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Jewel & Medal Collection - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

Gilt Medal: Jubilee of National Independence. 1880

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Date:- 1880 - Classification:- Event; Jubilee

Country of Origin:- Belgium -


Doubtless was struck on the celebration of the Jubilee of the Independence of Belgium (1830), AD. 1880, the participating Lodges being those named, at Brussels, Spa, Liege, Mons, Louvain, Huy, Anvers, Namur-, Verners, &c., on the rolls of the Grand Orient and Supreme Grand Council of Belgium.

Obverse.—The square and compasses, enclosing an irradiated letter G .'. on the joint of compasses a five-pointed star. The whole surrounded by branches of laurel and oak.

Reverse—-Inscription, in thirteen lines, the first curving three-quarters round,“R .'. [ ] De Belgique, 5880, 5Oc Année De L’Indépendance Nationale ~ (°) Avenir Spa * Parfaite Intelligence Et L’Etoile Reunies Liege * Parfaite Union Mons * Constance, Louvain * Amis de la Parfaite Intelligence, Huy * Amis du Commerce et la Perséverance Reunis, Etives De Themis Anvers * Réveil Alost * Vrais Amis de l’Union et du Progres Réunis Amis Philanthropes, Bruxelles * Septentrion, Liberté Gand * Travail, Philadelphes, Verviers * Bon-ne Amitie, Namur * .“


37 mm. Gilt
