Craft Ritual, Texts

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Image MB Title Lodge Author Date UGLE Ref
An Old Manuscript Craft. Ritual. Poor Condition BE 208 RIT 1891/487
Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard authority and as taught in the Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M Ms 1882 1882 BE 208 PER 1913/74
Manuscript Ritual for Craft Degrees BE 208 RIT 1914/20
Imanuscript Ritual for Worcester working of the Installation of Worshipful Master and Oficers 1896 1896 BE 208/2 PAG 1915/51
Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard authority and as taught in the Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M Ms 1874 1874 BE 208 PER 1916/122
Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard authority and as taught in the Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M Ms 1882 1882 BE 208 PER 1916/143
The Text Book of Freemasonry: A Complete Handbook of Instruction to all the Workings in the Various Mysteries and Ceremonies of Craft Masonry. 1870 1870 BE 208 TEX 1918/45
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1909 1909 BE 208 EMU 1918/61
Le Régulateur de Maçon. Premier Grade, ou Grade d’Apprenti. Grade de Compagnon. Troisieme Grade ou Grade de Maître. 1801 1801 YFR 208 REG 1921/37
Manuscript Craft Ritual (Patten, George King) Patten, George BE 208 PAT 1925/69
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry (Claret , G.) with Lock & Key 1871 Claret, G. 1871 BE 208 CLA 1929/1
The Text Book of Freemasonry: A Complete Handbook of Instruction to all the Workings in the Various Mysteries and Ceremonies of Craft Masonry. 1874 1874 BE 208 TEX 1929/35
Manuscript Ritual of Craft Installation undated belonged to Bro. Joseph Page Lodge 737 Temperance BE 208/2 PAG 1929/44
The Text Book of Freemasonry: A Complete Handbook of Instruction to all the Workings in the Various Mysteries and Ceremonies of Craft Masonry. 1881 1881 BE 208 TEX 1930/64
The Whole of Craft Free-Masonry (Claret, G.) Seventh Edition Claret, G. BE 208 CLA 1931/20
The Text Book of Freemasonry: A Complete Handbook of Instruction to all the Workings in the Various Mysteries and Ceremonies of Craft Masonry. BE 208 TEX 1932/26
Craft Ritual including the Lectures BE 208 RIT 1933/117
The Workers Craft Ritual by a Worker of Emulation Lodge of Improvement BE 208 WOR 1934/1109
Rituel Maçonnique des Ateliers sous L’Obédience du Grand Orient d’Angleterre. 1885 1885 BE 208 RIT 1934/611
The Text Book of Freemasonry: A Complete Handbook of Instruction to all the Workings in the Various Mysteries and Ceremonies of Craft Masonry. 1874 1874 BE 208 TEX 1934/672
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry according to the most approved form as taught in The Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M.M.’s. 1871 1871 BE 208 EMU 1934/680
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry BE 208 RIT 1934/681
The Whole of Craft Free-Masonry, by Br. G. Claret, P.M. of Lodges 12 & 228 & P.H. of Chap. 12. Third Edition. With very considerable Improvements. BE 208 CLA 1934/682
Ritual of The Installation of the W. Master & Officers, in conformity With the latest Alterations in Manuscript. 1846 1846 BE 208/2 RIT 1934/683
The Whole of Craft Free-Masonry. Fifth Edition, with very considerable improvements. BE 208 CLA 1934/684
Craft Ritual BE 208 RIT 1934/685
A Ritual of the Craft Degrees. BE 208 CER 1934/687
The Complete Ritual of C.F.M. by Northunbrian Past Masters 9th Edition 1924 1924 BE 208 COM 1934/688
The Masonic Monitor; or Lodge Manual. Containing An Outline of the Initiation, Passing, and Raising. 1850 1850 BE 208 MAS 1934/691
The Freemason’s Pocket-Book containing The Complete Working of the Three Degrees of Craft Masonry, &c. 1900 1900 BE 208 COM 1934/694
A Ritual of the Craft Degrees. BE 208 CER 1934/701
Manuscript copy of the Craft Addresses to Officers BE 208 OFF 1934/719
Manuscript Ritual of the Craft Degrees. BE 208 RIT 1934/720
Manuscript Ritual of the Craft Degrees. 1851 BE 208 RIT 1934/721
Manuscript Ritual for Installation of the Worshipful Master (Bristow, William. of Tipton). Bristow, William. of Tipton 1870 BE 208/2 BRI 1934/725
The Ritual of the Three Degrees compiled from reliable authorities by a P.M. 1895 1895 BE 208 RIT 1935/13
The Universal Book of Craft Freemasonry BE 208 UNI 1935/14
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1871 1871 BE 208 EMU 1935/44
Manuscript Ritual.for the Ceremony of Installing a Worshipful Master 1881 1881 BE 208/2 RIT 1936/53
Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard authority and as taught in the Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M Ms 1892 1892 BE 208 EMU 1936/57
The Whole of Craft Free-Masonry (Claret, G.) Seventh Edition Claret, G. BE 208 CLA 1936/58
Manuscript Ritual for the Ceremony of Working a Board of Past Masters and the Installation of Master as given by William Bristow Bristow, William BE 208/2 BRI 1936/65
The Freemason's Pocket-Book containing the Complete Workings of the Three Degrees of Craft Masonry BE 208 FRE 1936/69
The Universal Book of Craft Freemasonry BE 208 UNI 1936/70
Craft & RA Ritual undated BE 208 RIT 1937/123
The Exeter Ritual of Craft Masonry 1932 1932 BE 208 EXE 1937/129
Manuscript Ritual for Craft Board Installed Master BE 208/2 RIT 1937/72
Ritual of the Three Degrees of Freemasonry, New Zealand P 208 RIT 1938/208
Ceremonies of Craft Masonry, Sheffield 1942 BE 208 SHE 1942/22
The Complete Manual of Freemasonry (Harvey, William) Tenth edition 1940 Harvey, William 1940 BS 208 HAR 1959/30
Craft Masonry. Ceremony of Installation of the Worshipful Master and Officers and Lectures BE 208/2 CRA 1959/48
The Text Book of Freemasonry 1874 1874 BE 208 TEX 1959/69
Manuscript Ritual of the 3 Degrees including 1st Tracing board circa 1850 1850 BE 208 RIT 1960/58
1er Degré Instruction par Caubet 1875 1875 YFR 208 DEG 1961/10
The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry being a practical guide to the three degrees in blue masonry according to sound usage including the Lectures 1914 1914 BE 208 COM 1961/26.63
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry with the Lectures in the Three Degrees, The Installation Ceremony 1926 1926 BE 208 OXF 1961/26.64
The Installing Masters Guide or Craft Installation Simplified 1927 1927 BE 208/1 INS 1961/26.65
Masonic Craft Rituals Irish BR 208 MAS 1963/33
The Whole of Craft Free-Masonry (Claret, G.) Seventh Edition Claret, G. BE 208 CLA 1964/306
La Ceremonies de Trigrada Masonismo 1921 1921 BE 208 BRI 1964/359
Text Book of Freemasonry 1874 1874 BE 208 TEX 1964/522
Text Book of Freemasonry Members of the Craft 1881 BE 208 TEX 1964/523
Ancient Rite, Opening & Closing of Board of Installed Masters BE 208 (/2 ) ANC 1966/60.7
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1871 1871 BE 208 EMU 1967/137
The Text Book of Freemasonry 1881 1881 BE 208 TEX 1969/10.7
Manuscript Ritual for the Inner Workings at Kennington Lodge No.1381 1381 BE 208/2 KEN 1969/36
The Text Book of Freemasonry by A member of the Craft 1874 1874 BE 208 TEX 1971/107
The Perfect Ceremomies of Craft Masonry 1874 1874 BE 208 EMU 1971/109
Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry Vol 1 - Braille BE 208 EMU 1972/64
Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry Vol 2 - Braille BE 208 EMU 1972/65
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a standard authority 1909 1909 BE 208 EMU 1977/35
Three French Rituals "Instructions des Trois Degres 1839 Rit Ecossais Anc :. Accepte 4 Gr Maitre Secret Decoration de la Loge 1839 YFR 208 1989/18
King Solomon & His Followers a valuable Aid to the Memory 1916 1916 UA 208 KIN 1992/43
King Solomon & His Followers or Aid to Memory 1905 1905 BE 208 KIN 1994/30
Craft Masonry, Perfect Ceremonies BE 208 EMU 1994/31
Opening & Closing Ritual Booklet for District Grand Lodge of the Far East revised 1960 1960 NHE 208 DIS 1994/37
Scottish Masonic Ritual (Martin, G.M.) Martin, G.M. BS 208 MAR 2001/38
The Ceremony of Installation of a Worshipful Master BE 208/2 INS 2006/1030
The Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in the Grand East of the Netherlands (Loo, Dr. P.J. van) 1953 Loo, Dr. P.J. van 1953 YN 208 NET 2006/1057
The Ceremonies of Craft Masonry of the Grand East of the Netherlands (van Loo, Dr. P.J.) 1953 van Loo, Dr. P.J. 1953 YN 208 NET 2006/739
The ancient rite of opening and closing a Board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 ANC 2006/789
The Ancient Rite of opening and closing a Board of Installed Masters (Barlow, C.T.) Barlow, C.T. BE 208/2 BAR 2006/915
The Standard Work and Lectures of Ancient Craft Masonry Grand Lodge of New York 1964 1964 UNY 208 NEW 2007/150.179
Cahiers des Grades Symboliques 1907 1907 YFR 208 FRA 2007/150.74
Standard Work. Grand Lodge A.F & A.M. of Illinois. Manual For Officers of Lodges Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Illinois 1986 1986 UIL 208 ILL 2008/25.156
King Solomon and His Followers. Iowa. A Valuable Aid to the Memory. In accordance with the latest work 1951 1951 UIW 208 KIN 2008/25.197
Official Iowa Monitor Authorized June 14 1922 by the Action of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Iowa of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons reprinted 1972 1972 UIW 208 IOW 2008/25.198
Official Iowa Monitor Authorized June 14 1922 by the Action of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Iowa of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons reprinted 1972 1972 UIW 208 IOW 2008/25.199
The Whole of Craft Free-masonry Second Edition (Claret, G.) 1841 Claret, G. 1841 BE 208 CLA 2008/61.30
The Whole of Craft Free-masonry Fifth edition with very considerable improvements (Claret, G.) Claret, G. BE 208 CLA 2008/61.32
The Text Book of Freemasonry 5th Edition BE 208 TEX 2008/61.88
© Booklet entitled Installation Ceremony Virgin Lodge No. 3 1983 3 1983 KNV 208/1 (3 ) VIR 2010/34.1
© Booklet entitled Installation Ceremony Virgin Lodge No. 3 1985 3 1995 KNV 208/1 (3 ) VIR 2010/34.2
G.L. New South Wales - Craft Ritual Book 1985 1985 OAN 208 NEW 2010/5.1
G.L. New South Wales - Craft Ritual Book Investiture of Officers1985 1985 OAN 208/1 NEW 2010/5.2
Emulation Ritual Tenth and revised edition reprinted 2003 2003 BE 208 EMU 2011/12.13
Emulation Ritual Seventh edition 1985 1985 BE 208 EMU 2011/12.14
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry Revised Edition 1970 1970 BE 208 OXF 2011/12.24
Miscellany of Alternative workings BE 208 LEW 2011/21.1
More Light - A Ritual of the Three Symbolic Degrees New York UNY 208 NOV 2011/40.26
King Solomon and His Followers - A Valuable Aid to the Memory 1921 1921 UA 208 KIN 2011/40.48
Bibliotheca Maconica No 2 Ritual De Apprendix YPR 208 BIO 2012/5.181
Ritual of Raising 3rd Degree of the Order of Freemasons under the Grand East of the Netherlands (Jënkins, J. Sefton) 1948 Jënkins, J. 1948 YN 208 NET 2012/5.187
Rit. Mac Des Ateliers, sous l'obedience de la Grande Loge D'Angleterre, Londres 1917 1917 BE 208 RIT 2012/5.234
The Revised Ritual of Craft Fremasonry by An Old Past Master 1927 1927 BE 208 REV 2013/48.5
The Revised Ritual Part 2 by An Old Past Master - Punjab? 1927 1927 BE 208 REV 2013/48.6
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry - 1942 1942 BE 208 OXF 2014/46.7
The Ancient Worcestershire Workings - Installation of a Master Elect Ritual dated 1996 1996 BE 208/2 WOR 2014/58.572
The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry 1927 1927 BE 208 COM 2015/6.13
The Complete Manual of Freemasonry (Harvey, William) 4th Edition 1919 Harvey, William 1919 BS 208 HAR 2015/6.92
Apprentice Degree - Ritual of the Grand Lodge of Southern Africa 1966 1966 TS 208 GRA 2016/22.14
Fellow Craft Degree Ritual Grand Lodge of Southern Africa, 1966 1966 TS 208 FEL 2016/22.15
Rituaal voor De Grand Van Leerling - Vrijmetsellar 1954 1954 YN 208 RIT 2016/22.17
Rituaal voor De Graad Van Meester - Vrijmetselaar,1952 1952 YN 208 RIT 2016/22.18
Rituaal voor De Grand Van Gezel - Vrijmetselaar, 1954 1954 YN 208 RIT 2016/22.20
A Complete Ritual of the I.M.with Brief Explanation of His Meaning (W.Bro. Ward, J.S.M.) Ward, J. S.M. BE 208/2 WAR 2016/31.20
The Installing Master's Guide or Craft Installation Simplified (Ellery, T.B.) 1964 Ellery, T. B. 1964 BE 208/2 ELL 2016/31.30
Grand Lodge vof AF and AM of Canada in the Province of Ontario, Ceremony of Installation & Investiture of Officers of a Lodge - Authorized by Grand Lodge July 2001 2001 KON 208/1 ONT 2016/38.8
Scottish Craft Rituals BS 208 SCO 2017/1.68
Craft Ritual of theScottish Constitution printed by Industrial Press, Bombay NJS 208 CRA 2017/10.4
The Text Book of Freemasonry. A complete Handbook of Instruction to All the Workings in the Various Mysteries and Ceremonies of Craft Masonry Fourth Edition 1895 1895 BE 208 TEX 2017/16.30
Presentation of the Craft Certificate (Shepherd-Jones, G. S.) 1949 Shepherd Jones, G. S. 1949 BE 208/3 SHE 2017/16.31
Emulation Ritual within leather cover marking the centenary of Abbot Lichfield Lodge No.3308 in 2009 3308 2009 BE 208 EMU 2017/16.49
Ritus Oxoniensis. Being the Ritual of Craft Freemasonry as Antiently Practised in the Province of Oxfordshire and Elsewhere 1988 1988 BE 208 OXF 2017/16.52
Emulation Ritual as Demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement Third Edition 1972 1972 BE 208 EMU 2017/16.53
The Universal Book of Craft Masonry 9th edition 1998 1998 BE 208 UNI 2017/16.58
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement second edition 1970 1970 BE 208 EMU 2017/16.59
Ritus Droniensis Being the Ritual of Craft Freemasonry as Antiently Practised in the Province of Oxfordshire and Elsewhere revised in 1926 and reprinted 1957 1957 BE 208 OXF 2017/16.62
The Installing Master's Guide of Craft Installation Simplified 1950 1950 BE 208/1 EMU 2017/16.63
Scottish Craft Ritual complete with Tracing Boards and Lectures reprinted 1974 1974 BS 208 SCO 2017/16.71
A Complete Handbook of Craft Masonry containig The Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft and Master Mason's Degrees (Goldman, Newman) 1930 Goldman, Newman 1930 BE 208 GOL 2017/16.72
Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland Ceremonial of Installation of Master and Other Officers of a Lodge 1961 1961 BS 208/1 GRA 2017/16.73
Ritus Oxoniensis. Being the Ritual of Craft Freemasonry as Antiently Practised in The Province of Oxfordshire and Elsewhere 1988 in leather cover 1988 BE 208 OXF 2017/16.74
Address on Presentation of Craft Grand Lodge Certificate BE 208/3 ADD 2017/3.138
The Presentation of a Grand Lodge Certificate for Craft Freemasonry 1970 1970 BE 208/3 PRE 2017/3.142
Nigerian Ritual as taught in Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Browne, C.M.) 7th and revised edition 1952 Browne, C. M. 1952 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.356
Nigerian Ritual as taught in Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Browne, C.M.) 7th and revised edition 1952 Browne, C. M. 1952 BE 208 BRO 2017/3.357
Nigerian Ritual as taught in Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Browne, C.M.) 8th and revised edition 1956 Browne, C. M. 1956 BE 208 BRO 2017/3.358
Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard authority and as taught in the Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M Ms 1892 in leather case 1892 BE 208 PER 2017/3.359
Nigerian Ritual as taught in Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Browne, C.M.) 8th and revised edition 1956 Browne, C. M. 1956 BE 208 BRO 2017/3.360
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry with the Lectures in the Three Degrees, The Installation Ceremony 1891 1891 BE 208 OXF 2017/3.361
The Ritual of the Three Degrees compiled from reliable authorities by a P.M. 1899 1899 BE 208 RIT 2017/3.362
The Revised Ritual of Craft Freemasonry including the Lectures, Installation Ceremony Etc. by an Old Past Master 1924 1924 BE 208 REV 2017/3.363
Scottish Workings of Craft Masonry Ceremonies of the Three Degrees specially printed for Scottish Lodges in China 1913 428 1913 BS 208 SCO 2017/3.364
The Scottish Workings of Craft Masonry Complete and Accurate 1906 1906 BS 208 SCO 2017/3.365
A Manual of the Craft Degrees of Freemasonry for the use of a Lodge belonging to the Scottish Constitution 1924 1924 BS 208 MAN 2017/3.366
The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry being a practical guide to the three degrees in blue masonry 1914 1914 BE 208 COM 2017/3.367
Craft Ritual Complied for the use of Gilbert Greenall Lodge No.1250 (Rose, Fredric) 1927 1250 Rose, Fredric 1927 BE 208 GIL 2017/3.368
The Standard Ritual of Scottish Fremasonry 1927 1927 BS 208 STA 2017/3.369
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1918 1918 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.370
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1920 1920 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.371
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1920 1920 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.372
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1922 1922 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.373
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1914 1914 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.374
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1918 1918 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.375
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1912 1912 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.376
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1909 1909 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.377
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1909 1909 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.378
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1908 1908 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.379
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1907 1907 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.380
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1905 1905 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.381
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1902 1902 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.382
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1900 1900 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.383
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1924 1924 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.384
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1924 1924 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.385
Ritus Droniensis being the ritual of craft freemasonry as antiently practised in the province of Oxfordshire and elsewhere revised 1926 1926 BE 208 OXF 2017/3.386
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1926 1926 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.387
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1926 1926 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.388
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1927 1927 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.389
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1929 1929 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.390
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1924 1924 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.391
M.M. Taylor's Manual or Handbook of Craft Freemasonry containing the Rituals of the Ceremonies 1908 1908 BE 208 TAY 2017/3.392
M.M. Taylor's Manual or Handbook of Craft Freemasonry containing the Rituals of the Ceremonies 1908 1908 BE 208 TAY 2017/3.393
M.M. Taylor's Manual or Handbook of Craft Freemasonry containing the Rituals of the Ceremonies 1908 1908 BE 208 TAY 2017/3.394
Look to the East. A Ritual of the First Three Degrees of Masonry (Lester, Ralph P.) 1918 Lester, Ralph 1918 UA 208 LES 2017/3.395
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry with the Lectures in the Three degrees, The Installation Ceremony Complete1921 1921 BE 208 OXF 2017/3.396
The Standard Ritual of Scottish Freemasonry 1927 1927 BS 208 STA 2017/3.398
The Standard Ritual of Scottish Freemasonry 1927 1927 BS 208 STA 2017/3.399
Scottish Workings of Craft Masonry Ceremony of the First Degree 1925 1925 BS 208 SCO 2017/3.400.1
Scottish Workings of Craft Masonry Ceremony of the Second Degree 1925 1925 BS 208 SCO 2017/3.400.2
Scottish Workings of Craft Masonry Ceremony of the Third Degree 1925 1925 BS 208 SCO 2017/3.400.3
The Installing Master's Guide or Craft Installation Simplified 1927 1927 BE 208/2 INS 2017/3.401
The Installing Master's Guide or Craft Installation Simplified 1907 1907 BE 208/2 INS 2017/3.402
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1937 1937 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.403
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1937 1937 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.404
The Ceremony of Installation of a Worshipful Master as carried out in The Worcester Lodge No.280 (Williamson, G.E.) 1931 280 Williamson, G. 1931 BE 208/1 WIL 2017/3.405
The Ceremony of Installation of a Worshipful Master as carried out in The Worcester Lodge No.280 (Williamson, G.E.) 1931 280 Williamson, G. E. 1931 BE 208/1 WIL 2017/3.406
The Complete Workings of Freemasonry being a Practical Guide to the Three Degrees in Blue Masonry 1938 1938 BE 208 COM 2017/3.407
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1934 1934 BE 208 PER 2017/3.408
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1932 1932 BE 208 PER 2017/3.409
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry with the Lectures in the Three Degrees, The Installation Ceremony Complete 1930 1930 BE 208 OXF 2017/3.410
The Revised Ritual of Craft Freemasonry including the Lectures, Installation Ceremony Etc.1942 1942 BE 208 REV 2017/3.411
Nigerian Ritual as taught in Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Browne, C.M.) 1949 1949 BE 208 NIG 2017/3.412
Masonic Ritual. Opening. Closing. Calling Off. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree Ceremonies 1944 1944 BE 208 MAS 2017/3.413
The Revised Ritual of Craft Freemasonry including the Lectures, Installation Ceremony Etc.1942 1942 BE 208 REV 2017/3.414
The Installing Master's Guide or Craft Installation Simplified 1944 1944 BE 208/1 INS 2017/3.415
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry with the Lectures in the Three Degrees, The Installation Ceremony Complete 1942 1942 BE 208 OXF 2017/3.416
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1949 1949 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.417
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1949 1949 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.418
The Complete Workings of Freemasonry being a Practical Guide to the Three Degrees in Blue Masonry 1948 1948 BE 208 COM 2017/3.419
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1938 1938 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.420
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1938 in leather case 1938 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.421
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1935 1935 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.422
Ritus Droniensis being the Ritual of Craft Freemasonry 1933 1933 BE 208 VAL 2017/3.423
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1931 1931 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.424
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1944 1944 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.425
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1941 1941 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.426
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1943 Cairo 1943 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.427
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1944 1944 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.428
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from a Standard Authority and as taught in Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for MM's 1931 1931 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.429
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1941 1941 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.430
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1941 1941 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.431
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry for Emulation Workers 1941 1941 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.432
Ritual of Craft Freemasonry. London West End Working Fifth Edition BE 208 RIT 2017/3.433
Inner Working Tenth Edition Printed and Published by M.M. Taylor BE 208/2 INN 2017/3.434
The Scottish Ritual of Craft Freemasonry BS 208 SCO 2017/3.435
Masonic Craft Rituals BE 208 MAS 2017/3.436
Ritual Craft Book inscribed Sam Harold Priory Lodge No.5545 5545 BE 208 RIT 2017/3.437
Craft Ritual Book inscribed TLE - 1909 British Lodge No.334 Cape Town 334 GUE 208 RIT 2017/3.438
The Ritual of the Three Degrees of Freemasonry P 208 RIT 2017/3.439
Worcester Lodge No.280 Ceremony of Installation 280 BE 208/2 WOR 2017/3.530
Extended Workings of a Board of Installed Masters to be worked by Worcestershire Provincial Grand Stewards' Lodge No.9142 9142 BE 208/2 WOR 2017/3.532
The ancient rite of opening and closing a board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 ANC 2017/3.533
The Antient Rite of Opening and Closing a Board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 ANC 2017/3.534
Nigerian Ritual - The Inner Working BE 208/2 NIG 2017/3.535
A Complete Ritual of the I.M. with a Brief Explanation of Its Meaning (Ward, J.S.M.) Ward, J. S.M. BE 208 WAR 2017/3.536
A Rirual of English Craft Masonry. Originally printed for the use of the Richard Whittington Lodge No.7534 7534 BE 208 RIC 2017/3.537
Ritual Working for Lodge of Installed Masters BE 208/2 RIT 2017/3.538
Installation of Worshipful Master. Inner Working as taught at the Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction No.87 and used in several London & Provincial Lodges 87 BE 208/2 VIT 2017/3.539
Nigerian Ritual - The Inner Workings BE 208/2 NIG 2017/3.540
Extended Workings of a Board of Installed Masters to be worked by Worcestershire Provincial Grand Stewards' Lodge No.9142 9142 BE 208/2 WOR 2017/3.541
The Inner Working of the Board of Installed Masters - Emulation Working 1993 1993 BE 208/2 INN 2017/3.542
The Esotery of Board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 ESO 2017/3.543
Nigerian Ritual - The Inner Working BE 208/2 NIG 2017/3.544
The Esotery of Board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 ESO 2017/3.545
The Esotery of Board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 ESO 2017/3.546
The Ancient Rite of Opening and Closing a Board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 ANC 2017/3.547
The Esotery of Board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 ESO 2017/3.548
Craft Ritual BE 208 CRA 2017/3.549
A Ritual of Craft Masonry. Originally printed mainly for the use of the Richard Whittington Lodge No.7534 7534 BE 208 RIC 2017/3.550
Scottish Craft Ritual Books of all Three Degrees in Box BS 208 SCO 2017/3.551
Masonic Craft Rituals BE 208 MAS 2017/3.552
Benefactum Ritual and Ceremonial of the Three Degrees of Craft Freemasonry BE 208 BEN 2017/3.553
Benefactum Ritual and Ceremonial of the Three Degrees of Craft Freemasonry BE 208 BEN 2017/3.554
Benefactum Ritual and Ceremonial of the Three Degrees of Craft Freemasonry BE 208 BEN 2017/3.555
The Craft Guide. An aid to memorizing The Ritual in its Several Degrees (J. S. P.) second edition BE 208 CRA 2017/3.556
The Inner Working of Board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 INN 2017/3.557
The Esotery of Board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 ESO 2017/3.558
Masonic Manual in First, Second & Third Degrees with respective Charges also Ceremony of Installation of W.M. Fourth Edition BE 208 MAS 2017/3.559
Universal Inner Working of Board of Installed Masters BE 208/2 UNI 2017/3.560
Craft Ritual BE 208 CRA 2017/3.561
The Standard Work and Lectures of Ancient Craft Masonry in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York 1980 1980 UNY 208 WAL 2017/3.576
Craft Installation Extended Working (Grainger, J.H.) typescript 1977 1977 BE 208/2 GRA 2017/3.584
Ritual A in a boxed set of four Ritual Books of the Grand Lodge of Scotland BS 208 RIT 2017/3.596.1
Ritual B in a boxed set of four Ritual Books of the Grand Lodge of Scotland BS 208 RIT 2017/3.596.2
Ritual C in a boxed set of four Ritual Books of the Grand Lodge of Scotland BS 208 RIT 2017/3.596.3
The Universal Book of Craft Masonry 6th Edition 1952 1952 BE 208 UNI 2017/3.597
The Universal Book of Craft Masonry 6th Edition 1952 1952 BE 208 UNI 2017/3.598
The Standard Ceremonies of Craft Masonry as taught in the Stability Lodge of Instruction, sometimes known as the "Muggeridge Working" 1961 1961 BE 208 STA 2017/3.599
The Universal Book of Craft Masonry 7th Edition 1968 1968 BE 208 UNI 2017/3.603
The Universal Book of Craft Masonry 7th Edition 1968 1968 BE 208 UNI 2017/3.604
Emulation Working. The Inner Working of the Board of Installed Masters 1993 1993 BE 208/2 EMU 2017/3.605
Complete Manual of Freemasonry (Harvey, William) 1950 Harvey, William 1950 BS 208 HAR 2017/3.619
The Masonic Ritual - New York 1951 1951 UA 208 MAS 2017/3.620
Scottish Working of Craft Masonry Ritual of 1st Degree in Lodge Eastern Scotia No.923 1955 923 1955 BS 208 SCO 2017/3.622
Scottish Working of Craft Masonry for 3rd Degree in Lodge Eastern Scotia No.923 1955 923 1955 BS 208 SCO 2017/3.623
Nigerian Ritual as taught in Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Browne, C.M.) 10th and revised edition 1964 Browne, C. 1964 BE 208 BRO 2017/3.624
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry with the Lectures in the Three Degrees, Installation Ceremony &c. Complete. A New and Carefully revised Edition approved at the present date dated 1953 1953 BE 208 OXF 2017/3.625
Nigerian Ritual as taught in Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Browne, C.M.) 9th and revised edition 1960 Browne, C. M. 1960 BE 208 BRO 2017/3.626
Nigerian Ritual as taught in Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Browne, C.M.) 10th and revised edition 1964 Browne, C. M. 1964 BE 208 BRO 2017/3.627
Nigerian Ritual as taught in Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Browne, C.M.) 11th revised edition 1969 Browne, C. M. 1969 BE 208 BRO 2017/3.628
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1951 1951 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.629
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1951 1951 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.630
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1953 1953 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.631
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1954 1954 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.632
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1954 1954 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.633
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1957 1957 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.634
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1960 1960 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.635
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1965 1965 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.636
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1965 1965 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.637
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement First Edition 1969 1969 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.638
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement First Edition 1969 1969 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.639
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1955 1955 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.640
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1955 1955 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.641
The Full, or Extended Working of the Ceremony of Installation of a Worshipful Master as carried out in The Worcester Lodge No.280 revised in the Year 1964 (Bate, S.H.) 280 Bate, S. 1964 BE 208/1 BAT 2017/3.642
The Installing Master's Guide or Craft Installation Simplified "Emulation" working 1964 1964 BE 208/1 INS 2017/3.643
The Installing Master's Guide or Craft Installation Simplified "Emulation" working 1964 1964 BE 208/1 INS 2017/3.644
The Installing Master's Guide or Craft Installation Simplified "Emulation" working 1956 1956 BE 208/1 INS 2017/3.645
The English Riotual of Craft Freemasonry. The form of Ceremonial approved by Grand Lodge at the time of the union revised edition 1965 1965 BE 208 ENG 2017/3.646
The Universal Book of Craft Masonry 6th Edition 1952 1952 BE 208 UNI 2017/3.647
Ritus Droniensis being the Ritual of Craft Freemasonry as Antiently Practised in the Province of Oxfordshire and Elsewhere (Valentia, Viscount) revised in 1926 edition dated 1957 1957 BE 208 OXF 2017/3.648
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry of First Degree in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1955 1955 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.649
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in First Degree in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1955 1955 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.650
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in Second Degreee in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1964 1964 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.651
The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry being a practical guide to the three degrees in Blue Masonry according to sound usage 1957 1957 BE 208 COM 2017/3.652
The Revised Ritual of Craft Freemasonry including the Lectures, Installation Ceremony etc. Complete together with full explanatory and critical notes and scripture references by An Old Past Master sixth edition revised 1962 1962 BE 208 REV 2017/3.653
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry in strict conformity with the recognised system as taught in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, London October 1823 for Emulation Workers dated 1955 1955 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.654
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement fifth edition dated 1976 1976 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.655
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement fourth edition dated 1974 1974 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.656
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement second edition dated 1970 1970 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.657
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement sixth and revised edition dated 1980 1980 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.658
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement second edition dated 1970 1970 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.659
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement third edition dated 1972 1972 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.660
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement third edition dated 1972 1972 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.661
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement fourth edition dated 1974 1974 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.662
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement fifth edition dated 1976 1976 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.663
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement sixth and revised edition dated 1980 1980 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.664
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement eighth and revised edition dated 1986 1986 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.665
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement eighth and revised edition dated 1986 1986 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.666
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement ninth and revised edition dated 1991 1991 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.667
Emulation Ritual as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement twelth edition dated 2007 2007 BE 208 EMU 2017/3.668
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry with the Three Degrees, The Installation Ceremony etc. Complete Revised Edition 1970 1970 BE 208 OXF 2017/3.669
M.M. Taylor's Handbook of Craft Freemasonry 2nd Edition 1975 with extended rubric - The Standard Working 1975 1975 BE 208 TAY 2017/3.670
The Installing Master's Guide revised edition 1990 1990 BE 208/1 INN 2017/3.671
Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcesteshire. Ancient Full or Extended Working of a Board of Installed Masters 1988 1988 BE 208/1 WOR 2017/3.672
Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcesteshire. Ancient Full or Extended Working of a Board of Installed Masters 1988 1988 BE 208/1 WOR 2017/3.673
Miscellany of Alternative Workings for Craft Freemasonry revised and enlarged edition 1983 1983 BE 208 MIS 2017/3.674
The Inner Working of the Board of Installed Masters Emulation Working 1980 1980 BE 208/1 INN 2017/3.675
The Revised English Ritual of Craft Freemasonry Third Edition (Porter, Charles) 1974 Porter, Charles 1974 BE 208 POR 2017/3.676
Masonic Ceremonials for the use of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Iowa A.F.& A.M. and its Subordinate Lodges (Delzell, Earl B.) revised 1972 Delzell, Earl B 1972 UIW 208 DEL 2017/3.677
Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire. Ancient Full or Extended Working of a Board of Installed Masters second reprint1998 1998 BE 208/1 WOR 2017/3.678
Nigerian Ritual 1964 in black plastic case inscribed as presented to the First Master of North Worcestershire Lodge No.8180 on 5/4/1968 8180 1968 BE 208 NIG 2017/3.728
Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry with the three degrees and Installation Ceremony, 1959 1959 BE 208 OXF 2018/19.21
The Ceremony of Installation of a Worshipful Master, Bordesley Abbey Lodge No.4495 4495 1998 BE 208/2 BOR 2018/25.15
Miscellany of Alternative Workings 1997 1997 BE 208 LEW 2018/25.43
The Logic working of Craft Ceremonies 1988 1988 BE 208 LOG 2018/25.47
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from Standard Authority and as taught in the Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement of M.Ms. 1882 1882 BE 208 EMU 2018/40.2
Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and accepted Masons of Scotland, Ceremonial of Installation of Master and other Office-Bearers of a Lodge. Installation of Provincial and District Grand Master. Rededication of a Lodge. 1961 1961 BS 208/1 GRA 2018/42.34
Emulation Working. The Inner Working of the Board of Installed Masters 1980 1980 BE 208/2 EMU 2019/1.24
Emulation Ritual ninth and revised edition 1991 1991 BE 208 EMU 2019/1.25
Vernon Lodge No.560. The Variations in Emulation Ritual and Order of Proceedings for Installation Ceremony. Agreed and Appoved by the Past Masters and Brethren of the Lodge May 2002 560 2002 BE 208/1 (560 ) VER 2019/1.30
The Ceremony of Installation of the Right Worshipful Master and Office Bearers of Lodge Mount Olive No.336 SC 336 LVS 208/1 MOU 2019/12.4
The Revised English Ritual Third Edition 1974 1974 BE 208 REV 2019/13.213
Felix United Services Lodge No.3833 Ritual for Installation Ceremony 3833 BE 208/1 FEL 2019/13.233
The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry being the guide to the three degrees in blue masonry 1941 1941 BE 208 COM 2019/6.8
Ceremonie D'Installation 1st Partie YFR 208/1 CER 2019/6.9
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1909 1909 BE 208 PER 2020/5.194
Ritual of Craft Freemasonry. London West End Working with Tracing Boards and Valuable Rubric. Installation Ceremony and the Investiture of Officers in full. Fifth Edition BE 208 RIT 2020/5.206
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasony 1980 1980 BE 208 OXF 2021/17.2
Ritual Book M M Taylor's Handbook of Craft freemasonry 1991 BE 208/1 TAY 2021/19.131
The Revised Ritual of Craft Freemasonry including the Lectures, Installation Ceremony etc. Complete together with full explanatory and critical notes and scripture references by An Old Past Master sixth edition revised 1962 1962 BE 208 REV 2021/19.211
Irish Constitution Ancient Craft Masonry Ritual and Ceremonial 1999 BR 208 IRE 2022/35.22
3 booklets in case, first, second and third degrees Scottish Working of Craft Masonry, Lodge Naval & Military Lodge No.848, Hong Kong 1962 848 1962 BS 208 NAV 2022/42.272
The Scottish Workings of Craft Masonry Complete and Accurate BS 208 SCO 2022/46.19
Ritus Droniensis being the Ritual of Craft Freemasonry (Valentia, Viscount) revised 1926 Valentia, Viscount 1926 BE 208 VAL 2022/46.32
A Common Sense Working of the Ceremonies of Craft Masonry New and Revised Edition 1951 1951 BE 208 COM 2022/46.39
Typescript Craft Ritual for opening and first degree ceremony A 208 CRA 2022/6.289
Typescript Craft Ritual for second and third degree ceremony A 208 CRA 2022/6.290
The Scottish Ritual of the Three Degrees of St. John's Masonry BE 208 SCO 2022/6.340
The Whole of the Lodge Ceremonies and Lectures in Craft Masonry (Gilkes, P) Gilkes, P BE 208 GIL 2022/6.38
Diadem Lodge No.5574 Ritual 5574 BE 208/1 DIA 2022/6.430
The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry being a practical guide to the three degrees in blue masonry 1919 1919 BE 208 COM 2022/6.486
The Whole of Craft Free-Masonry (Claret, G.) Fourth Edition Claret, G. BE 208 CLA 2022/6.517
Masonic Craft Rituals. As used in Lodge Glittering Star No.322 322 BR 208 GLI 2022/6.519
Ancient Craft Masonry Ritual and Ceremonial of Irish Constitution June 2002 2002 BR 208 IRE 2022/6.520
The Modern Ritual (Scotish Constitution) reprinted 1973 1973 BS 208 MOD 2022/6.523
Scottish Craft Rituals undated BS 208 SCO 2022/6.524
Scottish Craft Rituals First; Second; Third; and Mark in dividual booklets within one cover 2001 2001 BS 208 SCO 2022/6.525
Ceremony of Installation of the Right Worshipful Master (Scottish Rite) and Officers of a Lodge together with A Selection of Charges, Prayers, over 100 Masonic Toasts and other Useful Matter undated BS 208 CER 2022/6.526
Three small Scotish Craft Ritual Books in box undated BS 208 RIT 2022/6.527
The Ritual of The Three Degrees of Craft Masonry and Investuture Addresses. The Grand Lodge of South Australia 1985 1985 OAS 208 SOU 2022/6.528
Scottish Freemason's Craft Ritual containing the Ceremonies of the Three Degrees and The Mark undated BS 208 SCO 2022/6.529
The Work No.61 (USA) undated UNY 208 WOR 2022/6.530
The Scottish Ritual of Craft Freemasonry containing the Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, Master Mason. With Tracing Boards undated BS 208 SCO 2022/6.531
The Standard Ritual of Scottish Freemasonry undated BS 208 STA 2022/6.532
The Scottish Ritual of Craft Freemasonry containing the Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, Master Mason with Tracing Boards and Tne Cottish Ritual of the Mark Degree undated BS 208 SCO 2022/6.533
Four Small Scottish Ritual Books in Plastic Folder marked D.M. Goudielock undated BS 208 GOU 2022/6.534
American cipher Ritual Book undated UA 208 AME 2022/6.535
The Irish Workings of Craft Masonry in the Three Symbolic Degrees 1957 1957 BR 208 IRI 2022/6.536
Ritual of Freemasonry as Practised by Alpha Lodge No.6480 undated 6480 BE 208 ALP 2022/6.537
[[2022/6.538: The Universal Book of Craft Freemasonry containing The Rituals of the Ceremonies of Initiation, Passing and Raising. Also The Charges of Each Degree and Explanations of the Tracing Boards including Installation of Master & Investiture of Officers undated/1|The Universal Book of Craft Freemasonry containing The Rituals of the Ceremonies of Initiation, Passing and Raising. Also The Charges of Each Degree and Explanations of the Tracing Boards including Installation of Master & Investiture of Officers undated]] [[2022/6.538: The Universal Book of Craft Freemasonry containing The Rituals of the Ceremonies of Initiation, Passing and Raising. Also The Charges of Each Degree and Explanations of the Tracing Boards including Installation of Master & Investiture of Officers undated/1|BE 208 UNI]] [[2022/6.538: The Universal Book of Craft Freemasonry containing The Rituals of the Ceremonies of Initiation, Passing and Raising. Also The Charges of Each Degree and Explanations of the Tracing Boards including Installation of Master & Investiture of Officers undated/1|2022/6.538]]
The Accepted Ceremonies of Craft Freemasonry as taught in all The Master Masons' Lodges (Mason, A.E.) circa 1873 Mason, A E BE 208 MAS 2022/6.539
The Ceremonies of Craft Masonry. Sheffield undated BE 208 SHE 2022/6.540
West End Ritual of Craft Freemasonry including the Installation of W.M. and Invesiture of Officers as Authorised by the Association of West End Lodges. Undated BE 208 WES 2022/6.541
Authorised West End Ritual of Craft Freemasonry including the Installation of W.M. and Invesiture of Officers Prepared by the Association of West End Ritual Lodges. Undated BE 208 WES 2022/6.542
The Sussex Ritual of Craft Freemasonry. As practised in, and published with, the aiuthority of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex Sixth edition reprinted 2001 2001 BE 208 SUS 2022/6.543
Craft Ritual according to Bro. Muggeridge adopted by Royal Navy Lodge No.429 and Lewises Lodge No.1209 undated 429 BE 208 MUG 2022/6.544
Castle Lodge No.1621 Craft Ritual Issue No.1 October 2009 1621 2009 BE 208 CAS 2022/6.545
Ritual of Craft Freemasonry by Northumbrian Pst Masters 2003 2003 BE 208 NOR 2022/6.546
The Universal Book of Craft Masonry 9th edition reprinted 2002 2002 BE 208 UNI 2022/6.547
The Ceremonies of The Old Ellesmerian Lodge No.5368 First Edition 2003 5368 2003 BE 208 OLD 2022/6.548
The Standard Ceremonies of Craft Masonry as taught in the Stability Lodge of Instruction - sometimes known as the Muggeridge Working undated BE 208 MUG 2022/6.549
The Castle Complete Ritual of C.F.M. by Nortumbrian Past Masters 12th edition BE 208 CAS 2022/6.550
The Inner Working of the Ceremony of Installation of a Worshipful Master as carried out in St Peter's Lodge No.419 approved by the Past Masters of the Lodge 1950 419 1950 BE 208 STA 2022/6.551
The Craft Guide. An Aid to Memorizing The Ritual in its several degrees. Revised edition undated BE 208 CRA 2022/6.552
The Freemason's Own Ritual containing the Three Degrees, E.a., F.C. & M.M. with plans and Illustrations together with the Three Tracing Boards (Went, K.P.) undated Went, K. P. BE 208 WEN 2022/6.553
Craft Freemasonry circa 1900 BE 208 CRA 2022/6.554
A Complete Ritual of the I.M. with a Brief Explanation of Its Meaning (Ward, J.S.M.) undated Ward, J. S.M. BE 208 WAR 2022/6.555
Oakwood Lodge No.1126. Craft Ritual undated 1126 BE 208 OAK 2022/6.556
The Standard Ceremonies of Craft Masonry as taught in the Stability Lodge of Instruction - sometimes known as the Muggeridge Working undated BE 208 MUG 2022/6.557
The Whole of Craft Free-Masonry (Claret, G.) 4th edition undated Claret, G. BE 208 CLA 2022/6.558
The Whole of Craft Free-Masonry (Claret, G.) 5th edition undated Claret, G. BE 208 CLA 2022/6.559
The Whole of Craft Free-Masonry (Claret, G.) 7th edition including The Ceremonies of the Holy Royal Arch also of Passing the Vails 1873 Claret, G. 1873 BE 208 CLA 2022/6.560
The Scottish Workings of Craft Masonry reprinted 1982 1982 BS 208 SCO 2022/6.561
Claret's Ritual 1838 Claret, G. 1838 BE 208 CLA 2022/6.563
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1955 1955 BE 208 PER 2022/6.564
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1871 1871 BE 208 PER 2022/6.565
The Masonic Monitor or Lodge Manual containing an outline of the Initiation, Passing, and Raising 1850 1850 BE 208 MAS 2022/6.566
The Ceremonies of Opening and Closing in the Three Degrees, Questions to Candidates, Initiation, Passing, and Raising 1851 1851 BE 208 CER 2022/6.567
The Perfect Signs and Grips of Craft Masonry 1872 1872 BE 208 PER 2022/6.568
The Complete Workings of Craft Feemasonry being A Practical Guide to the Three Degrees in Blue Masonry according to sound usage 1902 1902 BE 208 COM 2022/6.569
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry 1879 1879 BE 208 OXF 2022/6.570
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry from Standard Authority 1878 1978 BE 208 PER 2022/6.571
The Masonic Ritual containing an Outline of the Ceremonies of Opening, Closing, Initiation, Passing & Raising Manchester 1856 1856 BE 208 MAN 2022/6.572
M.M. Taylor's Handbook of Craft Freemasonry 2nd edition 1975 1975 BE 208 TAY 2022/6.573
Ritual Book of The Grand Lodge of Ireland 1997 1997 BR 208 IRE 2022/6.574
The Craft Guide. An Aid to Memorizing The Ritual in its Several Degrees Revised edition 1995 1995 BE 208 CRA 2022/6.575
The Installing Master's Guide or Craft Installation Simplified (Ellery, T.B.) 1922 Ellery, T. B. 1922 BE 208 ELL 2022/6.576
The Installing Master's Guide or Craft Installation Simplified (Ellery, T.B.) 1942 Ellery, T. B. 1942 BE 208 ELL 2022/6.577
The Installing Master's Guide or Craft Installation Simplified (Ellery, T.B.) 1907 1907 BE 208 ELL 2022/6.578
A Ritual of English Craft Masonry. Originally printed mainly for the use of the Richard Whittington Lodge No.7534 reprinted August 1970 7534 1970 BE 208 RIC 2022/6.579
Ritual of Freemasonry (Whitby, J.Y.) Scottish 1921 Whitby, J. 1921 BS 208 WHI 2022/6.580
The Sussex Ritual of Craft Freemasonry. As practised in, and published with, the authority of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex 4th edition 1980 1980 BE 208 SUS 2022/6.581
The Ceremonies of Craft Masonry Sheffield second edition 1950 1950 BE 208 SHE 2022/6.582
The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry being a practical guide to the three degrees in Blue Masonry 1917 1917 BE 208 COM 2022/6.583
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1874 1874 BE 208 PER 2022/6.584
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1918 1918 BE 208 PER 2022/6.585
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1902 1902 BE 208 PER 2022/6.586
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1921 1921 BE 208 PER 2022/6.587
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1916 1916 BE 208 PER 2022/6.588
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1929 1929 BE 208 PER 2022/6.589
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1890 1890 BE 208 PER 2022/6.590
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry 1935 1935 BE 208 PER 2022/6.591
The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry 1982 1982 BE 208 COM 2022/6.592
The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry reprinted 1999 1999 BE 208 COM 2022/6.593
Nigerian Ritual as taught in Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Browne C.M.) 1960 Browne, C. M. 1960 BE 208 BRO 2022/6.594
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry 1974 1974 BE 208 OXF 2022/6.595
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry 1980 1980 BE 208 OXF 2022/6.596
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry 1993 1993 BE 208 OXF 2022/6.597
Stability Ritual. As taught in the Stability Lodge of Instruction. Sometimes known as the Muggeridge Working 1993 1993 BE 208 STA 2022/6.598
The Logic Working of Craft Ceremonies Revised Edition 1972 1972 BE 208 LOG 2022/6.599
Alnwick Ritual (Lamont, I.G.) 1992 Lamont, I. 1992 BE 208 LAM 2022/6.600
The Inner Working of the Board of Installed Masters 1993 1993 BE 208 INN 2022/6.601
The Ritual for the First Degree As demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement 1972 1972 BE 208 EMU 2022/6.606
The Perfect Ceremonies of Craft Masonry Second Degree 1950 1950 BE 208 PER 2022/6.608
Copy of Bristol Ritual made by H W Hampton in 1991 of a Manuscript Ritual Hampton, Harold 1991 BE 208 BRI 2022/6.609
The Charge After Initiation. Issued by the Bournemouth and District Masonic Study Group BE 208 BOU 2022/6.610
Ritual as worked in Lodge Woodhall St. John No.305 305 BS 208 WOO 2022/6.611
Lodge of True Friendship No.218. Notes on the Working of the Lodge 218 BE 208 TRU 2022/6.612
Masonry. Ritual and Lectures (Bradshaw, George) 1875 Bradshaw, George 1875 BE 208 BRA 2022/6.62
Ritual Cipher of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey 1967 1967 UNJ 208 NEW 2023/18.654
United Grand Lodge of Victoria Information on Lodge Working 1939 1939 OAV 208 VIC 2023/3.15
Ceremony of Installation of the Master and investiture of Officers, Victoria, 1942 1942 OAV 208/2 VIC 2023/3.19
Emulation Ritual Book as demonstrated in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement,Large format, second revised edition 1977 1977 BE 208 EMU 2023/46.3
Ceremony of Installation of a Worshipful Master as carried out in Worcester Lodge No.280, 1931 280 1931 BE 208 (280 ) WOR 2023/8.106
Installing Master's Guide Revised edition 1990 1990 BE 208/1 INS 2023/8.14
The Charge after Initiation issued by the Bournemouth & District Masonic Study Group BE 208 BOU 2024/19.23
The Revised Ritual of Craft Freemasonry including the Lectures, Installation Ceremony etc 1907 BE 208 REV 2024/19.28
Emulation Working. The Inner Working of the Board of Installed Masters 2004 2004 BE 208/2 EMU 2024/2.94
Emulation Working. The Inner Working of the Board of Installed Masters 1987 1987 BE 208/2 EMU 2024/2.95
The Standard Ritual of Scottish Freemasonry BS 208 STA 2024/2.99
Full Installation of a Worshipful Master (Hopkins, Dr.H.) 1868 Dr. Hopkins, Henry 1868 BE 2082 HOP 2024/26.2
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry 1993 1993 BE 208 OXF 2024/3.10
Book of Ritual Clerkenwell Lodge of Installed Masters No.9628 9628 BE 208 CLE 2024/3.13
The Revised Ritual of Craft Freemasonry including Lectures, Installation Ceremony 8th edition revised 1993 1993 BE 208 REV 2024/3.14
Copy of Ceremony of Installation as carried out in Fort Royal Lodge No.4565 4565 BE 208/1 FOR 2024/45.8

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