
Jewel & Medal Collection - Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry
Silver Medal: Centenary of the Introduction of Masonry into Germany. Hamburg 1837
Date:- 1837 - Classification:- Centenary; Order/Governing Body
Country of Origin:- Germany -
Struck to commemorate the Centennial of the Lodge which issued No. 108 in this collection, under the circumstances already described. Merzdorf says there were five or six struck in gold, some in silver, and a great number in bronze.
Obverse.—The interior of a temple, in which is an altar draped, having on the frontal the square and compasses; upon the altar lies the bible. The temple shows two rooms with arched roof, the rear supported by Ionic columns, and that in front by square columns. In the space between the arches are cherubims. The rooms are separated by a rail. The front apartment has a Mosaic pavement. Legend, “Primum in Germania Conditum Latomorum Templum Hamburgi D. 6 Dcc., 1737” (The first German Masonic Lodge. founded In Hamburg December 6, 1737). In exergue, on left, in very small letters, “Alsing” (the name of the coiner in the Altona mint).
Reverse.—The star or token of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg—a diamond or square suspended by a ribbon from one corner, surrounded by rays, forming a glory of sixteen points. On this is placed a smaller square diagonally with the first, within which is the tower of Hamburg, surrounded by the square and compasses, placed so as to form a third square, its sides parallel with those of the outside one. Legend, “ Sodalitas Latomorum Hamburgensis Prima Celebrans Secularia D. 6 Dec., 1837” (The Masonic Fraternity of Hamburg celebrating their Centennial, Dec. 6, 1837.
42 mm. Silver