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Reference Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

Chater-Cosmo Transactions: Volume 10 for 1988

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Author:- Davis, D. V.; Sir Elliott, Randal ; Haffner, Christopher ; Hoh, Robert K.H.; Laishley, E. M.; Large, C. G.; Roads, David J.; Johnston, James L.

Printed by:- Libra Press Ltd., Hong Kong

Number of Main Pages:- 332

Volume No.10

Date First Published:- 1988

UGLE Library Classification:- A 31 CHA - History and Philosophy of Freemasonry, Research Lodges, Chapters & Associations, Transactions

Country of Origin:- China and Hong Kong

Province/Region/District:- District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong & Far East - United Grand Lodge of England

Associated Unit (Lodge/Chapter Etc.):- Paul Chater Lodge of Installed Masters No.5391

Order:- Craft (Blue Masonry)



English Craft Masonry in Kuala Lumpur (Hoh, K.H.)

Gifts of the Five Genies (Haffner, Christopher)

Error and Truth in Masonic History (Haffner, Christopher)

Suns, Moons, Stars, and Stones (Large, C.G.)

Masonry in China (Laishley, E.M.)

The Contribution of Freemasonry to the Development of Hong Kong (Haffner,, Christopher)

What is the Qabalah? (Davis, D.V.)

St John Opthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem (Elliott, Sir Randal)

The First Japanese Mason (Johnston, James L.)

Courageous Cosmopolitan (Roads, David J.)"


140mm x 216mm
