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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

Sir Christopher Wren and His Times (Elmes, J.),1852.

Author:- Elmes, J.

Date:- 1852 -

UGLE Classification:- 1762 ELM - The Fine Arts (Non-masonic): Architecture and Building

WMLMT Classification:- Biography

Order:- Non-Masonic


With illustrative Sketches and Anecdotes of the Most distinguished Personages in the Seventeenth Century. By JAMES ELMES, late Surveyor of the Port of London; author of Memoirs of Sir Christopher Wren (&c., &c., &c.). There are three Crowns—the Crown of the Law, the Crown of the Priesthood, and the Crown of Royalty; but the Crown of a good Name is superior to them all.—The Talmud. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly. MDCCCLII. (With Portrait of Sir Christopher. Wren.) The above work by Elmes should be read, side by side, with Gould’s “History of Freemasonry,” Chapter XII. There is no evidence whatever that Sir Christopher Wren was even initiated as a F. and A. Mason, though undoubtedly he intended to be, and possibly was. As to his being Grand Master of the Fraternity, the supposition is too absurd to require refutation. This Volume is not often found in Masonic Libraries, though it should be.


pp. xix. 436. 8¾”x5½”. Chapman & Hall,London, 1852.

Published by :- Chapman & Hall: Piccadilly
