Craft Officers and their duties

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
The Deacon’s Work (Mackenzie, K. R. H.), 1882. Mackenzie, K. R. H. 1882 BE 226 MAC 1891/476
The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Work (Mackenzie, K. R. H.), 1883. Mackenzie, K. R. H. 1883 BE 226 MAC 1891/477
The Warden’s Work (Mackenzie, K. R. H.), 1883. Mackenzie, K. R. H. 1883 BE 226 MAC 1891/478
The Worshipful Master’s Work (Mackenzie, K. R. H.),1883. Mackenzie, K. R. H. 1883 BE 226 MAC 1891/479
0.1 Ethics of Freemasonry. A Lecture before the Victoria Lodge of Instruction, No. 4, Dublin, Mar. 2nd, 1857. (Morrison, Rev. S. G.), 1857. Morrison, Rev. S. G. 1857 BE 226 TOW 1891/531.8
The Installing Master’s Guide (Ellery, T. B.), 1917. Ellery, T. B. 1917 BE 226 ELL 1930/99
The Wardens’ Work, A Handbook of Practical Directions, &c. (Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H.)1920. Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H. 1920 BE 226 MAC 1934/322
0.1 The Duty of the Master in the Government of a Masonic Lodge. A Lecture delivered at the Lodge of Instruction under the Victoria Lodge No.IV on Monday 5th January 1857 (Townsend, John FitzHenry) 1857 4 Townsend, John FitzHenry 1857 BR 226 TOW 1934/70.20
Masonic Directories. The W. Master's Work (Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H.) 1893 Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H. 1893 BE 226 MAC 1941/83
The Work of Director of Ceremonies, The Tyler, The Almoner, The Stewards, The Charity Representative. (Lawrence, Rev. J.T.) 1911 Lawrence, Rev. J.T. 1911 BE 226 LAW 1945/11
The Director of Ceremonies, His Duties and Responsibilities (Rose, Algernon) 1932 Rose, Algernon 1932 BE 226 ROS 1945/12
Notes for the Master Elect and alternative addresses (Goddard, R.M. Knightley) Revised and enlarged 1958 Goddard, R.M. Knightley 1958 BE 226 GOD 1956/4
Director of Ceremonies His Duties and Responsibilities (Rose, Algernon) 1932 Rose, Algernon 1932 BE 226 ROS 1961/26.12
The Deacons' Work (Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H.) 1882 Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H. 1882 BE 226 MAC 1961/26.30
The Wardens' Work (Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H.) 1920 Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H. 1920 BE 226 MAC 1961/26.31
The Deacons Work (MacKenzie, K.R.H.) 1882 MacKenzie, K.R.H. 1882 BE 226 MAC 1967/106
Book of the Lodge & Officers Manual (Oliver, Rev. G.) 1849 Oliver, Rev. G. 1849 BE 226 OLI 1967/96.1
Book of the Lodge & Officers Manual (Oliver, Rev. G.) 1856 Oliver, Rev. G. 1856 BE 226 OLI 1967/96.2
The Installing Masters Guide (Ellery, T.B.) 1944 Ellery, T.B. 1944 BE 226 ELL 1970/24
Guide & Hints for the Secretary of a Masonic Lodge (Longsden, E.H.) 1952 Longsden, E.H. 1952 BE 226 LON 1971/111
Installing Masters Guide (Ellery, T.B.)1944 Ellery, T.B. 1944 BE 226 ELL 1979/63
The work of the Chaplain and the Director of Ceremonies : a handbook of practical directions for the efficient conduct of their work upon all occasions. 1937 Rev. Lawrence, John T. 1937 BE 226 WOR 1984/77
The Director of Ceremonies (Rose, A.) Rose, A. BE 226 ROS 1994/19
A Guide for Masters-Elect (Halliday, N.P.) Halliday, N.P. BE 226 HAL 2002/33
The Deacons (Bruce, Sinclair) Prestonian Lecture 1985 Bruce, Sinclair 1985 BE 226 BRU 2006/180
A Guide for Masters-Elect (Halliday, N.P.) 1988 Halliday, N.P. 1988 BE 226 HAL 2007/150.118
A Handbook for the Worshipful Master (Rich, Frank) 1996 Rich, Frank 1996 BE 226 RIC 2007/150.127
Guide & Hints for the Secretary of a Masonic Lodge (Longsden, E.H.) 1952 Longsden, E.H. 1952 BE 226 LON 2007/150.3
The Lodge Secretary (Carter, Charles J.) Carter, Charles J. BE 226 CAR 2007/61
The Masonic Treasurer (Nelson, A.W.) Nelson, A.W. BE 226 NEL 2008/56
The Lodge Almoner (Carter, Charles J.) 1992 Carter, Charles J. 1992 BE 226 CAR 2009/14
The Director of Ceremonies (Carter, Charles J.) 1989 Carter, Charles J. 1989 BE 226 CAR 2011/40.12
Director of Ceremonies 1980 1980 BE 226 LEW 2014/12.111
Charity Matters - The Charity Steward's Handbook (Tadman, Michael & Beaver, Allan) 1988 Tadman, Michael; Beaver, Allan 1988 BE 226 TAD 2014/53.24
Notes for Officers Designate of Lodge No.1933, Kingston (Armstrong, C. H. Barrington) 1929 1933 Armstrong, C. H. Barrington 1929 LJE 226 ARM 2014/54
The Deacon's Work a handbook of practical directions for the efficient conduct of the work throughout the three degrees of craft masonry. (Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H.) Revised Edition 1920 Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H. 1920 BE 226 MAC 2015/6.88
The Worshipful Master's Work. A Handbook for His Guidance through the Tree Degrees of Craft Masonry (Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H.) 1958 Mackenzie, Kenneth. R.H. 1958 BE 226 MAC 2016/6.6
The Wardens' work : a handbook of practical directions for the efficient conduct of the work throughout the three degrees of craft masonry (Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H.) Newly revised 1920 Mackenzie, Kenneth. R.H. 1920 BE 226 MAC 2017/3.135
The Mark Grand Stewards and their Lodge. (Aspinwall, David) The Ninth Grand Stewards' Lecture deliveredl to the Grand Stewards' Lodge of Mark Master Masons held on 5/7/2010 Aspinwall, David 2010 BE 226 ASP 2017/45.9
The Book of the Lodge (Oliver, George) 1986 Rev. Oliver, George 1986 BE 226 OLI 2018/25.8
Thr Director of Ceremonies His Duties and Responsibilities (Rose, Algernon) New and Revised Edition 1931 1931 BE 226 ROS 2019/2.8
A Handbook for the Worshipful Master (Rich, Frank) Revised Edition 2013 2013 BE 226 RIC 2020/5.232
The Director of Ceremonies duties and Responsibilies (Rose, Algernon) 1920 Rose, Algernon 1920 BE 226 ROS 2021/19.86
The Masonic Treasurer (Nelson, A.W.) 1988 Nelson, A. W 1988 BE 226 NEL 2022/6.323
Charity Matters. The Charity Steward's Handbook (Beaver, Allan; Tadman, Michael) 1988 Beaver, Allan ; Tadman, Michael 1988 BE 226 TAD 2022/6.334
The Worshipful Master and what he should know (Blakey, G.S.) second edition 1983 Blakey, G. 1983 BE 226 BLA 2022/6.348
The Work of the Chaplain and the Director of Ceremonies. A handbook of practical directions for the efficient conduct of their work upon all occasions. Newly revised 1955 1955 BE 226 WOR 2022/6.420
The Work of the Almoner, Organist, Inner Guard, Asst. Secretary, Steward Tyler etc, 1922 1922 BE 226 MAC 2023/8.50

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