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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

The Natural History of Staffordshire (Plot, Robert), 1686.

Author:- Plot, Robert

Date:- 1686 -

UGLE Classification:- 1154(STA) PLO - History (Non-masonic): Topography, Counties & towns

WMLMT Classification:- Masonic Discussion

Order:- Non-Masonic


By ROBERT PLOT, LL.D., Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, and Professor of Chymistry in the University of Oxford. “Ye shall describe the land, and bring the description hither to mc.”—Joshna 8, v. 6. Oxford. MDCLXXXV1.

This volume of the year 1686 is one of the most welcome of the numerous important works of reference in the Library, because the allusions to the Freemasons, by the author, at a time when so little is known of the private character of the Fraternity, aresimply invaluable. At pp. 85-8 will be found a really excellent sketch of the Society, and though not written by a friendly hand, no better service has been rendered by an outsider to us as a body, than by Dr. Plot in his notable History. The customs alluded to, the scroll that is mentioned, the secret signs that were preserved, and the congregation in Lodges are all aptly described, and with either the “Inigo Jones” or the “Wood” MSS. before them, the brethren in Worcestershire can vividly realize the nature of the Masonic receptions of those days, and the legends, histories, and laws that were recited to the neophytes, or read to the Craftsmen. With all the plates, the work is highly appreciated by all Bibliographers and Collectors.


pp. (14). 460. 12”x7½”. Oxford, 1686.
