Masonic Music, Poetry, Plays, Rhetoric

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
Noblesse des Francs-Maçons, ou Institution de leur Société avant le Deluge Universel, & son renouvellement après le Deluge. 1756 1756 YFR 735 NOB 1891/440
The Poetry of Freemasonry (Morris, Robert), 1884. Morris, Robert 1884 UA 735 MOR 1891/505
Chansons Notées de la très vénérable Confrerie des Maçons Libres (Naudot, Fr.), 1737. Naudot, Fr. 1737 YFR 733 NAU 1891/506
Recueil Choisi de Chansons et de Poésies Maçonnes. A Jerusalem: aux dépens de la Loge de St. Jean. 1748 1748 YFR 733 REC 1891/507
The Free-Masons Companion. Being a choice collection of Songs, Prologues, Epilogues, &c. (Green, R.), 1777. Green, R. 1777 BE 733 FRE 1891/509
The Masonic Museum. 1799 1799 BE 733 MAS 1891/510
The Miscellaneous Poems of J. Cawdell, Comedian. 1785 1785 BE 735 CAW 1891/511
Masonic Miscellanies, in Poetry and Prose (Jones, Stephen), 1811 Jones, Stephen 1811 BE 733 JON 1891/513
Les Fri-Maçons. Hyperdrame. A Londres. Chez J.... T.... dans le Strand. MDCCXLI. 1741 1741 YFR 737 CLE 1891/516
Sandoval, or The Freemason. A Spanish tale. Vol. I. 1826 1826 YS 736 SAN 1891/518.1
Sandoval, or The Freemason. A Spanish tale. Vol. II. 1826 1826 YS 736 SAN 1891/518.2
Sandoval, or The Freemason. A Spanish tale. Vol. III. 1826 1826 YS 736 SAN 1891/518.3
On the Square — A Novel, 1885. 1885 BE 736 ON 1891/521
A Collection of the Songs of Masons. 1734 1734 BE 733 MAS 1914/80
Masonic Miscellanies, in Poetry and Prose (Jones, Stephen), 1811 Jones, Stephen 1811 BE 733 JON 1916/32
The Freemason; or, The Secret of the Lodge Room. A Domestic Drama, in Two Acts. (Hart, J. P.) Hart, J. P. BE 737 HAR 1918/5
La Lyre Maçonnique, pour 5813 et 5814 (Jacquelin, J. A.), 1814. Jacquelin, J. A. 1814 YFR 733 JAC 1921/40
The New Masonic Melodist or Freemason’s Vade-Mecum of Original and Select Songs (Gooch, R.), 1836. Gooch, R. 1836 BE 733 GOO 1921/43
Freimaurerlieder. 1774 1774 YG 733 FRE 1921/46
The Freemasons’ Liber Musicus (Spark, Dr. W.), 1883. Spark, Dr. W. 1883 BE 730 SPA 1922/32
Masonic Miscellanies, in Poetry and Prose (Jones, Stephen), 1811. Jones, Stephen 1811 BE 733 JON 1929/114.1
Masonic Miscellanies, in Poetry and Prose (Jones, Stephen), 1811. Jones, Stephen 1811 BE 733 JON 1929/114.2
Masonic Miscellanies, in Poetry and Prose (Jones, Stephen), 1811. Jones, Stephen 1811 BE 733 JON 1929/114.3
Masonic Effusions, Moral and Religious, of the late Matthew Garland, Twenty Years Provincial Grand Orator for the County of Kent. (Garland, Matthew), 1819. Garland, Matthew 1819 BE 735 GAR 1930/40
The Masonic Minstrel, 1828. 1828 BE 733 MAS 1931/28
© The King and the Craft (Simpson, John P.) Simpson, John P. BE 741 SIM 1933/93
Masonic Miscellanies in Poetry and Prose (Jones, Stephen) 1811 Jones, Stephen 1811 BE 733 JON 1934/1312
Young Free-Mason’s Assistant, The. Being a Choice Collection of Mason Songs. 1784 1784 BE 733 YOU 1934/52
The Free-Masons’ Melody, 1818. 1818 BE 733 FRE 1934/74
The Masonic Vocal Manual (Garforth, William) 1852 Garforth, William 1852 BE 733 GAR 1935/99
Masonic Minstrel 1828 1828 BE 733 MAS 1936/145
Lodge and After-Dinner Speaking. Introduction by Lionel Vibert (Hobbs, J. Walter) Hobbs, J. Walter BE 741 HOB 1939/1309
Scald Miserable Masons. 1742 1742 BE 750 SCA 1944/20
An epistle from Dick Poney Esq. To Nick P---N Esq at his Chambers in Newgate 1742 1742 BE 750 PON 1945/16
Masonic Speechmaking (Hobbs, J.W.) Hobbs, J.W. BE 741 HOB 1959/50
Leaves from Georgia Masonry, Grand Lodge of Georgia, USA 2nd Printing 1947 1947 UG 738 GEO 1959/70
Told Thro' the Ages (Ward) Ward BE 736 WAR 1959/76
Labour & Refreshment: Speeches, Lectures and Stories for many Occasions (Ward, J.S.M.) 1926 Ward, J.S.M. 1926 BE 738 WAR 1959/83
The Essex Harmony Masonic Songs and Tunes in an 18th Century Song Book (Sharp, Arthur) 1958 Sharp, Arthur 1958 BE 733 SHA 1960/31
Masonic Speech Making (Hobbs, J.Walter) 1943 Hobbs, J. Walter 1943 BE 741 HOB 1960/59.1
Lodge and After Dinner Speaking BE 741 HOB 1960/59.2
After the Lodge is Closed 1948 1948 BE 741 M 1960/59.3
That Which Was Lost (Sanderson, W.) Sanderson, W. BE 738 SAN 1961/3
After the Lodge is Closed 1934 BE 741 M 1961/37.1
Masonry, Medicine and Morals (Oxford, Rev. A.W.) 1939 Oxford, Rev. A.W. 1939 BE 738 OXF 1963/51.14
A Curious Collection of the Most Celebrated Songs in Honour of Masonry 1721 1721 BE 733 MAS 1964/305
The Masonic Vocal Manual (Garforth, William) 1852 Garforth, William 1852 BE 733 GAR 1964/317
Masonic Sonnets (Tweddell, George Markham) 1887 Tweddell, George Markham 1887 BE 735 TWE 1964/340
Code Recréatif des Francs-Maçons (Grenier) 1807 Grenier 1807 YFR 733 GRE 1964/367
Songs Etc. Pantomime Harlequin Freemason Covent Garden (Dibdin, Charles) 1781 Dibdin, Charles 1781 BE 737 DIB 1965/69
Masonic Readings & Recitations (Harvey, William) 1920 Harvey, William 1920 BS 740 HAR 1969/57
Guide to Masonic Speech Making (Edwards, L.) Edwards, Lewis BE 741 EDW 1970/30
A Treasury of Masonic Thought (Glick, Carl) Glick, Carl 1961 BE 735 GLI 1970/96
The Masonic Token, New York (Anderson) Anderson UA 738 AND 1975/73
That Which was Lost (Sanderson, William.) Sanderson, William. BE 738 SAN 1985/13
Brother of the 3rd Degree (Garver, W.L.) 1964 Garver, W.L. 1964 UA 736 GAR 1993/152
Labour & Refreshment: Speeches, Lectures and Stories for many Occasions (Ward, J.S.M.) 1926 Ward, J.S.M. 1926 BE 738 WAR 1993/30
Masonic Speech Making (Hobbs, J.W.) Hobbs, J.W. 1993 BE 741 HOB 1993/35
Treasury of Masonic Thought (Glick, Carl) Glick, Carl 1972 BE 735 GLI 1993/71
Masonic Speech Making (Hobbs, J.W.) 1948 Hobbs, J.W. 1948 BE 741 HOB 1998/27
Fun Among the Masons (Martin) Martin BE 750 MAR 1998/47
From the Canon's Mouth (Tydeman, Richard) Tydeman, Richard BE 750 TYD 2000/47
Guide to Masonic Speechmaking (Edwards) Edwards BE 741 EDW 2000/72
Masonic Hymns, Anthems etc; St James's Lodge No.482 presented by Edwin Yates 1873. 482 1873 BE 735 YAT 2006/211
Music and Masonry (Pearman,Andrew) Prestonian Lecture 1988 Pearman,Andrew 1988 BE 730 PEA 2006/487
3-5-7 Minute Talks on Freemasonry (Bede, Elbert) 1945 Bede, Elbert 1945 UA 741 BED 2006/703
The Freemasons' Liber Musicus (Spark, Dr. W.) 1883 Spark, Dr. W. 1883 BE 730 SPA 2007/150.1
Masonic Gags and Gavels (Buchanan, Peter) 1995 Buchanan, Peter 1995 BE 750 BUC 2007/150.115
Masonic After Dinner Speaking (Ager, Laurence) 1993 Ager, Laurence 1993 BE 741 AGE 2007/150.123
Mark Masters' Degree. Hymns and Chants for use in the ceremony of advancement (Eaton, Charlie D.) 1924 Eaton, Charles D. 1924 BE 731 MAR 2007/150.21
Royal Ark Mariners' Degree. Hymns and Chants for the use of Opening, Closing and Elevation Ceremonies 1925 1925 BE 731 ROY 2007/150.22
Royal Ark Mariners' Degree. Hymns and Chants for the use of Opening, Closing and Elevation Ceremonies 1925 1925 BE 731 ROY 2007/150.23
Masonic Songs and Poems by Bards Chiefly of the XIXth and XXth Centuries (Stephen, A.C.) 1903 Stephen, A.C. 1903 BE 733 STE 2007/150.33
Mark Master Masons' Degree. Hymns and Chants for use with Midlands Working of the Ceremony of Advancement 1950 BE 731 REM 2007/150.68
Labour & Refreshment: Speeches, Lectures and Stories for many Occasions (Ward, J.S.M.) 1926 Ward, J.S.M. 1926 BE 738 WAR 2007/150.78
British Poets and Secret Societies (Roberts, Marie) Roberts, Marie BE 735 ROB 2007/42
From the Canon's Mouth (Tydeman, Richard) Tydeman, Richard BE 750 TYD 2007/43
Masonic Gags and Gavels (Buchanan, Peter) Buchanan, Peter BE 750 BUC 2007/57
Masonic Odes and Poems (Morris, Rob) 1990 Morris, Rob 1990 UA 735 MOR 2008/25.144
The Lodge in Friendship Village and other stories (George, P.W.) 1987 George, P.W. 1987 UA 736 GEO 2008/25.179
Told Through the Ages (Ward, J.S.M.) 1926 Ward, J.S.M. 1926 BE 736 WAR 2008/25.183
Masonic and Community Song book of Fidelity Lodge No. 3708 3708 BE 733 FID 2008/50.31
Was Sir Christopher Wren a Mason? (Castells, Rev. F de P) 1917 Castells, Rev. F de P 1917 BE 740 CAS 2008/61.176
Maasonic Speech Making (Hobbs, J.W.) Hobbs, J.W. 1979 BE 741 HOB 2011/40.20
Told Through the Ages (Ward, M.A.) 1926 Ward, M.A. 1926 BE 736 WAR 2013/43.5
Lodge and After Dinner Speaking (Hobbs J. W.) 1959 Hobbs J. W. BE 741 HOB 2013/43.8
5 - 15 Minute Talks (Bede E) 1972 Bede, E UA 741 BED 2013/43.9
The Masonic Compass Summer 2013 2013 BE 735 MAS 2014/12.105
Some Masonic Poems for the use of Iowa Masons 1961 1961 UIW 735 IOW 2014/12.129
The Lost Symbol (Brown, Dan) 2009 Brown, Dan 2009 UA 736 BRO 2014/12.29
Tied to Masonic Apron Strings (Pollard, Stewart M.L.) 1974 Pollard, Stewart M.L. 1974 A 750 POL 2014/12.34
Masonic Gags & Gavels (Buchanan, Peter) 1991 Buchanan, Peter 1991 BE 750 BUC 2014/12.44
Happy Choice (Tydeman, Richard) 1997 Tydeman, Richard 1997 BE 750 TYD 2014/12.45
Masonically Speaking (Beresiner, Yasha) 2007 Beresiner, Yasha 2007 BE 741 BER 2014/27.3
Guide to Masonic Speechmaking (Edwards, Lewis) 1966 Edwards, Lewis 1966 BE 741 EDW 2014/53.8
The Masonic Compass Issue 80 Autumn 2015 2015 BE 735 MAS 2015/6.20
The Masonic Compass Issue 68 Autumn 2012 BE 735 MAS 2015/6.21
Fun Among the Masons (Martin, George M.) reprinted 1974 Martin, George M. 1974 BE 750 MAR 2017/2.166
Tied to Masonic Apron Strings (Pollard, Stewart M L) 1974 Pollard, Stewart M.L 1974 A 750 POL 2017/2.195
Semper Fidelis Lodge No.529 - Hymns 529 BE 731 SEM 2017/3.136
Prestonian Lecture 1974. Drama & Craft - The Relationship of the Mediaeval Mystery and other drama to the practice of Masonry (Barker Cryer, N) 1974 Rev. Cryer, Neville Barker 1974 B 737 CRY 2017/45.12
Lodge Night 1759, A demonstration by members of Bromley & West Kent Masonic Study Circle, March 1970 1970 BE 737 LOD 2018/25.12
The Canonbury Papers Volume 2, Freemasonry in Music and Literature (Stewart,Trevor) 2005 Stewart, Trevor 2005 A 730 FRE 2018/7.324
The Lost Symbol (Brown, Dan) 2009 Brown, Dan 2009 UA 736 BRO 2018/7.330
To Keep us in Due Bounds with All Mankind, signed copy (Bennet, J.L.K.) 2000 Bennet, J. 2000 BE 735 BEN 2018/7.77
Prestonian Lecture for 1988; Music and Masonry (Pearmain, Andrew) 1988 Pearmain, Andrew I. 1988 BE 730 PEA 2019/13.205
Lodge Night, 1759. A Demonstration by members of Bromley and West Kent Masonic Study Circle presenting a composite picture of Masonic practices of 240 years ago. 1970 BE 737 LOD 2019/13.639
The Masonic Compass. The Journal and Newsletter of the International Masonic Poetry Society Issue 78 Spring 2015 2015 BE 735 MAS 2019/6.4
The Masonic Compass. The Journal and Newsletter of the International Masonic Poetry Society Issue 82 Spring 2016 2016 BE 735 MAS 2019/6.5
The Masonic Compass. The Journal and Newsletter of the International Masonic Poetry Society Issue 87 Spring 2017 2017 BE 735 MAS 2019/6.6
The Masonic Compass. The Journal and Newsletter of the International Masonic Poetry Society. Issue 50 Spring 2007 2007 BE 735 MAS 2020/5.297

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