Language and Literature (Non-masonic)

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
The Poetical Works of John Cunningham, with the Life of the Author. Cooke’s edition. 1795. 1795 1860 CUN 1916/22
New Curiosities of Literature; and Book of the Months. Vol 1. (Soane, George)1849. Soane, George 1849 1860 SOA 1918/18.1
New Curiosities of Literature; and Book of the Months. Vol 2. (Soane, George)1849. Soane, George 1849 1860 SOA 1918/18.2
Memoirs of the Life and Writings - Prose and Verse - of Richard Gardiner, 1782. 1782 1860 GAR 1933/13
The Way to Things by Words, and to Words by Things. (Cleland, John), 1766. Cleland, John 1766 1860 CLE 1933/58
Horatius, A Lay of Modern Roam 15th July 1924. (Pelican) 1924. Pelican 1924 1850 PEL 1934/178
Thoughts in Prison, in five parts, viz. The Imprisonment, The Retrospect, Public Punishment, The Trial, Futurity. To which are added, His Last Prayer, &c. (Dodd, William) 1809 Dodd, William 1809 1860 DOD 1934/872
Ode to the Grand Khaibar 1724 1941 1850 KHA 1941/29
Thoughts in Prison (Dodd, Rev. William) 1777 Dodd, Rev. William 1777 1860 DOD 1945/25
Thoughts in Prison. Fourth Edition London (Dodd) 1793 Dodd 1793 1860 DOD 1945/26
Reflections on Death 5th Edition (Dodd, William) 1777 Dodd, William 1777 1860 DOD 1945/27
Thoughts in Prison (Dodd, William) 1809 Dodd, William 1809 1860 DOD 1945/28
The Light of Asia, or The Great Rennunciation being the Life & Teachings of Gautama (Arnold. Sir Edwin) 1891 Arnold. Sir Edwin 1891 1860 ARN 1964/547
The British Edda (Waddell, L.A.) 1930 Waddell, L.A. 1930 1860 WAD 1964/566
La Poésie de l'Inde Kâlidâsa (Cotton, Gerard) 1942 Cotton, Gerard 1942 1865 (YB ) COT 1964/578
Bewusstes und Unbewusstes (Jung, C.G.) 1957 Jung, C.G. 1957 1865 JUN 1964/580
Novalis (Rehm, Walther) 1956 Rehm, Walther 1956 1865 REH 1964/581
Faust au Goethéanum 1937 1865 (YFR ) GOE 1964/585
Die Gnosis Jakob Böhmes (Weiss, V.) 1955 Weiss, V. 1955 1865 WEI 1964/588
The Doors of Perception & Heaven & Hell (Huxley, Aldous) 1959 Huxley, Aldous 1959 1860 HUX 1964/605
Aquinas (Copleston, F.C.) 1955 Copleston, F.C. 1955 1855 COP 1964/607
The Last Days of Socrates by Plato (Tredennick, Hugh) 1955 Tredennick, Hugh 1955 1855 TRE 1964/608
The Story of the Iliad (Church,Rev. Alfred J.) 1914 Church, Rev. Alfred J. 1914 1855 CHU 1964/611
Goethe's Faust (Bruford, W.H.) 1954 Bruford, W.H. 1954 1865 BRU 1964/612
The Divine Comedy - Dante (Praz, Mario) Praz, Mario 1954 1865 PRA 1964/613
The Holy Grail (Cooke, B.K.) 1953 Cooke, B.K. 1953 1860 COO 1964/614
The Golden Ass (Apuleius, Lucius, trans Graves, Robert) 1956 Apuleius, Lucius; Graves, Robert 1956 1855 APU 1964/625
The Holy Grail (Tennyson, Alfred) 1870 Tennyson, Alfred 1870 1860 TEN 1964/631
The Sword of Solomon (Easter, R.S.) Easter, R.S. 1850 EAS 1965/22
Speeches & Toasts - Non Masonic 1853 SPE 1967/1
Speeches and Toasts - Chairmans Guide (Stemp, Leslie F. & Shackleton, Frank) Shackleton, Frank ; Stemp, Leslie 1853 STE 1969/10.11
Foucault's Pendulum (Eco) Eco 1865 (UA ) ECO 2000/52
The Da Vinci Code (Brown, Dan) Brown, Dan 2004 1860 BRO 2004/29
Secrets of The Code. Unauthorised Guide to Mysteries Behind Da Vinci Code (Burstein, Dan - Ed) Burstein, Dan - Ed 1860 BUR 2005/88
Millenary Ode for St Oswald of Worcester 962-1962 (Armstrong, C.B.) Armstrong, C.B. 1962 1850 ARM 2006/1096
Parzival (Eschenbach, Wolfram von) Eschenbach, Wolfram von 1950 1850 ESC 2007/150.38
Thule I Seldendichtung 1922 1922 1850 THU 2007/150.40
ThuleI II Gotterdichtung und Spruchdichtung 1922 1922 1850 THU 2007/150.41
Gudrun Ein deutsches heldengedicht (Gimrod, Karl) 1910 Gimrod, Karl 1910 1850 GIM 2007/150.64
The Personal Poems of Francis Bacon 3rd Edition (Dodd, Alfred) 1936 Dodd, Alfred 1936 1860 BAC 2007/150.91
Siegfried. Der Ring des Nibelungen Zweiter Tag (Wagner, Richard) 1957 Wagner, Richard 1957 1850 WAG 2007/150.93
Götterdämmerung. Der Ring des Nibelungen Dritter Tag (Wagner, Richard) 1958 Wagner, Richard 1958 1850 WAG 2007/150.94
Das Rheingold. Der Ring des Nibelungen Vorabend (Wagner, Richard) 1958 Wagner, Richard 1958 1850 WAG 2007/150.95
Parsifal. Ein Bühnenweihfestspiel (Wagner, Richard) 1958 Wagner, Richard 1958 1850 WAG 2007/150.96
Lohengrin. Romantische Oper (Wagner, Richard) 1958 Wagner, Richard 1958 1850 WAG 2007/150.97
Tristan und Isolde. Romantische Oper (Wagner, Richard) 1958 Wagner, Richard 1958 1850 WAG 2007/150.98
The Creation and Other Verses (Wilson, Wright) 1916 Wilson, Wright 1916 1860 WIL 2008/61.135
Pot Pourri of Gifts Literary and Artistic (Stevenson, W.Grant) 1890 Stevenson, W.Grant 1890 1860 STE 2008/61.57
Secrets of the Code The Unauthorised Guide to the Mysteries behind The Da Vinci Code (Burnstein, Dan) 2004 Burnstein, Dan 2004 1860 BUR 2011/12.2
The Sign and the Seal ( Hancock, Graham) 1992 Hancock, Graham 1992 1850 HAN 2011/39.7
The Book of Abraham - A Novel (Halter, Marek) 1986 Halter, Marek 1986 1875 HAL 2011/40.8
The Da Vinci Code (Brown, Dan) 2007 Brown, Dan 2007 1860 BRO 2014/12.20
The Sign and the Seal. A Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant (Hancock, Graham) 1997 Hancock, Graham 1997 1850 HAN 2014/12.7
The Templar Throne (Christopher, Paul) 2010 Christopher, Paul 2012 1850 CHR 2014/12.8
Three Masons Exposed . A Far from Fraternal Fable (Hackett, John C.) 2016 Hackett, John C 2016 1850 HAC 2018/7.149

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