
Jewel & Medal Collection - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry
Silver Medal: Silver Wedding of William, King of Prussia. Berlin 1854
Date:- 1854 - Classification:- Person; Marriage; Anniversary
Country of Origin:- Germany - Province/Region/District:- Bayern und Sachsen
Order:- Craft (& Freemasonry General)
This fine medal is similar to No. 124. I am informed that the dies of these medals are kept in the Imperial Mint at Berlin, and that the Emperor William presents an impression to every Brother in Berlin who celebrates his Silver Wedding, as a remembranceof his own Silver Wedding on 11th June, 1854.
Obverse.—Accolated busts to the right of William I. and Augusta, as King and Queen of Prussia, the former naked and the Queen wearing a necklace and coronet. Inscription, “Wilhelm, Konig v. Preussen, Augusta, Kon v. Pr. C. Pr. v. Sachseo” (William, King of Prussia, and Augusta, Queen of Prussia and Crown Princess of Saxony). Below, in very small letters, “W. Kuhlrich F.”
Reverse.—---Within a raised wreath of oak and ivy loaves, bound together at foot with two bands crossed, an inscription in 12 lines,“Z. E. I D. xi. ,leni, 1854 I — — D. Br Gustav Sehutze I V. D. L. Z. D. 3 Seraphim 0.) Z Berlin U. Seiner Fran. Hahda Gab Bermanu Zur Silb: I Hochzeit D.21 August 1869” (To commenorate the 11th June, 1854. The Silver Wedding of Bro. Gustav Schdtzo, of the Lodge of the 3 Seraphims Orient of Berlin, and of his wife IIalda, née Bormaun, which occurred 21st August, 1869).
50 mm. Silver