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Jewel & Medal Collection - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry
Burlington Lodge, No. 96, London.; Centenary Jewel
Classification:- Centenary; Lodge/Chapter Etc.
Country of Origin:- England - Province/Region/District:- London
Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)
A six-pointed star, the rays, which are facetted, springing from a circular medallion. Within an inner circle, on a field of blue enamel, a hand, holding an hour-glass; on the cuff, FRATERNITAS, and on the ends of the hour-glass, CENT/ANNI Around the circle, NOSTRA CLEPSYDRA SECULUM NOTAT,’ * 1856 * Surmounting the circle are the square and compasses.
Ribbon, 38 mm., light blue; hanger, a narrow facetted bar.
The Lodge was warranted in 1756, meeting in Air Street, Piccadilly.
46 mm. Silver, gilt and enamel.