
Jewel & Medal Collection - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry
Bronze Medal: Lodge Kilwinning, No. 2, Edinburgh—Visit to Hamburg. 1902
Date:- 1902 - Classification:- Lodge/Chapter Etc.; Visit
Country of Origin:- Scotland -
Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)
OBVERSE: Two pillars, surmounted by globes, standing at the sides of a squared pavement, bearing on their shafts the letters J and B, a tasselled cord with loop knots stretching from one to the other. Between the pillars, LOGE/CANONGATE/KILWINNING/ N° 2/EDINBURGH and around, ANDENKEN AN DEN BESUCH DER BRODER DER and in ex: HAMBURG,/1902
REVERSE: Within a small inner circle, an ornamental coat of Arms, quartered and displaying Masonic emblems. Above, an All-seeing Eye within an irradiated triangle; and around, a chaplet of oak leaves, bearing on shields Lodge emblems, the Lily of the Valley, a Pine Tree, and others.