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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

The Spirit of Masonry, in Moral and Elucidatory Lectures. (Hutchinson, W.), 1775.

Author:- Hutchinson, W.

Date:- 1775 -

UGLE Classification:- BE 33 HUT - History & Philosophy of Freemasonry: Comprehensive works on freemasonry, ranging over the whole field

WMLMT Classification:- Masonic Discussion

Country of Origin:- England -

Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)


By WILLIAM HUTCHINSON, Master of the Barnard Castle Lodge of Concord.

The first edition of a work chiefly devoted to making the three grand principles and four cardinal virtues of the Craft better known and understood by the Fraternity. Hatchinson was warmly in favour of the Craft originating iii very early times, and his lectures breathe a most devout spirit. So much is this the case, that even with those of us who fail to see with him, we recognise the value of his teaching based on the symbolism of the Craft.

London: Printed for 3. Wilkie, No. 71 in St. Paul’s Churchyard, and W. Goldsmith, No. 24 Paternoster Row. 1775.


pp. x. 237. 18. 7”x4½”. J. Wilkie & W. Goldsmith, London, 1775.
