The Fine Arts (Non-masonic)

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
Explication Historique et critique des Medailles de L’OEuvre du Chevalier Hedlinger (Mechel, Chretien de), 1778. Mechel, Chretien de 1778 1777 MEC 1891/379
The Coin Collectors Companion 1795 1795 1777 COI 1891/384
Sir Christopher Wren and His Times (Elmes, J.),1852. Elmes, J. 1852 1762 ELM 1891/65
The Cathedral Builders. The Story of a Great Masonic Guild. (Scott, Leader), 1899. Scott, Leader 1899 1762 SCO 1931/79
Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London Vol 1(Britton, J & Pugin, A.) Britton, J; Pugin, A. 1825 1762 BRI 1933/178
Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London Vol 2 (Britton, J & Pugin, A.) Britton, J; Pugin, A. 1825 1762 BRI 1933/179
The Land of Burns, A Series of Landscapes and Portraits, illustrative of the life and writings of The Scottish Poet.. Volume 1 (Hill, D. 0) , &c., 1840. Hill, D. 0 1840 1764 BUR 1933/66.1
The Land of Burns, A Series of Landscapes and Portraits, illustrative of the life and writings of The Scottish Poet.. Volume 1 (Hill, D. 0) , &c., 1840. Hill, D. 0 1840 1764 BUR 1933/66.2
The Builder’s Jewel: or, the Youth’s Instructor, and Workman’s Remembrancer. (Langley, B. & T.), 1754. Langley, B. & T. 1754 1762 LAN 1934/45
Art and the Reformation (Coulton, G.C.) 1928 Coulton, G.C. 1928 1760 COU 1941/56
0.1 A Collection of Christmas Carols and Hymns 1800 COL 1945/35.1
The Master Masons of the Crown of Scotland (Mylne, Rev. R. S.) 1893 Mylne, Rev. R. S. 1893 1762 MYL 1951/8
The Cathedral Builders. Translation from the French(Gimpel, Jean) Gimpel, Jean 1762 GIM 1962/46
Hieronymus Bosch (Aymès, C.A.W.) 1957 Aymès, C.A.W. 1957 1764 AYM 1964/652
The Mediaeval Stone Carver in Scotland (Richardson, James S.) Richardson, James S. 1762 RIC 1965/19
World Architecture An Illustrated History (Hitchcock, H.R.) 1963 Hitchcock, H.R. 1963 1762 HIT 1965/23
Let's Collect Goss China (Hedges, A.A.C.) 1979 Hedges, A.A.C. 1979 1768 HED 1998/39
The Temples at Jerusalem (Aston, A.R.S), Mozart Lodge 3735 Aston, A.R.S 1762 AST 1999/33
An Account of the Chapel of Roslin 1778 (Cooper,Robert L.D.) Cooper, Robert L.D. 1778 1762 COO 2000/99
Rosslyn Chapel (Rosslyn, Earl of) Rosslyn, Earl of 1762 ROS 2001/42
Views of Rosslyn Chapel 1762 ROS 2006/1204
Article on Garden of Allusions, Arkadia, Poland (Curl, James Stevens) Curl, James Stevens 1762 CUR 2006/129
Mozart Herdenking 1756-1956 Thoth Concert Programme 4/2/1956 1956 A 1800 MOZ 2006/1791
Stedelijk Conservatorium Zwolle 1762 STE 2006/276
Illustrated Handbook to the Cathedral Church of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary Worcester(Wilson, Canon J.M.) Wilson, Canon J.M. 1762 WIL 2006/312
The Animal Frescoes in Martley Church (Shuttleworth, C.B.) 1914 Shuttleworth, C.B. 1914 1764 SHU 2006/358
The Songs of England Volume 1 Royal Edition (Hatton, J.L.) Hatton, J L 1800 HAT 2007/150.51
Rosslyn Chapel (Rosslyn, Earl of) 1997 Rosslyn, Earl of 1997 BE 1762 ROS 2014/12.77
Rosslyn Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail (Wallace-Murphy,Tim & Hopkins, Marilyn) 1999 Wallace-Murphy, Tim ; Hopkins, Marilyn 1999 1762 WAL 2018/25.3
St. John's Gate Picture Book First Edition (Williams, Richard) 1947 Williams, Richard 1947 1762 WIL 2018/7.199
The Royal Abbey of Fontevraud 1762 GRA 2018/7.257
Rosslyn, Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail (Wallace-Murphy, Tim & Hopkins, Marilyn) 2002 Wallace-Murphy, Tim ; Hopkins, Marilyn 2002 1762 WAL 2018/7.319

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