Sermons, Orations, Lectures and Addresses - Prestonian Lectures' Collected

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
The Beauties of Freemasonry illustrated (Oliver, Rev. G.), 1833. Oliver, Rev. G. 1833 B 87 OLI 1932/15
The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925 - 1960 (Carr, Harry) Carr, Harry 1960 A 87 COL 1966/28
The Making of a Mason (Draffen, George), of Newington Draffen, George BE 87 DRA 1979/116
The Collected Prestonian Lectures Vol 2. 1961-1974 1974 A 87 COL 1984/24
Collected Prestonian Lectures Volume 2 1961-1974 1974 A 87 COL 1992/40
The Collected Prestonian Lectures Vol 2. 1961-1974 1983 1983 A 87 COL 1993/117
The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925 - 1960 (Carr, Harry) Carr, Harry 1960 A 87 COL 1993/135
The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925 - 1960 (Carr, Harry) Carr, Harry 1960 A 87 COL 1993/72
Prestonian Lectures 1975-87 19870 A 87 COL 2002/45
Prestonian Lectures 1988-96 1996 A 87 COL 2002/46
The Transition from Operative to Speculative Masonry (Carr, Harry) Prestonian Lecture for 1957 Carr, Harry 1957 A 87 PRE 2006/192
`for therein you will be taught….' The Millenium Prestonian Lecture (Crane, Richard Alexander) Crane, Richard Alexander 2000 A 87 PRE 2006/246
The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925 - 1960 (Carr, Harry) Carr, Harry 1967 A 87 COL 2008/25.1
The Collected Prestonian Lectures Vol 2. 1961-1974 A 87 COL 2008/25.2
The Language of the Ritual (Sillett, R.D.T.) Pestonian Lecture 2008 signed by Author Sillett, R.D.T. 2008 A 87 PRE 2008/38
Prestonian Lecture for 2012 'Scouting & Freemasonry: two parallel organisations (Harvey, A.D.G.) 2012 Harvey, A.D.G. 2012 A 87 PRE 2012/51
As we were seen - The Press and Freemasonry' (Calderwood,Paul Richard) Prestonian Lecture 2013 Calderwood, Paul Richard 2013 BE 87 CAL 2013/26
The Language of the Ritual (Sillett, R.D.T.) Prestonian Lecture 2008 Sillett, R.D.T. 2008 A 87 SIL 2014/12.42
Prestonian Lecture 2004, 'English Speculative Freemasonry: Some Possible Origins, Themed and Developments'. (Stewart Trevor) 2004 Stewart Trevor 2004 BE 87 STE 2014/27.57
The Prestonian Lecture for 2012 - Scouting & Freemasonry: two parallel organisations? (Harvey, Tony) reprinted 2013 Harvey, Tony 2013 A 87 PRE 2015/35
The Grand Design . The Prestonian Lecture 2017 (Daniel, James W.) 2017 Daniel, James 2017 A 87 PRE 2017/13
Prestonian Lecture 2007 Grand Secretaries of the United Grand Lodge of England, 1813-1980 (Khambatta, Roeinton B F) 2006 Khabatta, Roeinton B.F 2006 BE 87 KHA 2017/2.69
UGLE Prestonian Lecture for 2008, The Language of the Ritual (Sillett, R D T) - signed by author Sillett, R D.T 2008 A 87 PRE 2017/2.7
Prestonian Lecture 2006, 'The Victoria Cross Freemasons' Band of Brothers' (Angell, Granville) 2006 Angell, Granville 2006 BE 87 ANG 2017/2.90
The Millenium Prestonian Lecture, 'for therein you will be taught….' Some thoughts on the relationship between Freemasonry and Religion ( Crane, Richard Alexander) Signed 2000 A 87 PRE 2017/45.2
The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1988-1996 1997 A 87 COL 2018/7.325
The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1975-1987 1988 A 87 COL 2018/7.326
The Collected Prestonian Lectures Volume Two 1961-1974 1983 A 87 COL 2018/7.327
The Collected Prestonian Lectures Volume One 1925-1960 1984 A 87 COL 2018/7.328
The Grand Design, The 2017 Prestonian Lecture, signed copy (Daniel, James W.) 2017 Daniel, James W. 2017 A 87 PRE 2018/7.90
English Speculative Freemasonry: Some possible Origins, Themes and Developments, signed copy of 2004 Prestonian Lecture (Stewart, Trevor) 2004 Stewart, Trevor 2004 A 87 PRE 2018/7.91
The Science of Freemasonry First and Second Series (Graham, Robert D.) Iowa1972 2 Graham, Robert 1972 UIW 87 GRA 2021/19.71
Prstonian Lecture - English Speculative Freemasonry: Some possible origins, Themes and Developments (Stewart, Trevor) 2004 Stewart, Trevor 2004 BE 87 STE 2022/5.13
The Collected Prestonian Lectures Volume 3 1975-1987 A 87 COL 2022/6.178
Freemasonry and Entertainment (Ashby, J.F.) signed copy Prestonian lecture for 1999 Ashby, John 1999 A 87 ASH 2022/6.245
The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1988-1996 QC Correspondence Circle Ltd. 1997 1997 A 87 COL 2022/6.389

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