
From Worcestershire Masonic Library and Museum Catalogue
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Jewel & Medal Collection - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

Medal: Foundation of the Grand Lodge of Canada 1858

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Date:- 1858 - Classification:- Order/Governing Body; Consecration/Dedication

Country of Origin:- England -


OBVERSE: The Arms of the United Grand Lodge of England; for crest, the Ark, and supported by two Cherubim; motto on a scroll below, AUDI VIDE TACE The shield is circular and is outlined by a chaplet of an ear of corn and a sprig of acacia. Around, GRAND LODGE OF ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF CANADA

REVERSE: Within a chaplet of laurel and oak, in 6 lines, TO/COMMEMORATE/THE/UNION/CONSUMMATED/ 14TH JULY 1858 (UNION in large ornamental letters).

The Grand Lodge of Canada was formed in 1855 in the Eastern Provinces; and in 1858 it became united with the Provincial Grand Lodge of Canada West, which was still under the authority of the United Grand Lodge of England.


43 mm. White metal.
