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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

A History of Freemasonry in Wiltshire (Goldney, F. H.), 1880.

Author:- Goldney, F. H.

Date:- 1880 -

UGLE Classification:- BE 60(WIL) GOL - History & Philosophy of Freemasonry: History, Local Histories

WMLMT Classification:- Lodge History

Country of Origin:- England - Province/Region/District:- Wiltshire

Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)


Including an account of the Provincial Grand Lodge and its subordinate Lodges, and a Roll of the Grand Officers of the Province, and Lists of thc Worshipful Masters of the several Lodges, and also an account of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapters, and a Roll of the Grand Officers of the Province, and Lists of the Principals of the several Chapters. By FREDERIcK HASTINGS GOLDNEY, Past Grand Steward of England, Grand Treasurer and Senior Grand Warden of Wilts, &c., &c., &c. “Audi, vide, tace.” For presentation only. 1880.

One of the most interesting of all Provincial Histories, and rarely to be obtained, as Bro. Goldney, P.G.D., only had a few privately printed, It will well repay a most diligent examination, and not a few of the records noted are of the earliest of theirkind in England. It is net quite clear, even now, what some of the references mean, so that there is no lack of suggestive material for Masonic students.


pp. vi. 200 8¼”x6½”. For Presentation only, 1880
