
Jewel & Medal Collection - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry
Silver Medal: Birth of the Princess Sophia Albertina. 1753
Date:- 1753 - Classification:- Person; Birth
Country of Origin:- Sweden - Province/Region/District:- St John's Lodges
Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)
Struck by the lodges St. Jean Auxiliare and Adolph Friedrich, to commemorate the founding of a Masonic Orphan Asylum, in honour of the birth of the Princess Sophia (October 8, 1753), the daughter of King Adolphus Frederick. Hildebrand II. 311, note says,“The dies of this medal were cut by D. Fehrman.” He also says (II. 310) “That the first year after the foundation of this asylum, 20 children were cared for. A house was bought June 6, 1756.” It is still a flourishing and noble charity.
OBVERSE.—An Egyptian landscape with pyramids, and a palm tree in the distance. The river Nile in the foreground and Thcrmuthis, Pharaoh’s daughter, rescuing Moses from the water. Behind her are two palm trees. Legend above, “Servavit Rcgia Nata” (The royal daughter preserved him).
REVERSE—-Inscription, in nine lines, “Inter Publ Gaodia Ex Sophia Albertina Svcc Regis Primogenita Infantnlis Egenorum Prospexit Pietas Lib Fratr Slur Holmiac 1753” (Devotion provides for the little infants of needy Brethrenof the Freemasons, amid public rcjoicings on the birth of the first born daughter of the King of Sweden, Sophia Albertina, Stockholm.” 1753.
35 mm. Silver