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Jewel & Medal Collection - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry
Medal: Foundation Stone of the new Exchange. Edinburgh 1753
Date:- 1753 - Classification:- Building; Foundation
Country of Origin:- England -
OBVERSE: Head and shoulders of George Drummond to left, in wig and wearing a sash over the right shoulder and under the left arm; in the left background is the façade of a building. Around, G • DRUMMOND • ARCHITECT • SCOT • SUMMUS • MAGIS • EDIN • TER • COS
REVERSE: The Arms of the Freemasons on an ornamental shield, within a collar formed of thistles and thistle leaves, from which is suspended a jewel bearing a representation of St. Andrew
with his cross. Crest, above, a Castle. Around, IN THE LORD IS ALL OUR TRUST
30 mm. Silver (electrotype).