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Jewel & Medal Collection - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

Silver Medal: Silver Wedding of King Oscar II. 1882

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Date:- 1882 - Classification:- Person; Marriage; Anniversary

Country of Origin:- Sweden -

Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)


This massive and exquisite medal was struck in commemoration of the Royal Silver Wedding of King Oscar 11, and Sophia, of Sweden and Norway. King Oscar was born 21st January, 1829. Initiated 7th December, 1848. In 1869 was appointed by his brother, the late king, and Vicarius Solomonis, to be Grand Master of the Craft or blue Degrees. The Grand Master is not elected in Sweden, but appointed by his superior officer of the high degrees. In 1872 he came to the throne, and assumed the office of Vie. Sal., and made Count Sten Lawchauzt Grand Master. This medal was engraved by Madame Lea Ahlborn, to whose valued interposition and services I am indebted for this series of Swedish Medals, and which is referred to above No. 91.

OBVERSE.—Accolated busts to right, of Oscar II. and Sophia, the latter wearing a crown. Inscription, “Oscar II. Et Sophia Rex Et Regina Snechn Et Norvogice ~,“ Below in very small letters, “Lea Ahlborn F.” The border is pearled.

REVERSE—Ornamental monogram 0.S., entwined with sprays of roses; a crown above. From these proceed a circle of rays, nearly covering the field. Round monogram and crown is a circle, formed by a cable tow, having four love knots and tassels. Legend above, “ Sales Vestra Nostrum Gaudium” (Your safety is our rejoicing), and below, as if in exergue, in five lines, “ Protectori Et Fratri Excelsissima Optimo Memoriatn Coningii per XXV. Annos Prosperrimi Celebranti Fratres Liberi Coementarii Svecioe Et Norvegioe Die Vi. lunii A. MDCCCLXXXII. (In commemoration of 25 years very prosperous married life, celebrated by the Masonic Brethren of Sweden and Norway. June 6, 1882).


69 mm. Silver
