Regalia, Jewels and Documents

From Worcestershire Masonic Library and Museum Catalogue
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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
Tresor de Numismatique et de Glyptiques Part 1 1836 1836 YFR 240 TRE 1891/377.1
Tresor de Numismatique et de Glyptiques Part 2 1836 1836 YFR 240 TRE 1891/377.2
Numotheca Numismatica Latomorum.Volume 1 (Zacharias, E.),1840 Zacharias, E. 1840 YG 240 ZAC 1891/380.1
Die Denkmünzen der Freimaurerbrüderschaft verzechnet und beschrieben (Merzdorf, Dr. J. F. L. Th.), 1851. Merzdorf, Dr. J. F. L. Th. 1851 A 240 MER 1891/383
Outward and Visible Signs (Spencer) 1875 Spencer 1875 BE 249 SPE 1934/128
Freemasonry: it’s Outward and Visible Signs .(Spencer R.), 1880 Spencer R. 1880 BE 249 SPE 1934/129
Freemasonry: its Outward and Visible Signs (Spencer R.), 1875, &c. Spencer R. 1875 BE 249 SPE 1934/627
Freemasonry: it’s Outward and Visible Signs .(Spencer R.), 1884 Spencer R. 1884 BE 249 SPE 1934/628
A Sketch of the Coinage of the Mexican General Morelos (Low, L. H.), 1886. Low, L. H. 1886 UNY 242 LOW 1934/633
The Medals of the Masonic Fraternity, Described and Illustrated. (Marvin, W. T. R.), 1880. Marvin, W. T. R. 1880 BE 240 MAR 1934/644
The Medals of the Masonic Fraternity, Described and Illustrated. (Marvin, W. T. R.), 1880. Marvin, W. T. R. 1880 BE 240 MAR 1934/645
Catalogue of Medals, Masonic BE 249 CAT 1934/732
Masonic Clothing and Regalia, British and Continental (Crowe, Fred J.W.) 1897 Crowe, Fred J.W. 1897 BE 240 CRO 1942/32
The Medals of British Freemasonry (Shackles, George L.) 1901 Shackles, George L. 1901 BE 240 SHA 1943/3
Book of Regalia published H T Lamb 1884 1884 BE 249 LAM 1962/7.17
Old Masonic Medals (Calvert, A.F.) 1917 Calvert, A.F. 1917 BE 240 CAL 1970/132
Handbook of Freemasonry: It's Outward and Visible Signs. 1875 Spencers Masonic Depot 1875 BE 249 SPE 1970/23
Freemasonry, Its Outward & Visible Signs - Spencer Catalogue. 1880 1880 BE 249 SPE 1971/114
Medemlanse Maçonnieke Penningen, Catalogue of jewels with English translation in separate brochure (Kreeft, W.) 1952 Kreeft, W. 1952 YN 240 KRE 1979/111
The Festivals 1900-1985 Stewards Jewels RMI Girls (Heathcote, D.J.) Heathcote, D.J. 1985 BE 242 HEA 2001/54
The Festivals 1900-1985 Stewards Jewels RMI Boys (Heathcote, D.J.) Heathcote, D.J. 1985 BE 242 HEA 2001/55
Masonic Emblems & Jewels at Freemason's Hall London (Hammond, W.)1920 Hammond, W. 1920 BE 249 HAM 2004/40
Freemasonry, Its Outward & Visible Signs - Spencer Catalogue. 1880 1880 BE 249 SPE 2007/150.13
Booklet: The Master Mason's Apron (Powell, Christopher) Powell, Christopher BE 232 POW 2009/47.3
Medals and Jewels of British Freemasonry (Harris, Trevor I.) 2007 Harris, Trevor I. 2007 BE 240 HAR 2009/9
Les Métaux et La Mémoire (Labouret, Marc) 2007 Labouret, Marc 2007 YFR 249 LAB 2012/5.1
Toye & Co Masonic Catalogue for the English Constitution, 54th Edition BE 249 TOY 2014/34.12
Spencer & Co's Masonic Illustrated Price List, 20th Edition 1934 BE 249 SPE 2014/34.13
Masonic Clothing and Regalia, British & Continental (Crowe, Fred J. W.) 1897 Crowe, Fred J. W. 1897 BE 230 CRO 2014/53.20
The medals (commemorative or historical) of British Freemasonry : a photographic reproduction of medals struck by British lodges and Freemasons (Shackles, Geo L) 1901 Shackles, George L. 1901 BE 240 SHA 2018/11.10
Harmonic Lodge No.252, Bicentennial History, 1784-1984 (Clarke, R F) 1984 252 ClarkeRR. 1984 BE 252 (252 ) CLA 2018/7.126

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