Sermons, Orations, Lectures and Addresses - General collections

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
L’Ecole des Francs-Macons a Jerusalem. 1748 1748 YFR 85 COU 1891/439
Orations of the Illustrious Brother Frederick Dalcho, .Esq., M.D. 1808 1808 USC 85 DAL 1891/494
0.1 The Revised Book of Constitutions, critically considered and compared with the Old Edition. (Abbott, G. Blizard), 1883. Abbott, G. Blizard 1883 A 85 MAS 1891/523.3
An Oration on some of the Peculiar Excellencies of Freemasonry (Oliver, Rev. G.), 1866. Oliver, Rev. G. 1866 BE 85 OLI 1891/525.6
0.2 Brotherly Love amongst the Primitive Christians, a just Emblem of the same quality amongst Masons. (Oliver, Rev. G.), 1821. Oliver, Rev. G. 1821 B 85 SER 1891/526.5
Masonic Papers, I. (Thorp, John T.), 1901. Thorp, John T. 1901 B 85 THO 1914/10
Recueil de Poësies Maçonnes. A Jerusalem. 1748 1748 YFR 85 COU 1934/22
Orations delivered at the Consecrations of New Mark and Ark Lodges in the Province of Staffordshire and Shropshire (Jones, Rev. W.Edwyn) 1930 Jones, Rev. W.Edwyn 1930 BE 85 JON 1942/50
0.1 The Triangle. A paper read in Lodge of Honour and Friendship No.1266 on 28th February 1893 (Turner, George E.) 1893 1266 Turner, George E. 1893 BE 85 TUR 1963/58.1
0.1 The Triad Society. A paper read in Lodge of Honour and Friendship No.1266 on 21st April 1896 (Turner, George E.) 1896 1266 Turner, George E. 1896 BE 85 TUR 1963/58.2
0.1 Mythology and its connexion with Freemasonry. A paper read in Lodge of Honour and Friendship No.1266 on 9th October 1894 (Turner, George E.) 1894 1266 Turner, George E. 1894 BE 85 TUR 1963/58.3
0.1 Masonic Woodcuts reproduced by George E Turner. (Turner, George E.) 1266 Turner, George E. BE 85 TUR 1963/58.4
Pillars. A paper read in Lodge of Honour and Friendship No.1266 on 15th July 1902 (Turner, George E.) 1902 1266 Turner, George E. 1902 BE 85 TUR 1963/58.5
Ophiolatry. A paper read in Lodge of Honour and Friendship No.1266 on 26th February 1907 (Turner, George E.) 1907 1266 Turner, George E. 1907 BE 85 TUR 1963/58.6
The Swastica. A paper read in Lodge of Honour and Friendship No.1266 on 20th June 1899 (Turner, George E.) 1899 1266 Turner, George E. 1899 BE 85 TUR 1963/58.7
Choice Chips (Hill, W.R.) 1903 Hill, W.R. 1903 A 85 HIL 1964/329
Twelve Lectures (Oliver, Rev. George) 1837 Oliver, Rev. George 1837 BE 85 OLI 1970/130
Prestonian Lecture "Freemasonry and Contemplative Art" A 85 BUN 1980/44
The 2005 Collection. Lectures by Freemasons in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight (Oliver, Michael) Oliver, Michael 2005 BE 85 TWO 2005/3
Short Talks on Masonry (Newton) Newton A 85 NEW 2005/87
Understanding Freemasonry (Wells, Roy A.) 1991 Wells, Roy A. 1991 A 85 WEL 2008/25.165
The Cosmic Lodge (James, Ralston) 2 UIW 85 IOW 2008/41.1170
A Journey through Freemasonry, signed copy (Roberts, T.) 2010 Roberts, Terry 2010 A 85 ROB 2018/7.272
DVD. Open Door revision 2 BE 85 OPE 2019/1.29
The Quest for Light. Selected Masonic Addresses (McLeod, Wallace) 1997 Prof. McLeod, Wallace 1997 A 85 MCL 2022/6.338
The Lee Harford Skeete Memorial Lectures Union Lodge No.7551 First Edition 1985-1989 7551 1989 LBE 85 UNI 2022/6.346

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