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Reference Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

ARS Quatuor Coronatorum Transactions of Quator Coronati Lodge No.2076 Volume 123 for the year 2010 published 2011

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Author:- Benimeli, José A. Ferrer; Chande, J. K.; Culkin, Conrad ; Daniel, James W.; Mandleberg, John ; Murat, Jean ; Owen, A. J.; Powell, Christopher ; Venzi, Fabio ; Wade, John S.

Number of Main Pages:- 316

Volume No.123

Date First Published:- 2011

UGLE Library Classification:- A 31 QUA - History and Philosophy of Freemasonry, Research Lodges, Chapters & Associations, Transactions

Country of Origin:- England

Province/Region/District:- Metropolitan Grand Lodge London - United Grand Lodge of England

Associated Unit (Lodge/Chapter Etc.):- Quatuor Coronati Lodge No.2076

Order:- Craft (Blue Masonry)


"Papers Delivered in the Lodge 2009-2010:-

QC and AQC: The Challenges We Face. (Wade, John S.)

The Masonic Observer: A Specialist Masonic Publication Par Excellence. (Daniel, James W.)

The Royal Arch Jewel - An Explanation. (Powell, Christopher)

Promulgation and Reconciliation. (Mandleberg, C. John)

Freemasonry and Fascism in Italyin the 1920s. (Venzi, Fabio)

Other Papers:-

The Religious Origins of Freemasonry (Benimeli, José A. Ferrer)

Rosicrucianism and its Effect on Royal Arch Masonry. (Owen, A.J.)

Freemasonry in East Africa 1903-63: A Barometer of Change? (Chande, J.K.)

Provincial Grand Lodges in the French Craft, 1760-1828. (Murat, Jean)

The Durham Harodim and the Hiramic Legend. (Culkin, Conrad)

Augustus, Duke of Sussex, Grand Master of Greece 1823-43. (Rizopoulos, Andreas C.)"
