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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

Long Livers: A Curious History of Such Persons of both Sexes who have liv’d several Ages, and grown Young again: (Eugenius Philalethes) 1722

Author:- Eugenius Philalethes

Date:- 1722 -

UGLE Classification:- A 70 SAM - History & Philosophy of Freemasonry: Philosophy of Freemasonry

WMLMT Classification:- Masonic Discussion

Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)


A Curious History of Such Persons of both Sexes, who have lived several Ages, and grown young again: with the rare secret of Rejuvenesceney of Arnoldus de Villa Nova, and a great many approved and invaluable Rules to prolong Life: as also, How to preparethe Universal Medicine. Most humbly dedicated to the Grand Master, Masters, Wardens, and Brethren of £he most Autient and most Hononrable Fraternity of the FreeMasons of Great Britain and Ireland. By EUGENIUS PHILALETRES, F.R.S., Author of the Treatise of the Plague. Viri, Fratres, audite me. Acts xv. 13. Diligite Fraternitatem, limete Deum, honorate Regem. 1 Pet. ii. 17.

The value, Masonically, of this singular volume, is to be found in the Introduction, not in the Book itself. More has been made, however, of its references to our ceremonies than the production warrants, for if the antiquity of Masonic Degrees rested on the proof to be found in this Book, especially as to those beyond the “third,” the adherents of that particular school would be without evidence for their views.

London: Printed for J. Holland at the Bible and Ball in St. Paul’s Churchyard, and L. Stokoe, at Charing Cross. 1722.


pp. lxiv. 199. ix. 7½”x4½”.
