemasonry and its Jurisprudence (Paton, Chalmers I.) 1872 Paton, Chalmers I. 1872 BE 90 PAT 2008/61.97
Making a Mason at Sight (Williams, Louis L) 1983 Williams, Louis 1983 A 90 WIL 2021/19.33
The Law & Custom of Freemasonry (Edwards, Lewis) 1948 Edwards, Lewis 1948 BE 90 EDW 2022/6.17

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