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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

The History and Articles of Masonry, now first published from a MS. in the British Museum. (Cooke, M.), 1861.

Author:- Cooke, M.

Date:- 1861 -

UGLE Classification:- BE 42 COO - History & Philosophy of Freemasonry: History, Old Charges - Commentaries and general works

WMLMT Classification:- History

Country of Origin:- England -

Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)


Dedicated by permission to the W. Bro. JOHN HAYERS, Esq., P.S.G.D., President of the Board of General Purposes, by the Editor, MATTHEW COOKE, &c. Entered at Stationers’ Hall. The right of translation and reproduction is reserved. Price to Subscribers, 5/6; to Non-Subscribers, 7/6. London: Bro. Richard Spencer, 26 Great Queen Street, Of the several MSS. preserved in the British Museum, this is the second oldest, and is known as “Cooke’s MS.” by the Fraternity, owing to its being reproduced by the late Bro. Matthew Cooke. I consider it was known to Dr. Anderson when he compiled the “Book of Constitutions,” but apparently not the senior document of the Craft in Englaud, known as the “Halliwell,” or “Regius MS.,” of A.D. 1390 circa. Exact facsimiles of these invaluable MSS. form vols. I and 2 of the Reprints of the “Quatuor Coronati” Lodge, No. 2076, London, widely known as the “Students’ Lodge,” and the introductions by Bros. Gould and Speth, respectively, render these works of permanent interest and importance.


pp. xix. 163. 6¾”x4¾”. Richard Spencer, London, 1861.
