Catalogues, Sales

From Worcestershire Masonic Library and Museum Catalogue
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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
0.2 Semi-Annual Catalogue comprising an Extensive Collection of Standard and Rare Masonic Books Etc. to be sold by Auction at the Salesroom of the Masonic Publishing and Furnishing Co.on Wednesday November 26th 1879 1879 A 28 MAS 1891/528.10
0.1 Seventh Semi-Annual Sale by the Masonic Furnishing Co., comprising an Extensive Collection of Standard and Rare Masonic Books Etc. to be sold at their on Wednesday May 19 1880 1880 A 28 MAS 1891/528.11
0.2 Eighth Semi-Annual Sale by the Masonic Furnishing Co., comprising an Extensive Collection of Standard and Rare Masonic Books Etc. to be sold at their on Wednesday November 30 1880 1880 A 28 MAS 1891/528.12
0.2 Ninth Semi-Annual Sale by the Masonic Furnishing Co., comprising an Extensive Collection of Standard and Rare Masonic Books Etc. to be sold at their on Wednesday May 17 1881 1881 A 28 MAS 1891/528.13
0.2 Tenth Semi-Annual Sale by the Masonic Furnishing Co., comprising an Extensive Collection of Standard and Rare Masonic Books Etc. to be sold at their on Wednesday November 17 1881 1881 A 28 MAS 1891/528.14
0.2 Eleventh Semi-Annual Sale by the Masonic Furnishing Co., comprising a Large Collection of Standard and Rare Masonic Books Etc. to be sold at their on Wednesday May 17 1882 1882 A 28 MAS 1891/528.15
0.1 Twelth Semi-Annual Sale by the Masonic Furnishing Co., comprising a Large Collection of Standard and Rare Old Masonic Books Etc. to be sold at their on Wednesday November 16 1882 1882 A 28 MAS 1891/528.16
0.2 Thirteenth Semi-Annual Sale by the Masonic Furnishing Co., comprising a Large Collection of Standard and Rare Old Masonic Books Etc. to be sold at their on Wednesday May 23 1883 1883 A 28 MAS 1891/528.17
0.2 Fourteenth Semi-Annual Sale by the Masonic Furnishing Co., comprising a Large Collection of Standard and Rare Old Masonic Books Etc. to be sold at their on Wednesday November 21 1883 1883 A 28 MAS 1891/528.18
0.2 Fifteenth Semi-Annual Sale by the Masonic Furnishing Co., comprising a Large Collection of Standard and Rare Old Masonic Books Etc. to be sold at their salesroom on Wednesday May 28 1884 1884 A 28 MAS 1891/528.19
0.4 Catalogue of the Collection of Works on Freemasonry formed for a complete Masonic Library which will be sold by auction, &c., (Spencer, R.), 1875. Spencer, R. 1875 BE 28 SPE 1891/528.2
0.3 Sixteenth Semi-Annual Sale by the Masonic Furnishing Co., comprising a Large Collection of Standard and Rare Old Masonic Books Etc. to be sold at their salesroom on Wednesday November 19th 1884 1884 A 28 MAS 1891/528.20
0.2 Standard and Popular Works on Freemasonry issued by the Masonic Furnishing Co., 63 Bleeker Street New York. A 28 MAS 1891/528.21
0.2 List of Old and Scarce Books, &c., on Freemasonry and kindred subjects (Spencer), 1885. Spencer 1885 BE 28 SPE 1891/528.3
0.3 A Catalogue of Books on Freemasonry (Kenning, G.) Kenning, G. BE 28 KEN 1891/528.4
0.2 Catalogue of Standard and Rare Old Masonic Books, &c., &c., to be sold by auction at the sales room of the Masonic Furnishing Coy., &c., New York. Monday & Tuesday June 4th & 5th 1877 1877 A 28 MAS 1891/528.7
0.2 Catalogue of Standard and Rare Masonic Books Etc. to be sold by Auction at the Salesroom of the Masonic Publishing and Furnishing Co.on Wednesday December 20th and 21st 1877 1877 A 28 MAS 1891/528.8
0.1 Catalogue comprising an Extensive Collection of Standard and Rare Masonic Books Etc. to be sold by Auction at the Salesroom of the Masonic Publishing and Furnishing Co.on Wednesday June 2d 1879 1879 A 28 MAS 1891/528.9
0.1 Catalogue of Valuable Books and Manuscripts relating to Freemasonry (Kenning, George) 1886 Kenning, George 1889 BE 28 MAS 1891/530
Catalogue of Early Books and Manuscripts. Southeby & Co. 1934 1934 A 28 SOU 1935/49
Macoy's Guide to Masonic Literature N.Y. A 28 MAC 1964/622
George Kenning and Spencer Masonic Regalia Price List for 1959-1960 1959 BE 28 GEO 2006/1813
George Kenning & Spencer Ltd. Masonic Regalia Price List 1959-1960 1959 BE 28 GEO 2019/6.28
Catalogue 9 Alpha Books, Occultism; Summer 1991 1991 A 28 ALP 2022/6.203
Catalogue 11 Alpha Books, Occultism; Spring 1993 1993 A 28 ALP 2022/6.204
Catalogue 12 Alpha Books, Occultism; Summer 1993 1993 A 28 ALP 2022/6.205
Catalogue 13 Alpha Books, Occultism; Summer 1994 1994 A 28 ALP 2022/6.206
Catalogue 14 Alpha Books, Occultism; Spring 1995 1995 A 28 ALP 2022/6.207
Catalogue 15 Alpha Books, Occultism; Alchemy; Freemasonry; Psychical Research and Related Subjects. Summer 1995 1995 A 28 ALP 2022/6.208
Catalogue 19 Alpha Books, Occultism; Alchemy; Freemasonry; Psychical Research and Related Subjects. Summer 1999 1999 A 28 ALP 2022/6.209
Books from the Library of Norman B. Spencer Q.C. Correspondence Circle 2001 BE 28 SPE 2022/6.211
Freemasonry: A Catalogue of Secendhand Books from A.D. Martin February 2000 2000 A 28 MAR 2022/6.212
Freemasonry: A Catalogue of Secendhand Books from A.D. Martin June 2000 2000 A 28 MAR 2022/6.213
Freemasonry: A Catalogue of Secendhand and Antiquarian Books from R A Gilbert Catalogue 33 Autumn 1982 1982 A 28 GIL 2022/6.214
Freemasonry: A Catalogue of Secondhand and Antiquarian Books from R A Gilbert Catalogue 54 Autumn 1986 1986 A 28 GIL 2022/6.215
Freemasonry: A Catalogue of Secondhand and Antiquarian Books from R A Gilbert Catalogue 59 Autumn 1987 1987 A 28 GIL 2022/6.216
Freemasonry: A Catalogue of Secondhand and Antiquarian Books from R A Gilbert Catalogue 68 Spring 1991 1991 A 28 GIL 2022/6.217
Freemasonry: A Catalogue of Secondhand and Antiquarian Books from R A Gilbert Catalogue 71 Summer 1992 1992 A 28 GIL 2022/6.218
Freemasonry: A Catalogue of Secondhand and Antiquarian Books from R A Gilbert Catalogue 78 Spring 1996 1996 A 28 GIL 2022/6.219
Freemasonry: A Catalogue of Secondhand and Antiquarian Books from R A Gilbert Catalogue 82 Autumn 1997 1997 A 28 GIL 2022/6.220
Freemasonry: A Catalogue of Secondhand and Antiquarian Books from R A Gilbert Catalogue 84 Summer 1999 1999 A 28 GIL 2022/6.221
Sales catalogue of Spencer's Masonic Deport with reproductions of Tracing Boards available for sale BE 28 SPE 2022/6.279
InterCol LondonSales Catalogue A 28 INT 2022/6.441
Toye & Kenning Ltd Price List 1957-1958 1957 BE 28 TOY 2023/34.22
Masonic Jewels Clothing & Regalia, H. T. Lamb, London 1895 1895 BE 28 LAM 2024/49.29

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