Masonic Miscellania (Diaries, note books, scrap books, &c.)

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
Masonic Manuscripts, Proceedings, and Scraps. BE 11 MAS 1891/407
0.1 Explanatory Statement of the Controversy between Mr. Robert Bell and Mr. William Hugh Fenn,arising from certain pecuniary delinquencies on the part of the later 1844 1844 BE 11 FEN 1891/525.11
0.7 An Article on Masonry from the Encyclopedia Londonensis. 1815. 1815 BE 11 ENC 1891/527.8
0.3 Nachricht von der Gründung und dem Fortgang. 1804. 1804 A 11 NAC 1891/531.15
0.1 Bestiamungs-Grunde und Gesetze. 1824. 1824 A 11 BES 1891/531.16
Bro. Benjamin Cox’s Masonic Ladder. 1868—1879. 1879 A 11 COX 1891/531.25
The Number Seven. A 11 NUM 1891/531.26
0.8 Extractus Protocolli der gerechten und vollkommenen Loge zur Einigkeit, vom 25 May 5800. 1800 A 11 EXT 1891/531.27
0.2 Newspaper Articles, written by Dr. Hopkins, from June, 1858, to October, 1859. 1882 A 11 HOP 1891/537.1
0.2 Newspaper Articles, written by Dr. Hopkins, from October, 1859, to March, 1861. A 11 HOP 1891/537.2
0.3 Newspaper Articles, written by Dr. Hopkins, from March, 1861, to Dec, 1862. A 11 HOP 1891/537.3
0.3 Newspaper Articles, written by Dr. Hopkins, from Dec, 1862, to March, 1867. A 11 HOP 1891/537.4
Newspaper Articles and Cuttings, written by, and relating to, Dr. H. HOPKINS, at sundry dates. A 11 HOP 1891/537.5
Newspaper Articles and Cuttings, written by, and relating to, Dr. H. HOPKINS, at sundry dates. A 11 HOP 1891/537.6
Scrap Book of Newspaper Cuttings, &c. 1885-1888. 1888 A 11 SCR 1917/31
Masonic Commonplace Book (Woof, R.) Lock&Key Woof, R. BE 11 WOO 1931/13.6
Masonic Memorandom, A book of blank paper, occupied with MS. notes on the antiquity, &c., of Masonry, curious properties of numbers, &c. BE 11 MAS 1934/39
MS. book containing notes, cuttings, &c., chiefly relating to the Apollo Lodge No. 357, Oxford, and Freemasonry in Worcestershire. 357 BE 11 APO 1934/621
11.0 Illustrations on Freemasonry 1870 A 11 CON 1934/70.1
Notes for lectures in Craft Degrees - MS. BE 11 NOT 1934/712
Masonic Notebook of the late W.Bro. J Jones for Lectures BE 11 JON 1934/723
Album of Newspaper cuttings, &c. Miscellaneous, largely relating to Worcestershire. Belonging to George Taylor A 11 NEW 1934/733
Newspaper Cuttings — Miscellaneous, various dates. A 11 NEW 1934/734
Newspaper Cuttings — Miscellaneous, 1883-4. 1884 A 11 NEW 1934/735
Newspaper cuttings, &c. Worcestershire, &c., Vol.I. 1884-5. 1885 A 11 NEW 1934/736
Newspaper cuttings, &c. Worcestershire, &c., Vol. 2. 1885-8. 1888 A 11 NEW 1934/737
Newspaper cuttings, &c. Worcestershire, &c., Vol.3. 1887-92. 1892 A 11 NEW 1934/738
Scrap Book of Newspaper Cuttings, &c. Vol. 2. 1888-1892. 1892 A 11 NEW 1934/739
Scrapbook & MS. Book containing misc. letters, &c., and cuttings, chiefly relating to Worcestershire. (Shepley, W.S.) Shepley, W.S. BE 11 SHE 1934/740
The Masonic Mirror & Symbolic Chart - Ancient BE 11 MAS 1964/310
Masonic Curiosities (Beresiner, Yasha) Beresiner, Yasha A 11 BER 2000/80
Album of Old 19th century Receipts A 11 ALB 2006/740
The Four Corners. A narrative of official visits made abroad from London during the years 1958 to 1980 (Stubbs, Sir James) 1983 Stubbs, Sir James 1983 B 11 STU 2007/150.61
A Masonic Miscellany (Power, George) Power, George A 11 POW 2007/59
Rylands Masonic Tracts 1881-2 Rylands, W. H. A 11 RYL 2011/12.27
The Four Corners (Stubbs, Sir James) 1983 Stubbs, Sir James 1983 B 11 STU 2014/12.33
The Four Corners: a narrative of official visits made abroad from London during the years 1958 to 1980 (Stubbs, Sir James) 1983 Stubbs, Sir James 1983 B 11 STU 2014/53.29
VRIJMETSELARIJ, Loge Oranje Nassau No. 71, I'ORA EST, May 1973 71 1973 TS 11 VRI 2016/31.27
Souvenir Programme Province of Oxfordshire Celebrations 1717-1992 1992 BE 11 OXF 2017/16.1
M Fest 300 Catalogue Celebrating 300 years of Freemasonry 24-25th July 2017 2017 BE 11 MFE 2017/19
Note book of H G E Jenkins MS member of Sabrina Lodge No.6595 6595 BE 11 JEN 2017/3.725
A Masonic Collection; Including reprint of First and Second Masonic Miscellany (Power, George) 1989 Power, George 1989 A 11 POW 2017/47.254
West Lancashire Masonic Clay Pigeon Shooting Society Third National Masonic Inter-Provincial Clay Pigeon Shooting Competition at Leighton Hall, Carnforth held on 18/6/2006 2006 BE 11 LEI 2018/7.141
Masonic Curiosities and more …. (Beresiner, Yasha) 2000 Beresiner, Yasser 2000 A 11 BER 2018/7.150
Subsciption List for Worcestershire Masonic Window 1866/67 and List of Masonic Meetings 1858 inscribed by A H Royds 1867 BE 11 ROY 2020/5.190
Ring Binder - Catalogue of Artefacts BE 11 CAT 2021/19.140
A Second Masonic Collection (Power, George) signed Power, George A 11 POW 2021/19.66
A Short Collection of Items of Masonic Interest, October 2000 2000 BE 11 SHO 2021/27.5
A Masonic A.B.C. (Smith, E.V.) Reprinted 1983 for the Doris Jones Memorial Lodge No.300 - Order of Women Freemasons 1983 BE 11 SMI 2021/5.5
The Fraternity of Yorkshire West Riding Newsletter Twelfth Edition Autumn 1995 1995 BE 11 YOR 2022/6.286
Abstract from the Encyclopeadia Londinensis on Masonry 1815 1815 BE 11 ENC 2023/18.103
Notebook of Masonic Meeting Places in Birmingham BE 11 BIR 2023/18.41
Scrap book with pictures relating to old masonic meeting places BE 11 SCR 2023/18.53
Collection of Selection of Certificates BE 11 SCR 2023/18.54
Book of Old Certificates etc. BE 11 CER 2023/18.55
Masonic Calendar for 2008 with photographs from the Library and Museum of Freemasonry London BE 11 CAL 2024/2.76

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