
From Worcestershire Masonic Library and Museum Catalogue
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Antiquarian Library - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

The Three Distinct Knocks; or, The Door of the Most Ancient Free-Masonry; opening to all Men, Neither Naked nor Clothed, Bare-footed nor Shod, &c.The Fifth Edition.

UGLE Classification:- A 795 THR - Anti-Masonry & Vindications: So-called `Exposures'

WMLMT Classification:- Ritual

Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)


Being an universal description of all its branches from its first rise to this present time, as it is delivered in all Lodges. Giving an exact account of all their proceedings in the making a Brother, with the three obligations or Oaths belonging to the First, Second, and Third Degrees of - Masonry, viz. :—The Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason; with the Obligation belonging to the Chair, Gripe and Word. Also the description of the drawing upon the floor of the Lodge, with the three steps and the Prayer used at the making of a Brother; with songs to be sung after grave business is done, and the examination of a Brother whereby be may get admittance into a Lodge without going through the Obligations. By W . . . . 0 . . . . V . . . . n, Member of a Lodge in England at this time. London: Printed by and for A. Oleugh, Ratcliff Highway; T. Hughes, 85 Ludgate Street; B. Crosby, Stationers’ Court. Price One Shilling.


pp. 84 (last 8 pp. numbered 203-210). 8x4¾”. n.d. (?1768).
