Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry
The Poetry of Freemasonry (Morris, Robert), 1884.
Author:- Morris, Robert
Date:- 1884 -
UGLE Classification:- UA 735 MOR - Masonic Music, Poetry, Plays Rhetoric: Poetry
WMLMT Classification:- Songs
Country of Origin:- USA -
Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)
By ROBERT MORRIS, LL.D., Writer and Lecturer of Freemasonry - for forty years, and by universal consent Masonic Poet-Laureate.
Jamque opus exigi, quod non Jovis ira nec ignis, Nec potent ferrum, nec edax obolere vetustas.—Ovid.
A splendid volume of poems, worthy of the name, which is more than can be said of the Masonic poetical effusions generally, especially of the last century. Some are wretched compositions, and a few are low and vulgar in the extreme, wholly foreign to thespirit of the Craft. These are all good. This complete edition of Dr. Robt. Morris’s poems was issued shortly before his decease. Unfortunately a fire at his publisher’s consumed the most of the copies, so that those that are preserved are of more than ordinary value. The Author was “crowned” as the Poet Laureate of the Craft, at New York, and my old friend and Brother much appreciated the unique honour thus conferred on him.
Standard edition. Chicago: Published for the Author. Knight and Leonard, Printers. 1884. With portrait of Robert Morris, LL.D.
10½”x7¾”. Published for the Author, Chicago, 1884.