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Jewel & Medal Collection - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry

Bronze Medal: Foundation of the Grand Orient of Belgium. 1832

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Date:- 1832 - Classification:- Order/Governing Body; Consecration/Dedication

Country of Origin:- Belgium -


To celebrate the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Belgium, which followed the separation of the country from the Dutch Government, and the severance of the Belgian Lodges from the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands.

Obverse.—-A phoenix, with expanded wings, holding in his beak a sprig of acacia, and in his left talons the rule and compasses, is rising from a burnning pyre to the sun, which darts its rays from above on the right. In the background, on the left, a temple with two great piers or pillars in its front, the letter “J’’ on the left, and “ B “ on the right. Legend. "Resurgens Tenebras Vera Luce Dimovet" (Rising again, it disperses darkness with true light). In very small letters on the lower left side, “Jouvenel Inv,”

Reverse.—At the top “ G,” on a five-pointed blazing star, surrounded by rays, and at the bottom a triangular level; between these the inscription, “Ad. Majorem Dei Gloriam Felicib, Auspiciis Leopoldi Belgar. Regis, Primo Rectore. F .'. J. Defrenne Magnus Oriens Conditur Bruxellis xxiii Die Duodec, Mensis A.L.. VMDCCCXXXII.,” in eight lines. (To the greater glory of God, under the happy auspices of Leopold, King of the Belgians, Bro. J, Defrenne, being the first ruler, a Grand Orient is founded at Brussels, the 23rd day of the 12th month (Dec.), in the year of light 5832.)

Engraved in M,, Plate 8; in Z.. Book 6,Plate 2; and in A. Q.R., 1859, Page 185.


45 mm. Bronze
