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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

A General History of Freemasonry in Europe, (Rebold, E.), 1866.

Author:- Rebold, E.

Date:- 1866 -

UGLE Classification:- A 50 REB - History & Philosophy of Freemasonry: History, General works, comprehensive

WMLMT Classification:- History

Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)


based upon the Ancient Documents relating to, and the Monuments erected by this Fraternity from its foundation in the year 715 B.C., to the present time. Translated and compiled from the Masonic Histories of Emmanuel Rebold, M.D., Past Deputy of the Grand Orient of France, President of the Academy of Industrial Sciences, and a Member of many Philosophic and Scientific Societies, by J. FLETCHER BRENNAN, Editor of the American Freemason’s Magazine. Cincinnati: J. F. Brennan, Masonic Editor, West Fourth Street. 1866. A work of this kind must be read by students rather than by the general body of Craftsmen, as not a few statements must be taken cum grano salis, though the Editor of the Translation did his utmost to render it suitable for English readers generally. It is nowhere, however, by the side of Gould’s History, useful as it is for critical purposes.


pp. 426. 9”x6”. Cincinnati, 1866.
