History (Non-masonic)

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1398-1570. 1844 1844 1105 ABE 1891/189
The Natural History of Staffordshire (Plot, Robert), 1686. Plot, Robert 1686 1154 (STA ) PLO 1891/385
The Round Towers of Ireland, or the Mysteries of Freemasonry, of Sabaesia, and of Budhism, for the first time unveiled. (O’Brien, H.), 1834. O’Brien, H. 1824 1105 O’BR 1891/420
The Solution of the Pyramid Problem; or, Pyramid Discoveries with a New Theory as to their Ancient Use. (Ballard, R.),1882. Ballard, R. 1882 1120 (TE ) BAL 1891/432
Genealogie of the Saintclares of Rosslyn. (Hay, Fr. R. A.), 1835. Hay, Fr. R. A. 1835 1190 (SIN ) HAY 1891/70
The Lives of those eminent Antiquarians John Leland, Thomas Hearne, and Anthony a’Wood, Volume 1 1772 1772 1192 LIV 1891/73
The Lives of those eminent Antiquarians John Leland, Thomas Hearne, and Anthony a’Wood, Volume 2 1772 1192 LIV 1891/74
Remarkable Biography, or the Peculiarities and Eccentricities of the Human character displayed (Pinder, P.), 1821. Pinder, P. 1821 1192 PIN 1891/75
Ist Cagliostro Chef der Illuminaten? Oder das Buch Sur la fecte des illuminés 1790 1790 1192 CAL 1891/78
The Bible in Stone; or, The Great Pyramid the Foundation of Freemasonry (Brangwin, R. A.) Brangwin, R. A. 1120 (TE ) BRA 1916/149
The Great Pyramid (Chapman, J.), 1896. Chapman, John 1896 1120 (TE ) CHA 1916/33
Freemasonry from the Great Pyramid (Holland, T.),1885. Holland, T. 1885 1120 (TE ) HOL 1916/72
Ancient Mysteries Described, especially the English Miracle Plays, &c. (Hone, William), 1823. Hone, William 1823 1105 HON 1919/46
Godfrey of Bulloigne: or the Recovery of Jerusalem — trans. &c. (Fairfax, Edward) 1726. Fairfax, Edward 1726 1192 (GOD ) FAI 1928/3
The Genuine Works of William Hogarth; illustrated with Biographical Anecdotes, a Chronological Catalogue, and Commentary ; volume 1. (Nichols, John, & Sreevens, George), 1808. Nichols, John; Sreevens, George 1810 1192 (HOG ) NIC 1933/68.1
The Genuine Works of William Hogarth; illustrated with Biographical Anecdotes, a Chronological Catalogue, and Commentary ;Volume 2. (Nichols, John, & Sreevens, George), 1808. Nichols, John; Sreevens, George 1810 1192 (HOG ) NIC 1933/68.2
Eboracum: or the History and Antiquities of the City of York from its Original to the Present Times. (Drake, Francis), 1736. Drake, Francis 1736 1154 (YNE ) DRA 1933/71
A Treatise of Architecture (le Clerc, Sebastian.) le Clerc, Sebastian. 1100 LEC 1933/84
The Great Pyramid and Freemasonry (Chapman, J.), 1886. Chapman, John 1886 1120 (TE ) SCH 1934/165
Records of Roman History,from Cnaeus Pompeius to Tiberius Constantinus, as exhibited on the Roman Coins Vol 1 (Hobler, F.), 1860. Hobler, F. 1860 1120 (RIT ) HOB 1934/269.1
Records of Roman History,from Cnaeus Pompeius to Tiberius Constantinus, as exhibited on the Roman Coins Vol 2 (Hobler, F.), 1860. Hobler, F. 1860 1120 (RIT ) HOB 1934/269.2
The Travels of Cyrus, (Ramsay, The Chevalier), 1727. Ramsay, The Chevalier 1727 1192 (CYR ) RAM 1934/51.1
The Travels of Cyrus, (Ramsay, The Chevalier), 1727. Ramsay, The Chevalier 1727 1192 (CYR ) RAM 1934/51.2
Bertrand du Guesclin, Connétable de France et de Castille (Bonnechose, Emile de), 1878. Bonnechose, Emile de 1878 1192 (GUE ) BON 1934/748
The Academy of Armory, or, A Storehouse of Armory and Blazon. (Holme, Randle), 1688. Holme, Randle 1688 1170 HOL 1934/79
Wynnstay and The Wynns. A Volume of varieties by The author of "The Gossiping Guide to Wales" 1876 1876 1192 (WYN ) WYN 1941/24
The Cause of World Unrest. With Introduction by the Editor of "The Morning Post" 1920 1920 1100 CAU 1941/39
St.Michael's Mount & its Marvels from the notes of the Marquis de Tombelaine 1151 TOM 1944/22
The Hours of Isis (Eaton, Evelyn ) Eaton, Evelyn 1928 1130 EAT 1959/74
Histories of Old London Taverns and their connections with Masonry (Simpson, J.Percy) 1908 Simpson, J.Percy 1908 1152 SIM 1964/106
Materia Hieroglyphica. Containg the Egyptian Panthron and the Succession of the Pharaohs (Wilkinson, J.G.) 1828 Wilkinson, J.G. 1828 1120 (TE ) WIL 1964/314
Le Comte de Saint-Germain (Chacornac Paul) 1947 Chacornac Paul 1947 1192 (COM ) CHA 1964/481
The Golden Bough (Frazer, J.G.) Frazer, J.G. 1140 FRA 1964/532
Easy Lessons on Egypian Hieroglyphics with sign list (Budge, E.A. Wallis) 1935 Budge, E.A. Wallis 1935 1130 BUD 1964/536
Book of the Dead (Budge, E.A. Wallis) 1953 Budge, E.A. Wallis 1953 1120 (HT ) BUD 1964/537
Prehistoric India (Piggott, S.) 1952 Piggott, S. 1952 1130 PIG 1964/558
Études et Correspondance de Jean de Pauly (Vulliaud, Paul) 1933 Vulliaud, Paul 1933 1192 (PAU ) VUL 1964/584
The Antiquities of Jordan (Harding, G.Lawkester) Harding, G.Lawkester 1959 1158 (NEM ) HAR 1964/650
Jerusalem (Join-Lambert, Michel) Join-Lambert, Michel 1120 (WE ) JOI 1964/651
London Coffee Houses (Bryant Lillywhite) Bryant, Lillywhite 1152 LIL 1965/17
The Building of the Temple. A paper read to The Men's League of Wretham Road New Church 1/3/1934 (Goldsack, Rev. S.J.C.) Goldsack, Rev. S.J.C. 1934 1130 GOL 1966/60.10
Ancient Mysteries Described: English Miracle Plays (Hone, W.) Hone, W. 1105 HON 1966/66
A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter 1697 (Maundrell, H.) and A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and Back again (Clayton, R.Rev. Robert) 1810 Maundrell, H. 1810 1120 (WE ) MAU 1967/117
History of Malta & Gozo and History of Knights of St John of Jerusalem Vol 1. (Boisgelini, Louis de) 1805 Boisgelini, Louis de 1805 1110 (RM ) BOI 1967/136.1
History of Malta & Gozo and History of Knights of St John of Jerusalem Vol 2. (Boisgelin, Louis de) 1805 Boisgelin, Louis de 1805 1110 (RM ) BOI 1967/136.2
Encyclopaedia Heraldica or Complete Dictionary of Heraldry Vol 1 (Berry, William) Berry, William 1170 BER 1967/83.1
Encyclopaedia Heraldica or Complete Dictionary of Heraldry Vol 2 (Berry, William) Berry, William 1170 BER 1967/83.2
Encyclopaedia Heraldica or Complete Dictionary of Heraldry Vol 3 (Berry, William) Berry, William 1170 BER 1967/83.3
Encyclopaedia of Heraldry (Burke, J. & Burke, J.B.) Burke, J.; Burke, J.B. 1170 BUR 1967/84
Book of Orders of Knighthood & Decorations (Burke, Sir W.,Ulster King of Arms) 1858 Burke, Sir W. 1858 1180 BUR 1967/86
System of Knighthood (Robson, T.) 1830 Robson, T. 1830 1170 ROB 1967/87
Orders of Chivalry (Lawrence-Archer, J.H.) 1871 Lawrence-Archer, J.H. 1871 1185 LAW 1967/88
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage 1860 1860 1180 BUR 1967/89
History of Dudley Castle & Priory (Twamley, Charles) 1867 Twamley, Charles 1867 1130 TWA 1967/94
The Worcestershire Regiment, History (Gale, Richard) 1970 Gale, Richard 1970 1128 GAL 1970/49
The Mediæval of Mason. A Sketch of the Time and the Men (Rae, T. Herdman) 1931 Rae, T. Herdman 1931 1130 RAE 1971/67
Pedigree of Royds Family 1180 (ROY ) ROY 1993/103
The Fortification of Malta (Hopper, Alison) Hopper, Alison 1120 (RM ) HOP 1999/32
The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland (Michael of Albany, HRH Prince) Michael of Albany, HRH Prince 1105 ALB 1999/48
Battles of the Bible (Herzog, Chaim & Gichon, Mordelhai) Herzog, Chaim; Gichon, Mordelhai 1120 (WE ) HER 2001/57
The Quest for the Historical Israel (Ramsey, George) Ramsey, George 1120 (WE ) RAM 2005/73
Manuel des Sept Stations de Saint Lievin 1890 1890 1192 (LIV ) SAI 2006/253
The Grenadier Guards and their Association with the Counties of Worcestershire & Herefordshire 1922 to 2006 (Seale, Raymond.E.G.) Seale, Raymond.E.G. 2006 1128 SEA 2006/36
Worcester Guilds and Ordinances 1105 WOR 2006/460
The Building of the Temple. A paper read to the Men's League of Wretham Road New Church by Rev S.J.S. Goldsack 1/3/1934 1934 1130 GOL 2006/784
Hiram the King and Hiram the Artificer. A paper read to the Men's League of Wretham Road New Church by Rev S.J.S. Goldsack 17/3/1938 1938 1130 GOL 2006/785
The Light of the Temple. A paper read to the Men's League of Wretham Road New Church by Rev S.J.S. Goldsack 30/10/1936 1936 1130 GOL 2006/787
Gentlemen at the Talbot Stourbridge 1105 TAL 2006/917
The Building of the Temple A Paper read to The Men's League of Wretham Road New Church (Goldsack, Rev.S.J.C.) 1/3/1934 Goldsack, Rev.S.J.C. 1934 1130 GOL 2006/984
The Light of the Temple A Paper read to The Men's League of Wretham Road New Church (Goldsack, Rev.S.J.C.) 30/10/1936 Goldsack, Rev.S.J.C. 1936 1130 GOL 2006/986
Hiram the King and Hiram the Artificer A Paper read to The Men's League of Wretham Road New Church (Goldsack, Rev.S.J.C.) 17/3/1938 Goldsack, Rev.S.J.C. 1938 1130 GOL 2006/987
Le Morte d'Arthur Volume One (Malory, Sir Thomas) 1953 Sir Malory, Thomas 1953 1192 (ART ) MAL 2007/150.104
Le Morte d'Arthur Volume Two (Malory, Sir Thomas) 1953 Malory, Sir Thomas 1953 1192 (ART ) MAL 2007/150.105
The Pyramids of Egypt (Edwards, I.E.S.) 1949 Edwards, I.E.S. 1949 1130 EDW 2007/150.106
The Crusades. The Story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (Archer, T.A.) 1894 Archer, T.A. 1894 1120 (WE ) ARC 2007/150.31
Kalevala. The Land of Heroes Volume one (Kirby, W.F.) 1956 Kirby, W.F. 1956 1120 (YF ) KIR 2007/150.88
Kalevala. The Land of Heroes Volume two (Kirby, W.F.) 1956 Kirby, W.F. 1956 1120 (YF ) KIR 2007/150.89
BC. The Archaeology of the Bible Lands (Magnusson, Magnus) 1977 Magnusson, Magnus 1977 1130 MAG 2008/25.104
The Temple of Jerusalem with the history of the Temple Mount (Comay, Joan) 1975 Comay, Joan 1975 1130 COM 2008/25.162
A Biography of R. Fenwick JP. (Botwood, H.Arthur) 1908 Botwood, H.Arthur 1908 1192 (FEN ) BOT 2008/61.144
History of Malta - Volume 1 1728 1728 1120 (RM ) HIS 2008/68.1
History of Malta - Volume 2 1728 1728 1120 (RM ) HIS 2008/68.2
The Crusade through Arab Eyes ( Maalouf, Amin) 2006 Maalouf, Amin 2006 1125 MAA 2011/39.4
The Insatiable Earl. A Life of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich 1718-1792 (Rodger, N.A.M.) 1993 Rodger, N.A.M. 1993 1192 (MON ) ROD 2011/40.10
Medals, Military and Civilian of the United States (Borthick, David; Britton, Jack) 1984 Borthick, David; Britton, Jack 1984 1125 BOR 2011/46
The Jesus Papers (Baigent, Michael) 2006 Baigent, Michael 2006 1192 (JES ) BAI 2014/12.12
A Very Unusual Air War - from Dunkirk to the AFDU (The diary and log book of the Test Pilot H Leonard Thorne (Edited by Griffin, Gill and Barry) Thorne, Leonard 2013 1125 GRI 2014/14
Samuel Telford Dutton - Royal Signal Engineer of Worcester (Dorricott, Edward) 2016 Dorricott, Edward 2016 1192 (DUT ) DOR 2016/19
Lines of Succession, Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe ( Louda, J and Maclagan, M) 1999 Maclagan, Michael ; Louda, Jiri 1999 1180 MAC 2017/2.12
The Crusades, Essential Histories (Nicolle, David) 2001 Nicolle, David 2001 1125 NIC 2017/2.161
BC The Archaeology of the Bible Lands (Magnusson, Magnus) 1977 Magnusson, Magnus 1977 1130 MAG 2017/2.24
The Cross and the Crescent - A History of the Crusades (Billings, Malcolm) 1987 Billings, Malcolm 1987 1126 BIL 2017/2.29
Programme, M5 Living History Show 2018, 11th and 12th August 2018 1100 M5 2018/10.13
The Grenadier Guards and Their Association with the Counties of Woprcestershire & Herefordshire 1922 to 2006 (Seale, Raymond E.G.) second Edition 2006 signed by author Seale, R E.G. 2006 1128 SEA 2018/7.152
Wulstan, Saint and Bishop (Henderson, Aileen) 1968 Henderson, Aileen 1968 1192 (WUL ) HEN 2018/7.194
Simon de Montfort (Labarge, Margaret Wade) 1962 Labarge, Margaret 1962 1192 (MON ) LAB 2018/7.201
The Temple of Jerusalem (Goldhill, Simon) 2004 Goldhill, Simon 2004 1130 GOL 2018/7.265
The Illustrated Guide to Rosslyn Chapel and Castle, Hawthornden, &c. (Thompson, Revd. John) 2003 Rev. Thompson, John 2003 1151 THO 2018/7.289
King John (Warren, W L) 1961 Warren, W. 1961 1192 (JOH ) WAR 2018/7.314
The Voyages of the Venetian Bros Nicolò & Antonio Zeno in the Northern Seas in the XIVth Century. The Northmen in America before Columbus. (Major, Richard Henry) 2004 Major, Richard 2004 1192 (ZEN ) MAJ 2018/7.316
The Last Templar (Demurger, Alain) 2005 Demurger, Alain 2005 1192 DEM 2018/7.346
The Last Templar. The tragedy of Jacques de Molay last Grand Master of the Temple (Demurger, Alain) 2002 Demurger, Alain ; Nevill, Antonia 2004 1192 (MOL ) DEM 2018/7.46
Richard the Lionheart (Bridge, Antony) 1989 Bridge, Antony 1989 1192 (RIC ) BRI 2018/7.47
Emulation Lodge No.1505 Benevolent Fund Rules and Regulations approved 31/1/1938 1505 1938 BE 1167 (1505 ) EMU 2019/11.5
The Crusades, A Short History (Riley-Smith Jonathan) 2001 Riley-Smith, Jonathan 2001 1125 RIL 2019/8.4
Rosslyn - A History of the Guilds. The Masons and the Rosy Cross (Brydon, Robert) 1994 Brydon, Robert 1994 1106 BRY 2020/2.16
The Imperial Constantinian Order of St George. A review of Modern Impostures and A Sketch of its True History (Rhodocanakis, Prince) 1870 Prince Rhodocanakis 1870 1185 RHO 2020/5.503

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