History, Biography - Individual

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
Fifty Years’ Masonic Reminiscences, 1888. (Kelly, William) 1888 Kelly, William 1888 BE 68 KEL 1891/503
0.1 Burns as a Mason (Hunter, W.), 1858. 8 Hunter, W. 1858 BS 68 (BUR ) HUN 1891/525.2
0.4 Masonic Offering to His Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, K.G., &c., &c., Grand Master of the Freemasons in England. 1838 1838 BE 68 (SUS ) MAS 1891/526.7
0.2 A Brief Notice of the Life and Labours of the late Cornelius Varley. BE 68 (VAR ) BRI 1891/529.17
Notes on Laurence Dermott, G.S., and His Work. (Bywater, W. M.), 1884. Bywater, W. M. 1884 BE 68 (DER ) BYW 1891/66
A brief record of the Masonic Career of the Rev. Thomas Cartwright Smyth, D.D, LL.D., (Watson, W.), 1885. Watson, W. 1885 B 68 (SMY ) WAT 1891/76
Mr. William Lilly’s History of His Life and Times, From the Year 1602, to 1681. (Lilly, William) 1715 Lilly, William 1715 BE 68 ASH 1914/72
Thomas Dunckerley, His Life, Labours, and Letters (Sadler, H.), 1891. Sadler, H. 1891 BE 68 (DUN ) SAD 1916/126
The Memorial to Washington. An Historic Souvenir. (Callahan, C. H.), 1923. Callahan, C. H. 1923 UA 68 (WAS ) CAL 1924/52
Robert Burns Poet-Laureate of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning (Peacock, Hugh C. assisted by Allan Mackenzie.), 1894. 2 Peacock, Hugh C.; Mackenzie, Allan. 1894 BS 68 (BUR ) PEA 1925/6
The Facts about George Washington as a Freemason (Tatsch, J. H.), 1931. Tatsch, J. H. 1931 UA 68 (WAS ) TAT 1933/166
The Diary and Will of Elias Ashmole (Gunther, R. T.), 1927. Gunther, R. T. 1927 BE 68 (ASH ) ASH 1933/20
Fifty Years’ Masonic Reminiscences, 1888. (Kelly, William) 1888 Kelly, William 1888 BE 68 KEL 1934/1183
The Masonic Genius of Robert Burns (Richardson, B. W.), 1893. Richardson, B. W. 1893 BS 68 (BUR ) RIC 1934/150
Christus Pelicano. In Memoriam, Sir Edmund A. H. Lechmere (W., E.), 1895. W., E. 1895 BE 68 (LEC ) CHR 1934/31
Notes on Laurence Dermott, G.S., and His Work. (Bywater, W. M.), 1884. Bywater, W. M. 1844 BE 68 (DER ) BYW 1934/72
The Masonic Career of Rev Thomas Cartwright Smyth (Watson, William) 1885 Watson, William 1885 B 68 (SMY ) WAT 1934/83
Richard Carlile; His Life and Masonic Writings (Fenton, S.J.) 1936 Fenton, S.J. 1941 BE 68 (CAR ) FEN 1941/21
Notes on the Masonic Career of George Taylor 1847-1912 1912 BE 68 (TAY ) TAY 1944/34
An Account of the Proceedings at the Festival Re The Earl of Moira 1813 1813 BE 68 (MOI ) GRA 1945/21
An Account of the Life, Death and Writings of Dr. William Dodd BE 68 (DOD ) ACC 1945/29
A Relation of Dr Dodd's behaviour in Newgate 1777 1777 BE 68 (DOD ) REL 1945/30
Memoir of the Lady Freemason 1914 Day, John) 1914 BR 68 (ALD ) DAY 1964/120
Peter Gilkes 1765-1833 (Calvert, Albert F.) 1916 Calvert, Albert F. 1916 BE 68 (GIL ) CAL 1964/122
Masonic Souvenir, Newton Brooke Past President Halifax and District Installed Masters Association 1928 1928 BE 68 (BRO ) SOU 1964/146
Reminiscences of 26 Years of Freemasonry. - Past Provincial Grand Officer of Norfolk - 1890 1890 BE 68 PAS 1964/307
The Life of Thomas Jackson (Jackson, Thomas) 1847 Jackson, Thomas 1847 BE 68 (JAC ) JAC 1964/321
Personal History of W.Bro. W.T. Page BE 68 (PAG ) PAG 1966/69
Thomas Smith Webb: -Freemason, musician, entrepreneur 1965 1965 UA 68 (WEB ) LEY 1967/32
Speeches & Diary of Journey to America and In Memorium of Richard Lane Freer 1866 1866 BE 68 (FRE ) FRE 1967/93
Presentation Book to W.Bro. Alfred Allen by Brethren of Province BE 68 (ALL ) WOR 1968/78
An Account of the Entry of H.M. Habibullah Khan, Amin of Afghanistan into Freemasonry 2 Feb 1907 McMahon, Lt.-Col Sir A. Henry) 1936 1907 WA 68 (HAB ) MCM 1970/105
Priest & Freemason. Life of George Oliver (SandBach, R.S.E.) SandBach, R.S.E. BE 68 (OLI ) SAN 1970/95
An Account of the Entry of H.M. Habibullah Khan Amir of Afghanistan into Freemasonry (McMahon, Lt.Col Sir A. Henry) 1936 McMahon, Lt.Col Sir A. Henry 1936 WA 68 (HAB ) MCM 1972/14
The Macaroni Parson (Howson, Gerald) Howson, Gerald BE 68 (DOD ) HOW 1974/1
Duke of Connaught, Official Biography (Aston, George) Aston, George BE 68 (CON ) AST 1979/105
Royal Duke, August Friedrick, Duke of Sussex. (Gillen, M.) Gillen, M. BE 68 (SUS ) GIL 1980/52
The Incredible Brother, Thomas Dunkerley (Chudley, Ron) Chudley, Ron 1981 BE 68 (DUN ) CHU 1982/64
Thomas Dunkerley, A remarkable Freemason, New & revised edition of 4167 BE 68 (DUN ) CHU 1983/68
Freemasonry in My Life (Stubbs. J.W.) Sir Stubbs, James W. BE 68 STU 1986/3
William Preston and his work (Dyer) Dyer BE 68 (PRE ) DYE 1987/16
Pedigree of Royds Family (Royds, Sir Clement, Molyneux) updated 1951 (Brocklebank, Major Goles Royds) 1952 Royds, Sir Clement, Molyneux 1952 BE 68 (ROY ) BRO 1993/102
Robert Freke Gould: Masonic Historian 1836-1915 (Cooper, F.J.) Prestonian Lecture 1980 Cooper, F.J. 1980 BE 68 (GOU ) COO 1993/142
Prestonian Lecture 1962 Grand Mastership of HRH Duke of Sussex 1813-1843 1962 BE 68 (SUS ) JAM 1993/99
My Hero - Sgt-Major Wiliam Shepherd (Shepard, R.K.) 1985 Shepard, R.K. 1985 BE 68 (SHE ) SHE 1994/6
Freemasonry in my Life (Stubbs, J.W.) Sir Stubbs, James W. BE 68 STU 1998/40
A Tale of Two Princes (Perrin, D.G.) Perrin, D.G. BE 68 (LEO ) PER 1999/40
Mozart and the Masons (Landon, H Robbins) Landon, H Robbins YA 68 (MOZ ) LAN 2003/38
Policing the Rainbow (Webb, David) Webb, David BE 68 (WEB ) WEB 2005/76
Magus. The Invisible Life of Elias Ashmole (Churton, Tobias) Churton, Tobias BE 68 (ASH ) CHU 2005/78
John Cole (Songhurst, W. John) Songhurst, W. John BE 68 (COL ) SON 2006/101
Sir Hugh Myddelton (Aubache, J.W.) 1936 Including a History of the Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge No.1602 1602 Aubache, J 1936 BE 68 (MYD ) AUB 2006/1131.7
With Masonic Honours. An account of the Masonic career of Jonathon Inggs (Serman, David) 1969 Serman, David 1969 BE 68 (ING ) SER 2006/204
An Early Will of Philip, Duke of Wharton (Thorp, John T.) Thorp, John T. BE 68 (PHI ) THO 2006/99
The Grand Mastership of HRH The Duke of Sussex 1813-1843 (James, P.R.) Prestonian Lecture 1962 James, P. R 1962 BE 68 (SUS ) JAM 2007/150.193
The Grand Mastership of HRH The Duke of Sussex 1813-1843 (James, P.R.) Prestonian Lecture 1962 James, P. R 1962 BE 68 (SUS ) JAM 2007/150.193
William Preston & His Work (Dyer, Colin) Dyer, Colin BE 68 (PRE ) DYE 2007/3.1
William Preston & His Work (Dyer, Colin) Dyer, Colin BE 68 (PRE ) DYE 2007/3.2
Robert Freke Gould Masonic Historian 1836 - 1915. (Cooper, F.J.) Prestonian Lecture 1980 Cooper, F.J. 1980 BE 68 (GOU ) COO 2007/9
Thomas Dunckerley - A Remarkable Freemason (Chudley, Ron) Chudley, Ron BE 68 (DUN ) CHU 2007/98
Priest and Freemason; the life of George Oliver (Sandbach, R.S.E.) 1988 Sandbach, R.S.E. 1988 BE 68 (OLI ) SAN 2008/25.100
Freemasonry in My Life (Stubbs, J.W.) 1985 Stubbs, J.W. 1985 BE 68 STU 2008/25.102
Stephen A. Douglas. Freemason (Temple, Wayne C.) 1982 Temple, Wayne C. 1982 UA 68 (DOU ) TEM 2008/25.105
Hi, Dad! A Story about Frank S. Land and the Order of DeMolay (Duncan, Herbert Ewing) 1981 Duncan, Herbert Ewing 1981 UA 68 (LAN ) DUN 2008/25.106
Robert Burns - the Freemason (Weir, John) 1966 Weir, John 1996 A 68 (BUR ) WEI 2008/25.146
Brother Truman. The Masonic Life and Philosophy of Harry S. Truman (Roberts, Allen E.) 1985 Roberts, Allen E. 1985 UA 68 (TRU ) ROB 2008/25.160
Thomas Dunkerley. A Remarkable Freemason (Chudley, Ron) 1982 Chudley, Ron 1982 BE 68 (DUN ) CHU 2008/25.79
Land of Promise and Fulfillment Life Story of Richard Herrmann Sr. (Herrmann, Henry) 1972 49 1972 UA 68 HER 2008/41.1162
Albert Pike Sovereign Grand Commander 1859-1891. April 1986 1986 UA 68 (PIK ) SUP 2008/41.1169
Man and Mason - Rudyard Kippling (Jaffa, Richard) 2011 Jaffa, Richard 2011 BE 68 (KIP ) JAF 2011/38
Prestonian Lecture for 1962 - The Grand Mastership of HRH The Duke of Sussex 1813-1843, 1962 BE 68 (SUS ) JAM 2013/32.147
Elias Ashmole -1617-1692, A Mighty Good Man (Churton, Tobias) 1997 Churton, Tobias 1997 BE 68 (ASH ) CHU 2014/49.2
Freemasonry in my Life (Stubbs, JW) 1985 Sir Stubbs, James W. 1985 BE 68 STU 2017/2.36
The Final Voyage of Admiral John Paul Jones. Research Lodge No.2 Iowa A 68 (JON ) FIN 2017/47.236
Memoir of the Honble. Elizabeth Aldworth of Newmarket Court, Co Cork, third edition (Day, John) 1941 Day, John 1941 BR 68 (ALD ) DAY 2018/11.5
Memoir of the Lady Freemason (Day, John) 1996 Day, John 1996 BR 68 (ALD ) DAY 2018/25.18
Elias Ashmole: A Mighty Good Man (Churton, Tobias) 1996 Churton, Tobias 1996 BE 68 (ASH ) CHU 2018/25.59
Priest and Freemason, the life of George Oliver (Sandbach,R S E) 1993 Sandbach, Richard S.E. 1993 BE 68 (OLI ) SAN 2018/25.7
Tribute to F S J Pile 1st WM at Prometheus Lodge No.4209 on 7/7/1941 4209 1941 BE 68 (PIL ) PRO 2018/6.85
A Tale of Two Princes, The life and times of H.R.H. Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany Provincial Grand Master, Oxfordshire 1876-1884 signed copy, Part 1 (Perrin, Dennis G) 1997 Perrin, Dennis 1997 BE 68 (LEO ) PER 2018/7.113
Horatio Admiral Lord Nelson, Was he a Freemason? (Webb, John) 1998 Webb, John 1998 BE 68 (NEL ) WEB 2018/7.184
The Thomas Meggy : a charitable life captured in print. The fifteenth Grand Stewards' lecture delivered on 4/7/2016 (Clements, Diane) 0 Clements, Diane 2016 BE 68 (MEG ) CLE 2018/7.270
G. Washington: Master Mason (Roberts, Allen E) 1976 Roberts, Allen E. 1976 UA 68 (WAS ) ROB 2018/7.317
John Theophilus Desaguliers, A Natural Philosopher, Engineer and Freemason in Newtonian Englan (Carpenter, Audrey T) 2011 Carpenter, Audrey 2011 BE 68 (DES ) CAR 2018/7.321
Robert Burns, the Freemason (Weir, John) 1996 Weir, John 1996 A 68 (BUR ) WEI 2018/7.331
Royal Duke, Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex 1773-1843 (Gillen, Mollie) 1976 1976 BE 68 (SUS ) GIL 2018/7.49
Mozart The Golden Years 1781 - 1791 (Landon, H.C. Robbins) 1990 Landon, H. Robbins 1990 YA 68 (MOZ ) LAN 2018/7.59
Man and Mason - Rudyard Kipling (signed copy (Jaffa, Richard) 2011 Jaffa, Richard H 2011 BE 68 (KIP ) JAF 2018/7.78
Sir Edmund Anthony Harley Lechmere BE 68 (LEC ) LEC 2019/6.23
Horatio Admiral Lord Nelson. Was He a Freemason (Webb, John) 1998 1998 BE 68 (NEL ) WEB 2019/6.33
Magus. The Invisible Life of Elias Ashmole (Churton, Tobias) 2004 Churton, Tobias 2004 A 68 (ASH ) CHU 2019/6.37
Rudyard Kipling, Man, Poet, Mason (Webb, John) 1996 Webb, John 1996 BE 68 (KIP ) WEB 2021/19.17
Booklet Peter Rickets - Fame at last! (Swift, Jonathan) 2022 Swift, Jonathan 2022 BE 68 (RIC ) SWI 2022/20.2
Booklet Peter Rickets - Fame at last! (Swift, Jonathan) 2022 Swift, Jonathan 2022 BE 68 (RIC ) SWI 2022/20.3
Order of Service to Masonry Petition (Angell, Ganville) 2020 BE 68 (ANG ) ANG 2022/44
William Vincent Shorto 1924-2000 An Appreciation of the Founder of The International Masonic Poetry Society 2000 BE 68 (SHO ) POE 2022/46.64
Elias Ashmole. The first recorded English Freemason (Page, Bryan F.) Prestonian Lecture 1998 Page, Bryan F. 1998 BE 68 (ASH ) PAG 2022/6.164
Peter Gilkes 1765-1833 (Calvert, Albert F.) 1916 BE 68 (GIL ) CAL 2022/6.170
What Robert Burns owed to Freemasonry (Paxton, Rev. William) Paxton, William BS 68 (BUR ) PAX 2022/6.297
Morton Edwards, Sculptor and The Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners (Mandleberg, John) 2010 Mandleberg, John 2010 BE 68 (EDW ) MAN 2022/6.373
Thomas Dunckerley a Remarkable Freemason (Chudley, Ron) 1982 Chudley, Ron 1982 BE 68 (DUN ) CHU 2022/6.387
Elias Ashmole 1617-1692 (Josten, C.H.) 1985 Josten, C. 1985 BE 68 (ASH ) JOS 2022/6.458
Who was Richard Eve?. A talk for Kidderminster Civic Society (Townley, Chris) Townley, Chris BE 68 (EVE ) TOW 2023/18.173
My Hero - Sgt-Major Wiliam Shepherd (Shepard, R.K.) 1985 Sheppard, R K 1985 BE 68 (SHE ) SHE 2023/18.40

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